Plane Master Copy

Chapter 830: : Dr. Strange

As the saying goes, the stones of other mountains can attack jade, and the metal knight ranks sixth among S-class heroes in the one-punch superman level. It can be said to be top-level for the production of mechanical bodies.

After wearing these armors, the bald heads of the Taoyuan Mission can be said to be extremely powerful, and they can smash a high-rise building with one punch. Such power is almost like a Hulk.

Tony's steel armor is indeed very strong, but in terms of destructive power, it is mainly bombing with hot weapons. Want him to wear steel armor to smash a high-rise building directly? That is impossible.

Therefore, in Wu Yan's view, if these armors are handed over to Tony for research, it should make him a lot of gains.

Although it has not been carefully tested, as a veteran who has developed steel armor for so many years, Tony can see the extraordinaryness of these armors at a glance.

Therefore, this gift from Wu Yan can be said to make Tony very satisfied.

After putting away these armors for the time being, the only remaining members of the Avengers got together, until late at night, they went back to rest.

"Sister Natasha, goodbye ..." Wu Yan was going back to the room to rest. Wu Meng naturally followed, but before she left, she waved to Natasha and said goodbye.

"Well, bye, younger sister ...".

Squinting to see Xiao Meng was actually resting with Wu Yan, Natasha's face showed a sloppy smile, said the same greeting, and then watched Wu Yan and Xiao Meng left.

At night, Wu Yan was lying quietly on his bed and fell into a deep sleep. Although the flesh rested in a deep sleep state, Wu Yan's soul did not rest, but borrowed the power of the soul gem. Continue meditation practice.

Because of injuries, physical training is not possible, but spiritual and soul training is not a problem.

For the past six months, Wu Yan's practice of borrowing spiritual gems has never stopped.

Of course, Xiao Meng will not be idle. Tonight, the moonlight is thick. If you open the window, you can see the bright moonlight on the outside directly. Xiao Meng sat quietly on the window sill, closed her eyes, and started Supernatural powers that run on the moon.

I have been practicing for so long, Xiao Meng's Moon Eater and Sun Magic have improved a lot. In terms of cultivation, the growth rate has also become very fast.

Under her overbearing supernatural powers, countless essences of the moon were forcibly absorbed by her, and looking at it, the moonlight within dozens of miles seemed to be dim.

Anyway, there is a bright moonlight that converges towards Xiaomeng's side, and forms a strong contrast with the dimness of other places around.

At night, the black widow Natasha didn't sleep, she took a glass of red wine in her hand, and quietly leaned on the balcony.

Although Bruce Banner and Wu Yan are back, this is indeed a good thing, but at this time, Natasha remembered the missing Wanda, Captain America and the Falcons, and they did n’t know Wherever she went, Natasha felt bored.

嗯 "Huh? What's that?" But when she came to the balcony with a glass of wine, a bright beam of light not far away caught Natasha's attention.

Moonlight is distorted and converges towards a place. Such a vision is unusual in any way.

And, judging from this light, it seems that the moonlight is totally gathered, right?

Surprised in her heart, Natasha lowered the wine glass in her hand, jumped forward, and jumped out flexibly.

Quickly, Natasha, standing on the roof, could see the truth from a distance. In this beam of light, Xiao Meng sat cross-legged.

She closed her eyes as if she was asleep, and under the light of this beam, she looked like a noble and holy goddess.

Beauty, the black widow is very confident about her appearance, but she feels a lot of wounds about her experience and heart, and she can be said to be a woman who has experienced hardships.

Seeing Xiao Meng, who was bathed in the moonlight like a goddess, Natasha could not help but feel a sense of envy and self-defeating.

"Wu Yan's own ability is very amazing. I never expected that Wu Meng was not an ordinary person ...", looking at Xiao Meng who was bathed in the moonlight quietly, after a long time, Natasha's heart Whispered.

It seems that because of Wu Yan's relationship, Wu Meng should also join the Avengers?

的 The vision of the night was not only noticed by Natasha, but naturally, everyone else also noticed it.

的 The people in the Avengers saw this scene, joy is more than surprised, after all, they want more and more members of the Avengers, not stronger?

I look at Wu Meng's appearance, it should be a super soldier.

Of course, as far as people outside saw this scene, they were surprised.

I can see that this vision appeared from the base of the Avengers, and it was not too shocking.

At the beginning of the battle in New York, it can be said that everyone in the world knew about the existence of the Avengers, and let the whole world know that there are a group of super soldiers hidden here.

I got together and got together, it was considered to know the situation of everyone in the organization. Tony put on his steel armor directly in the early morning and flew in the direction of the Stark Building.

I took a rest for a night, and now Tony is a little impatient and wants to go back and study the armor and equipment that Wu Yan gave him.

"Wu Yan, if you have time, remember to come and sit at the Stark Building ...", when flying away, Tony Stark also opened an invitation to Wu Yan.

"I don't think you just want to invite me, but you want me to work for you, right?" For Tony Stark's invitation, Wu Yan didn't give him the face and directly pierced his mind.

"Well, if your ability matches with me, it will be seamless, so there are some places where you can really help me." It was directly pierced. With Tony Stark's cheek, naturally I will not feel embarrassed. , Said frankly.

"Well, okay, I'll visit you in a few days", nodded slightly, Wu Yan did not refuse, but promised.

After the simple gathering, the people who should leave also left, and Thor took those of Asgard to start the life of settling the earth. In a short period of time, it should not leave.

Tony also went back to researching the latest steel armor, and it should take a lot of time to think about it.

Alas, Bruce Bannerer stayed.

"Well, it's rare to come back, should I go to Karma Taj too?" After Tony and Thor left their front and rear feet, Wu Yan also thought of leaving, and wanted to go to Karma Taj's side. Take a trip.

In any case, when he was at Kama Taj, Master Gu Yi did help himself. When he returned this time, Wu Yan was of course going to meet her.

I went as soon as I thought about it, and Wu Yan spoke directly to the black widow and Bruce, saying that she would be away for a few days.

离开 "Leave? Are you just back? Where are you going?", Wu Yan will also leave, Black Widow and Bruce Banner, both looked at Wu Yan strangely.

"Rest assured, I'm not leaving the earth, I'm just going to see an old friend", Wu Yan shrugged and explained.

"Oh, that's good." After listening to Wu Yan's explanation, both Black Widow and Bruce nodded.

"Yes, Xiao Meng, have you stayed here to wait for me these days?" Wu Yan's eyes fell on Xiao Meng's body again and he said.

Kama Taj's side is a profession of magician, and Xiao Meng's identity is zombies, who knows what kind of attitude people will have on Kama Taj's side.

So if you can avoid the trouble, try to avoid it.

"Okay, brother", Xiao Meng nodded, a good appearance, no objection.

"Well, Xiao Meng, follow me these days ...", the black widow's eyes fell on Xiao Meng's body, and she said with a kind smile on her face.

Maybe Xiao Meng is currently the only woman here, and she and Xiao Meng have many common topics.

He is also the so-called fate.

Since seeing Xiao Meng's first glance, the black widow feels that it is quite pleasing to her.

"Okay, sister Natasha, please take care of me these days ...", Xiao Meng nodded to Natasha, very polite.

"Rest assured, we will take care of your Dr. Bruce Banner next to ~ ~, at this time also said, opening a wave of presence.

He just, for Bruce Banner's words, Xiao Meng just glanced at him obliquely, his eyes were cold.

Bruce: "...".


Not to mention what kind of mind Bruce was at this time. After greeting, Wu Yan directly reached out and constructed a space-time portal to Karma Taj, and then directly passed over.

On Karma Taj's side, as Wu Yan appeared, many magic apprentices came over.

Looking at this magic, I know that it is the magic passed by Kama Taj, but suddenly, someone appeared with this trick, naturally attracting everyone's attention.

"Hey, Master Hamill, hello ...", came over from the portal of time and space, looked at the surrounding masters, and one of them, Wu Yan, said hello.

Mage Hamill is an old mage whose palm is broken by Tamar Kama.

"Oh, Mr. Wu Yan. After seven years of disappearance, have you finally returned?", Master Hamil apparently recognized Wu Yan and said.

"咦? Who is this gentleman?" At this time, a male voice rang, and a mage, about 30 or 40 years old, came up.

"Master Strang, this is Mr. Wu Yan. He practiced with Master Gu Yi seven years ago. At the same time, he is also a member of the Avengers ...", Master Hamil next to him introduced.

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