Plane Master Copy

Chapter 822: : Imperial Capital Awakeners' Union

In the last days, the trust between people has almost disappeared. Wu Yan naturally knows this.

Although they saved the two of them by themselves, they were also alert to themselves. This is not surprising at Wuyan.

Wu Yan nodded slightly for the two people's thanks, and did not mean to say anything to them. He turned around and was about to leave.

The two men, one man and one woman, are very good, and the number of crystal points has reached about 3,000. When placed on the side of Dalongshan, it can be regarded as a rare master, but now Wu Yan is in a hurry to go The emperor walked away, so there was no meaning of extracurricular branches.

3000 crystal points are indeed good, but when these two people saw Wuyan them, their crystal measuring device also responded.

The crystal point number of Yanwuyan is a bit higher than them. They are not surprised, but looking at Xiao Meng next to them, the crystal point number surpasses the 10,000 mark. They are even more surprised. Are the fifth-level awakeners?

Although there are vigilances about Wu Yan and Xiao Meng, this is just the way to survive in the last days. Seeing that Wu Yan and Xiao Meng turned and left directly, they did not mean to start. A woman, secretly relieved, relieved a lot.

"Wait, two people, don't know how to call them?" Seeing that Wu Yan left without dragging his feet, one of the men suddenly spoke and asked Wu Yan and Xiao Meng.

"Do you have anything? Straight ..." Wu Yan and Xiao Meng, sitting directly on the back of Dragonscale Tiger, were preparing to take off, heard the words, and looked back at them both. .

Calm, not enthusiastic, but the same, not indifferent.

"That's it. Both of us have been out of the emperor for a few days. At this time, we are very weak. Can we go down the road if the two go back?" Seeing that Wu Yan didn't waste time humiliating, this man also No more nonsense, and stated his purpose.

After saying this, it seemed that Wu Yan felt that he had a conspiracy, and then said: "Relax, both of us are weak now, and your strength is so strong, we will not threaten you."

"The imperial capital? You came from the imperial capital? Isn't this far from the imperial emperor?" After hearing the man's words, Wu Yan's focus was obviously different from what the man said, and he asked.

"Yes, here is another two hundred miles to NATO, the emperor, don't you know?" Wu Yan's words exited, but the two men were confused, and looked at Wu Yan strangely.

"By coincidence, I heard that Emperor is a super large survivor base with a population of more than one million, so I wanted to come to Emperor to see ..." Okay excuses, explained.

This remark is half-truth.

"Oh, the two are not the survivors of the Imperial Capital ...", hearing Wu Yan's words, the faces of the two men were surprised.

Such a powerful strength, is actually not a survivor of the imperial capital? It seems that other bases are also strong.

"Two people, we are members of the Emperor Capital Awakeners' Union. Since the two want to go to the Emperor Capital, let us guide you ...", I wanted to go back to the Emperor Capital together with Wuyan, the security is higher, now , Even more under the name of a guide to the other party.

"Awakeners' Union?".

Wu Wenyan said that Wu Yan's heart moved a little, and then he nodded, and said, "Yeah, we have never been to Emperor Capital. In that case, I will bother you two."

"No trouble, no trouble ..." Seeing that Wu Yan finally agreed, the man, the woman and the two laughed and relaxed a lot.

Weak injuries, in the case of both of them, are not easy to go back to the emperor.

Originally, Wu Yan and Xiao Meng were preparing to fly on the back of Dragon Scale Tiger. Now, with two more people, Dragon Scale Tiger naturally couldn't sit down, and everyone walked forward towards the capital. Went in the direction.

During this period of time, Wu Yan and the two had a chat with each other and asked about the situation in the capital.

In fact, when the three of Ai Xi were in Changshi, Wu Yan already knew something about the imperial capital from their mouths.

百万 A metropolis with a population of one million is naturally not an iron bucket.

For example, in Hero City, in addition to Zhao Chuxiong's power as the city's main force, there are also Yihe Liu, Lei Yan Mercenary Corps, and the brotherhood where Zhao Lei is located. These forces are also not small, making Zhao Chuxiong dare not underestimate.

In addition to Emperor Capital, in addition to the awakening army where the ruler's head is located on Emperor Capital, this awakening guild is also a huge force.

In that year, it seemed that because of the eruption of the last days, the people voluntarily formed a force in order to oppose the army's rule and protect their power.

Walk and talk, Wu Yan also knows about the situation of the two men. The man is called Li Zhiwang and the woman is Ai Haiqing. They belong to the high-level of the Awakened Guild and each brings an explorer team. The purpose is To explore the terrain around the capital.

However, this time they went a long way and encountered a fifth-order evolutionary beast, which led to the annihilation of the entire army.

If it wasn't for their strength, which could support the arrival of Wu Yan, maybe they also fell asleep and died in that cocoon.

"Wu Yan, if you have arrived in the Imperial City and want to register with the Awakened Workers' Union, I can lead you to it. As long as you become a true Awakened, the union will issue a certain amount of money on time every week. The more ... "Between walking, Li Zhiwang was very enthusiastic and introduced.

"Are you joining the trade union?", Wu Yan didn't move on the surface, but secretly thought about it.

Although the so-called trade union is a big force, in fact it is relatively loose.

After registration, the union cannot arrange tasks compulsively, so it is very free.

最大 The biggest feature of the existence of a trade union is that it provides a platform for members to communicate with each other, such as the exchange of resources between materials, and so on. To a certain extent, the receipt of remuneration can be regarded as maintaining the normal operation of the union.

Of course, in addition, the union has also contracted the role of employment tasks, there are many reward tasks in the union, and you can even publish tasks for other union members to complete ...

Xi Wuyan's purpose was to take a good look at Didu. Naturally, he did not alarm anyone's thoughts. This relatively loose and free awakening union seemed to be a good choice.

Of course, Wu Yan didn't mean to promise to come down, everything, still have to wait for him to arrive at the capital, a little understanding of the situation before it's too late.

I walked around and talked, and soon, Wu Yan saw the outline of the imperial capital.

To be honest, before the end of the last century, the geographical location of the imperial capital was not very good. It was not as fertile as Jiangnan. However, it is the capital of a country. Therefore, it has just built an extremely prosperous super big here. city.

The eschatology erupted and the world fell. However, when the eschatology erupted, it resisted all of this. Coupled with the four-year operation of the eschatology, in the distance, there are many high-rise buildings in the capital. In the case of the high wall, the scene of this imperial capital has not changed much from before the last days.

Looking at the Imperial Capital from afar, the excellent eyesight allows Wuyan to clearly see the sights within the Imperial Capital, and all this makes Wuyan feel secretly, and at the same time, his footsteps are intensified a lot.

The emperor's capital built a wall that was more than ten meters high and a thick wall covered with various runes and magic arrays, which was obviously used to strengthen the city wall.

At the gate of the imperial capital, although there are some powerful awakeners guarding, but mainly to maintain order and prevent powerful zombies from approaching, seeing Wuyan, they do not look like zombies, they did not interrogate, and let go .

He stepped into the imperial capital in a hurry, and after really seeing the scene inside, Wu Yan's footsteps stopped, and the whole person looked completely dumbfounded.

There are many high-rise buildings, and many cars can come and go on the road. The scene in the entire imperial capital is a peace ...

All these things made Wu Yan seem to have an illusion, an illusion that he was still living before the last days.

Although Wu Yan crosses all realms, such as One-Punch Superman, Avengers, X-Men, these are also planes with modern background. However, among these planes, Wu Yan does not have a sense of belonging, so Seeing the sight of the imperial capital, this mood is completely incomparable to other planes.

"Is this the emperor capital ~ ~ Looking at everything in front of him, Wu Yan's heart murmured secretly.

Li Zhiwang and Ai Haiqing, who were next to him, saw Wu Yan's shock and emotion, and did not bother.

I just looked at Wu Yan's appearance, and they could be sure in their hearts that they really came to the capital for the first time.

"Although the Emperor has done his best to maintain the pre-apocalyptic scene, but unfortunately, there are still many changes ..." After waiting for a long time, Wu Yan gathered his emotions, Li Zhiwang said.

Wu Wenyan said, Wu Yan nodded and looked carefully, it is indeed a little different from before the last days.

First of all, many awakened people in military uniforms will patrol the emperor's capital. The weapons, swords, and halberds held in the hands of these awakened people vary.

Also, although many cars can be seen on the wide road, many beasts of various shapes can be seen in the same way.

Should be the summoner of other awakeners, or pets, even mounts and the like, just like Wu Yan also carries dragon scale tigers around him.

Of course, the main change is the population density.

The imperial capital before the last days was a super city with a population of ten million. But now, the population of this imperial capital is only one million. Therefore, it seems that the population is much smaller than before the last days. The crowded feeling before.

Of course, it can be seen that, at the end of the year, although the Emperor Capital was held, there was no doubt that the casualties were severe.

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