Plane Master Copy

Chapter 820: : Level 5 Evolutionary Beast

The writing chakra, on the plane of Naruto, is enough to penetrate most of the blood relay limits of illusion. Realizing that he may have the illusion, Wu Yan decisively opened the power of the kaleidoscope to write chakra.

Only, with the pair of kaleidoscope writing wheels of Wuyan carefully glancing around, Wuyan's strong eyesight made Wuyan look real and real. Everything around him was a real scene without any illusion.

Of course, the jade in front of him looks completely real, and he can't detect that it is a false appearance.

With a loud grunt, Saitama punched him over with his fist, and the horrible force made Wuyan's color change.

Not only does the crystal display show more than 270,000 points, Wu Yan himself can feel the power contained in the jade.

A serious one-strike attack is enough to completely destroy the terrain within hundreds of miles around, and even break the continental plate.

For a while, he couldn't figure out the real situation. How could Wu Yan dare to fix it? In addition, Xiao Meng and Dragonscale Tiger beside Wu Yan also disappeared. Even if they wanted to perform a duel, they had no goal at all.

Yan Wuyan could only withdraw quickly. The ability of the nightwalker started, and his body turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared. When it appeared again, it was already hundreds of meters away.

"Illusion, this must be illusion. It is impossible for Saitama to appear in this world, but this illusion can't even see through the kaleidoscope? Then try the reincarnation!".

Xu took a deep breath, and after the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye of Wuyan quickly rotated a few times, it rippled like ripples, turning into a lavender eye of reincarnation.


Only, under the vision of the reincarnation eye, Wu Yan found that the surrounding scene had not changed. At the same time, the frustrated Saitama's body moved, and once again fell on Wu Yan's face.

The speed was ridiculously fast, and the huge fist slammed hard at Wu Yan.

"It seems that this is an illusion that cannot be penetrated by reincarnation eyes?" And found that after turning on the reincarnation eyes, the surrounding scene is still the same, which shocked Wu Yan's heart secretly.

Immediately, he bit his teeth slightly, and in a pair of pupils, he could suddenly see the flicker of fire: golden eyes of fire!

能力 The fire-eyes and golden-eyes ability copied from Sun Wukong on the westward plane is enough to penetrate all the illusions.

Since it is determined that this is an illusion, even the kaleidoscope can't write through the revolving eye and the reincarnation eye, then it can only rely on the ability of fire eyes and golden eyes.

Sure enough, although this illusion is so terrible, the surrounding scene has finally changed in front of the golden eyes' ability.

All the heavens and earth, all turned into countless pink mists, dissipated. The jade jade that had rushed towards Wuyan aggressively disappeared in the same pink mist.

After the illusion was penetrated by the golden eyes of the fire eye, Wu Yan was able to find that Xiao Meng and Dragonscale Tiger next to him were all immersed in the illusion, and were fighting madly with invisible enemies.

Even in the battle of illusions, he was injured.

Looking around again, all of them and others fell into a dense forest, and in the distance, all pink silk threads were entangled and turned into big cocoons and hung on the tree.

Wu Wuyan walked over and looked at it, tearing a big cocoon, and he could see a person sleeping inside.

Obviously, these people dominated by illusions were eventually imprisoned in these pink cocoons.

"My golden eyes with fire eyes, although able to penetrate these illusions, but there is no way to help Xiao Meng unlock the illusions, it seems that you must find a guy who secretly performs illusions."

I slammed it a few times, and even gave a few slaps, but those who slept in the big cocoon didn't have any sense of awakening. Wu Yan understood the horror of this illusion.

He looked at Xiaomeng and Dragonscale Tiger who were immersed in illusion and seemed to fight the invisible enemy. After Wuyan groaned for a moment, he lifted his palm and the Qingdi sword appeared in Wuyan's hand.

Then, the long sword waved, and the pink cocoons that fell on the tree one by one were split open, so that everyone inside them fell down.

Wu Yan is very clear, although I do n’t know what the guy behind the illusion is, whether it is a human awakener, a zombie, or an evolutionary beast. Since this illusion is still maintained, it is very likely that there is a black hand behind the scenes Just staring in the dark.

These people are imprisoned in the big cocoon, which obviously has a role. If you rescue these people yourself, the guy behind the scenes will certainly not sit idly by.

Sure enough, as Wu Yan split one by one large cocoons and rescued the people inside, suddenly, the pink smoke gathered and turned into a tiger, and rushed towards Wu Yan.

But, driven by the power of fire and golden eyes, Wu Yan glanced at the tiger. In front of Wu Yan, the tiger instantly turned into smoke and dissipated.

"If you have the ability to jump out directly, hide in the dark to play these magical tricks, sculpting insect tricks ...", after using the power of fire eyes and golden eyes to destroy the ability of the other party, Wu Yan also said whether the other party could understand.

With Wu Yan's words falling, various attacks followed.

Some are beasts created by illusion, some are weapons made by illusion, such as swords, swords, and swords. However, in the face of the power of fire and golden eyes, these so-called illusions are like snow in front of the sun. effect.

"Awful illusion, thanks to the ability of Sun Wukong's fire-eye gold eyes to be strong enough, otherwise, we all have to account here today." Although the ability of fire-eye gold eyes completely restrained all this, Wu Yan's heart secretly feared.

I can't even write the illusion of repetition and reincarnation. Who can resist this ability?


With the ability of fire eyes and golden eyes, after seeing through the weapons and beasts made by illusion one by one, suddenly, it was a few pink silk threads, like a sharp arrow, shot towards Wuyan.

For such attacks, Wu Yan continued to see through them with the ability of fire eyes and golden eyes.

Only, under the ability of the golden eyes of the fire eye, these pink silk threads have not changed at all, which makes Wu Yan's heart tight.

攻击 The attacks of these silk threads are not illusions! ? Using so many illusions as a cover for the attack, is this the actual attack actually the purpose?

Several consecutive silk attacks cannot be blocked, even if they are blocking skills.

Yan Wuyan's eyes were slightly condensed, and the ability of the nightwalker was activated. Below these wires, Wu Yan's body turned into a burst of smoke and dissipated. When it appeared again, it was already tens of meters away.

After using the nightwalker's ability to avoid the attack, Wu Yan moved and ran towards the position of the silk thread.

Since this attack is not an illusion, then the position where the silk line shoots out should be the position of the black hand behind the scenes.

Sure enough, Wu Yan didn't take a few steps, and her eyes suddenly opened up. A huge moth appeared in front of Wu Yan.

The whole body of pink moth is ten meters away, and a pair of wings are slightly agitated, allowing many pink smoke to permeate. Obviously, the initiator of all this is this huge moth.

Didi Didi!

As Wu Yan's gaze fell on this huge moth, the number on the crystal measuring instrument jumped for a while, and immediately, a high number appeared in front of Wu Yan: 10870!

"More than 10,000 crystal points? Is this a fifth-order evolutionary beast?" Looking at the crystal points of this moth, Wu Yan was surprised.

晶 The number of crystal points is not low, which makes Wu Yan's face look dignified.

He is not healed now. It is not easy to deal with this fifth-order evolutionary beast forcibly. The biggest help is that Xiao Meng is caught in illusion and cannot help. This is the most distressing thing now.

This moth naturally saw Wu Yan appearing in front of him, and a fierce and sharp shout came out of his mouth. This sound was very sharp, as if a steel needle was scratched on the iron sheet, which made people listen very much. Discomfort.

Xi Wuyan reached out his hand involuntarily, covering his ears.

After making a vicious shout from his pout, the moth's wings vibrated fiercely and flew up.

However, this moth did not rush towards Wuyan. Instead, it turned directly and fled away.

Yes, as a fifth-order evolutionary beast, this moth is so fierce, but timid as a mouse, he turned and ran away.

"Is this a trap? Or is it really so timid ~ ~ I was still alert to the attack of this fifth-order evolutionary beast, watching it decisively turn and escape, Wu Yan stunned for a while, Some are uncertain.

As a fifth-order evolutionary beast, Xu is so timid, this is the first time Wu Yan saw it.

Although hesitated, but almost died in the hands of this evolutionary beast, where would Wu Yan sit and watch it escape?

She raised her hand, and the wedding ring on Wu Yan's hand flashed a little, then the space was twisted for a while, and then Zhao Lei fell directly from the air.

"Hey, Wu Yan, are you hunting down the fifth-order evolution beast?" Zhao Lei, who appeared, saw Wu Yan and naturally understood what was going on. He saw the fleeing moth with a surprise on his face. Color.

Can even fifth-order evolution beasts hunt? Is this guy really hurt? Is the existence of the purple god-level layout really so scary?

"Stop it, chase it! Such a powerful monster can't let it run away," Wu Yan said without talking about Zhao Lei's nonsense.

"Okay, look at me!", Nodded, knowing that time was running out, Zhao Lei's hand was raised.

Suddenly a thunderbolt appeared in the sky, chopped down fiercely, and successfully hit the moth.

Because of the equipment, Zhao Lei can put in the skill books of other professions and possess the skills of other professions. The magic of lightning strikes is obviously a magician's skill.

The moth, who was struck by lightning, screamed and dropped directly from mid-air.

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