Plane Master Copy

Chapter 792: : Dragon's Blood

The Deep Sea King is just a small boss with a punch of Superman plane. Wu Yan naturally does not care about its life and death.

After determining the safety of the undocumented knight, Wu Yan turned and returned to his supermarket.

It can be seen that many nearby buildings have been attacked and damaged, and only their own supermarket is still intact.

Sonic leaned lightly on the wall, holding a white handkerchief in his hand, and was carefully wiping the knife in his hand. At the entrance of the supermarket, dozens of monsters of the deep sea race were all chopped melon and vegetables. Beheaded.

"Mr. Wu Yan, you are back ..." Seeing Wu Yan return, Sonic hurriedly inserted the knife in his hand into the scabbard behind him, trotting into Wu Yan's front, looking charming. I did not see the attitude of the lonely ninja before.

This look made Wu Yan feel very uncomfortable. Even in the original book, he was educated several times by Saitama, and Sonic kept his pride as a ninja.

"You helped me to protect the supermarket, I thank you, but you still want to follow me, I still won't agree ..." For Sonic, Wu Yan shook his head and said, obviously there is no meaning to relax.

The charming smile on Sonic's face froze.

However, Wu Yan didn't agree so easily, Sonic didn't feel surprised, just nodded and said, "No matter what, there should always be someone in your supermarket to help me? How about I apply here? I remember coming When you saw two cashiers in your supermarket running out, they were eaten by monsters from the deep sea tribe. "

Sonic's words wrinkled Wu Yan's brow slightly.

Indeed, if a clerk was eaten by a monster of the deep sea tribe, then even if the crisis of the deep sea tributary is resolved, there is still no clerk in his own shop. Naturally, he has to recruit a new clerk.

Wu Yan's eyebrows looked with a touch of thought. Although Sonic was willing to stay and work, Wu Yan also knows, but it doesn't seem to hurt him to simply leave him?

In any case, he and the undocumented knight are no longer there. He is here to kill so many deep-sea monsters, and he owes him a little humanity.

Sonic's eyes looked at Wu Yan with a look of anticipation. Since he didn't reject it, it means that he still has a chance. This is a breakthrough for Sonic.

For Sonic, who is determined to become the world's first ninja, the so-called ninjutsu and illusion are what he wants to obtain.

In Sonic's expectant eyes, after thinking about Wu Yan for a moment, he nodded, and agreed: "Well, if this is the case, you can stay for a while, and you will be a security guard in the supermarket. , Responsible for security in the supermarket. "

"Thank you boss! Rest assured, I will be responsible for the security work of the supermarket!" When Speaking of Wu Yan agreed, Sonic nodded seriously.

In any case, the incident of the Deep Sea invasion came to an end after the undocumented knight drove the Deep Sea King away. The remaining Deep Sea monsters also knew that the invasion had failed, so they all retreated from land. Go on.

The strength of the League of Heroes also quickly acted, and began the aftermath of the deep sea invasion.

Not long after, the tired and undocumented knight returned to the supermarket.

Wu Yan did not ask the whereabouts of the Deep Sea King, and the undocumented knight took the initiative to tell Wu Yan about it: "The speed of the Deep Sea King is very fast. I did not catch up with it, but only after killing some Deep Sea monster , It successfully jumped into the sea and escaped. "

"Well, run away and run away. The Deep Sea King is just a ghost-like disaster. It is of no consequence. I believe that after being run away this time, it will not dare to come to land on the ground." Wu Yan shook his head and said comfortably.

"Well, I see ..." After hearing Wu Yan's words, the undocumented knight nodded and understood that he did his best.

What's more, his goal is actually very clear, not for fighting, but for the ability to treat other heroes on the battlefield.

Therefore, the undocumented knight refocused his research on the healing of fairy art.

"By the way, Wu Yan, this sword is back to you ..." Before entering his new round of research, the undocumented knight sent Wu Xianjian to Wu Yan and said.

"I didn't say I lent it to you, but I gave it to you. Keep it for yourself ..." Wu Yan shook his head when he saw that the undocumented knight had to return the sword of the fairy to himself.

"This ...", a look of surprise on the face of the undocumented knight.

After using the Xianxian sword, the undocumented knight can better understand the strength of the Xianxian sword. However, he actually gave such a sword to himself?

This sword can be called a peerless soldier?

"Well, don't be fooled, I have a better one here ..." Wu Yan said with a smile, looking at the look of the undocumented knight suddenly.

Indeed, in terms of quality and strength, the Qingdi sword of the ancient magic soldiers is indeed a lot stronger than that of Xixian sword.

"Well, thank you so much!" It doesn't look like a joke to see Wu Yan. After this Deep Sea King incident, the undocumented knight can realize Wu Yan's extraordinaryness, so I won't say more. what.

However, after closing the sword, the undocumented knight turned and left.

However, after hesitating for a moment, his footsteps stopped again, and he turned to look at Wu Yan, and said, "Just when you and the Deep Sea King started, I saw that you also used the blocking skills, could it be me? These abilities of awakening are ... ".

Wu Yan nodded slightly, which was a response to the undocumented knight. This is the end of the matter, and Wu Yan does not need to hide it. Besides, there is nothing to hide about these things.

Wu Yan used the block in front of the undocumented knight and was not ready to hide it.

"Thank you!".

Seeing Wu Yan ’s nod, the undocumented knight suddenly realized that his lonely nine swords, ability to heal immortals, and the ability to block these are not awakening super powers, but the abilities that Wu Yan bestows on himself. After a serious thank you for it, he turned and left.

Watching the undocumented knight turn back and continue to study the power of healing magic, Wu Yan's mouth slightly raised. It seems that the undocumented knight is also very clever and knows what he needs, so he continues to study hard to cure the magic went.

In just four or five months, the healing fairy has been researched and developed to the present level. Wu Yan is looking forward to it, and in two months, what kind of level can the healing fairy of the undocumented knight be raised to.

Next, Wu Yan called and found the manager of the supermarket and asked him to take charge of the operation of the supermarket again.

Of course, the employees of the supermarket also have to be recruited again. After spending a day and temporarily arranging things in the supermarket, Sonic also changed into security clothing and officially took up his job in the supermarket and became a supermarket. Security.

And Wu Yan? After explaining everything, I went back to the Evolution House.

Several of the cultivated monsters have reached the critical point of full maturity. Wu Yan is very curious. Of course, he must look at these cultivated monsters with his own eyes.

After waiting another day, finally, the cultured monsters opened their eyes one after another, and Dr. Kenos also removed the culture fluid from the culture tank and released all the monsters.

"Mr. Wu Yan, Dr. Kenus ..." Although they are just monsters, these monsters are obviously implanted with a lot of relevant knowledge. One by one, respectfully greet Dr. Wu Yan and Dr. Kenos, and vomit. Speak.

"Very good, you are all very good ..." Seeing that these monsters can speak and remain loyal to themselves, Wu Yan smiled with a smile on his face and nodded with satisfaction.

There are nine monsters with a total of 1000 or more crystal points. In the real world, these are all fourth-order evolutionary beasts. Wu Yan is naturally very satisfied.

With the words of Dr. Kenos, if it takes some more time, will it not be able to produce many fourth-order evolutionary beasts in the future?

"Unfortunately, we don't have much material to cultivate stronger monsters." Although Wu Yan was quite satisfied with these monsters, Dr. Kenos shook his head and looked dissatisfied.

After all, he created monsters such as Asura Unicorn, and naturally the power of these monsters is not taken into account.

"Cultivate monsters? I have new ideas!".

Hearing the emotion of Kenos next to him, Wu Yan's heart moved a little, thinking about the physique of his Asgard protoss, and whether his own blood could be used to increase the power of the monster?

However, of course, his own blood would not be easily given to the other side, so Wu Yan thought of the dragon in the pet order.

Although the number of crystal points of Shenlong ~ ~ is not as much as a fifth-order evolutionary beast, but in any case, that is a dragon, right?

In theory, dragon blood should be able to increase the power of other beasts.

Thinking of this, Wu Yan took the pet order out, and then collected some dragon blood from Shenlong.

"These dragon blood will give you research to see if you can breed stronger monsters!".

After collecting some dragon blood, Wu Yan said to Kenos, who opened his mouth wide enough to put in a fist.

"Dragon? Was that the dragon in mythology and legend?" Wu Yan asked Dr. Kenos to return to God and looked at Wu Yan with excitement. This is the mythical creature in mythology and legend.

"Do you want these blood?" It didn't explain much, Wu Yan looked like he wanted to take back the dragon blood.

"Yes, I want!" Seeing Wu Yan's shrinking hands, Dr. Kenos hurriedly said, and snatched the dragon blood from Wu Yan's hands.


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