Plane Master Copy

Chapter 596: : The 17th plane crossing

"Eh? You mean, you've also awakened the overlord color?", Xiao Meng made Wu Yan's eyes widened and looked at her in wonder.

Previously, when Wu Yan copied the overlord color blood from Luffy, he had thought about how good it would be to copy overlord color to Xiaomeng.

Among so many people, Xiao Menghe is the one who has the best relationship with himself. If it is possible, what kind of overlord color, Asgard bloodline, writing chakras, and all kinds of knowledge and skills, Wu Yan is willing to brainstorm Copy it to her.

However, unfortunately, Xiao Meng's identity is zombie. Her disk space is in a damaged state for herself, and she has no way to copy the files to her. This is also a regret in Wu Yan's heart.

But did not expect that Xiao Meng actually developed the overlord color? Turns out, does she have the overlord qualifications herself?

"Yes, it's not strong enough yet, it's a little weak", Xiao Meng nodded, and then her mind was slightly frozen, and an invisible wave emanated from Xiao Meng's body.

Feeling the breath emanating from Xiaomeng, Wu Yan nodded.

Indeed, although it is still a little faint now, it is true that Xiao Meng's show was indeed overbearing and domineering, and this also made Wu Yan's heart secretly pleased.

In any case, the stronger Xiao Meng's strength is, the happier Wu Yan's heart will be.

If it is someone else, Wu Yan may still have some fear in his heart. If someone else is stronger than himself, will it pose a threat to himself?

But to Xiao Meng, Wu Yan has unconditional trust, Wu Yan also believes that she trusts herself unconditionally.

"Yes, the former master of the heroic city predicted that Xiao Meng was the so-called zombie queen. Since she is a zombie queen, she has the qualifications of a king and can develop a domineering color. It is not surprising that she is arrogant." Wu Yan also felt reasonable for Xiaomeng's overlord color.

It didn't take long for Wen Tianlie in the coma to wake up at noon, and his injuries were stable.

Later, Wu Yan and Xiao Meng came to Wen Tianlie.

"You didn't kill me?", Watching Wu Yan appearing, Wen Tianlie said with a surprised look on his face.

In his opinion, since he was defeated, Wu Yan would kill himself, right?

"Well, I think your strength is good. It is a pity to die like this, so I will give you a way of life, as long as you are loyal to me." Wu Yan did not mean to make a roundabout way, and said to Wen Tianlie with a single-edged opening. To their own conditions.

"What if I don't agree with you?", Without rushing to reply to Wu Yan, Wen Tianlie looked at Wu Yan seriously and said.

"If you don't agree, it will be useless to keep it. I will kill you." Without hesitation, Wu Yan answered directly that what was said was indeed what he thought.

"Then I just do n’t have a choice? I naturally promise you," Wu Yan answered. Wen Tianlie didn't think it was strange. He didn't think too much. Wen Tianlie gave his answer.

No one wants to die. Compared to surrender, Wen Tianlie feels that he can still live, which is more important than everything.

The former Nangong Lin had already been tortured by himself. Who knows if he can torture him in the future?

"Although I promised to submit to you, but I have something ugly to say at the front. If my strength rises beyond yours in the future, I will not obey your orders anymore." Although giving myself Reply, but after a moment of groaning, Wen Tianlie followed his words to Wu Yan, showing his attitude.

The reason why I surrender is just not enough.

"Rest assured, you have no chance to surpass me in this life," Wu Yan replied to Wen Tianlie's words.

These words also show that Wu Yan has a very strong self-confidence in his heart.

After all, I can cross the heavens and earth, and there is a lot more time than others. If I will be surpassed by others, I must be too lazy.

I am not afraid that he is growing fast, but that he is growing too slowly.

For example, Pei Yufeng and Guo Xiaoyan, they are still a long way from the level of the fourth-level awakeners, and they can no longer keep up with their own pace.

Wu Yan's words made Wen Tianlie's face a bit ugly. Although Wu Yan is now stronger than himself, in Wen Tianlie's opinion, as long as he works hard, there is still a chance to surpass him.

Wu Tianlie's heart was very unconvinced by Wu Yan's high look.

Regarding Wen Tianlie's dissatisfaction, Wu Yan smiled secretly in his heart. He may be dissatisfied. I hope he can maintain this dissatisfaction in the future. Otherwise, when the difference in strength between the two sides is really too big, But I can't keep up with my own pace.

"By the way, I'm afraid that there is a big gap between your strength and mine, so I will give you a gift", after a moment of groaning, watching Wen Tianlie as strong as a cow, Wu Yan said suddenly.

Between the words, the palm of the hand was flipped and another demon fruit was taken out.

"What is this?" Looking at the demon fruit in Wu Yan's hands, Wen Tianlie's face was surprised and asked strangely.

"Demon fruit, ancient animal species, Tyrannosaurus fruit", Wu Yan's eyes fell on Wen Tianlie's body, and he said.

"Demon fruit? What is this?" Wu Yan's words made Wen Tianlie stunned and said strangely.

"Uh, you don't even know the devil fruit? You haven't seen One Piece that year?", Wen Tianlie's words made Wu Yan a little dumbfounded, and asked strangely.

Take a closer look at the appearance of Wen Tianlie. It is about thirty years old. Should I have seen this age?

"I know One Piece's anime, but I haven't seen it," Wen Tianlie shook his head and said, while looking at the devil fruit strangely. Is this related to the anime?

"Well, you haven't seen it before, you know what's going on when you eat it. It's good for your strength improvement." Wu Yan shook his head and said without explaining too much.

After allowing Wen Tianlie to eat this demon fruit, Wu Yan waved his hand and let him slowly familiarize himself with the power of the devil fruit.

"I still have 19 demon fruits in my hand. It looks like someone is looking for them to cultivate." After giving the ancient tyrannosaurus fruits to Wen Tianlie, Wu Yan's heart groaned.

These demon fruits, if found suitable people to eat, I believe is also a very powerful force.

For the hero city, Wu Yan naturally treated the hero city as an enemy.

Thinking of identifying some people to eat the fruits of the devil, Wu Yan couldn't help but think of how many people were barely able to resist his domineering when he had the overbearing domineering.

However, immediately Wu Yan shook his head again. No, although the qualifications of those people were not bad, but the number of crystal points was too low. When they grew up, they didn't know what was going on.

Sure enough, sometimes it is not easy to find a few geniuses.

Time, day by day, the next day, Wu Yan and Xiao Meng, are familiar with everything in Titan City.

In addition to the official forces to which they belong, Titan City naturally also has several small forces, and Wu Yan also met them. It is considered that both sides are familiar with each other.

These people have no objection to Wu Yan's administration of Titan City.

After all, even Wen Tianlie has become a subordinate of Wu Yan, and has sworn allegiance to him, and there is naturally nothing else for others to say.

In Titan City, the Red Moon Business League is also a good force. Among them, there are three fourth-level awakeners sitting in town, but no one feels that the Red Moon Business League is bullying.

However, the life of the Red Moon Business League is very low-key, making it easy for them to ignore their existence.

This Red Moon Merchant League has let Wu Yan's heart secretly cheer up. Hero City has it, this Titan City has it, can it be elsewhere? Even every large survivor base has a Red Moon Business League?

I can feel that the Red Moon Business League is a very powerful organizational force. Therefore, Wu Yan will not rush to fight against it until he understands it.

Therefore, when Wu Yan found Nangonghua, Wuyan ordered Nangonghua to pay more attention to the side of the Red Moon Merchants Union.

In addition, in addition to this, Wu Yan also asked Nangonghua to quickly collect some materials that he could use.

At this moment, he has become the leader of the Titan City, and the Dalongshan base is also his own power. Therefore, Wuyan is preparing to build a fixed dimension gate that connects the Titan City and the Dalongshan base.

Unlike the magic that will automatically dissipate over time, once the dimension gate is constructed, it is always useful.

At the beginning, Wuyan was afraid that the contact between the Dalongshan base and the Hero City would be too easy, which would cause the Dalongshan base to be squeezed by the Hero City. But now, both bases are their own. Wuyan is naturally not afraid ~ ~ Nangonghua will naturally have no complaints about what Wu Yan ordered, nodded, and quickly gathered up.

However, collecting materials to build the dimensional gate will not be successful in a short time.

Therefore, in the following days, Wu Yan and Xiao Meng also stayed in Titan City to practice and waited ...

After half a month of blinking, the computer graphics on Wu Yan's palm became more and more perfect.

Seeing that his new plane crossing journey is about to begin, Wu Yan has also prepared some necessary materials, all of which are ready.

This night, Wu Yan sat quietly on the roof and drank, and Xiao Meng next to him leaned against Wu Yan's body. His delicate face was full of serenity and peace.

Finally, Wu Yan's palm was slightly hot.

Immediately, a space-time vortex appeared, and the figures of Wu Yan and Xiao Meng were involved, and the seventeenth plane crossing journey began ...

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