Plane Master Copy

Chapter 999: : Rolling throughout

From the point of crystal point, Yamu tea is slightly higher than the dead forest, and the number of crystal points has reached 32,000. This level of strength is indeed very strong.

However, Wuyan's crystal point number may not be as good as Yamu Tea, but with the increase in the Qingdi sword, even if there is a gap, it is not much different.

Therefore, in terms of strength, Wuyan and Yamu Tea are similar.

In terms of melee combat, although Yamu Tea's new Wolffang Wind Magic Fist is very exquisite and the attack speed is very fast, Wuyan can clearly see all of his writing wheel eyes that appear in the form of three hooks action.

Coupled with the exquisiteness of Dugu Jiujian, from the point of view, in terms of melee combat, naturally Wuyan has the upper hand.

"His swordsmanship is so good." As if every time he moves, the opponent's sword can break through his flaws first, which surprises Yamu Tea's heart secretly.

In terms of strength, he can't occupy any advantage, and his skills have been absolutely crushed. The possibility of studying to win this game seems very small.

"Good swordsmanship", the clin next to him naturally has some, watching the melee fighting between Wuyan and Yamu Tea, was also surprised by the exquisiteness of Wuyan Dugu Jiujian.

Strong in strength and exquisite swordsmanship. This is a powerful assistant. With his help, he will fight against the Saiyan invasion. Hopefully, it will be a little bigger.

call out!

After fighting for a while, his situation has been suppressed all the time. Of course, Yamu Tea understands that if he fights down, he must lose, so when he lifts his palm, the powerful breath converges in his palm and immediately turns into one. A basketball-sized energy ball was thrown directly towards Wuyan.

Seeing this scene, Wu Yan's brow frowned slightly, and immediately, his body moved and he avoided it.

Attacks of energy groups are commonplace in Dragon Ball's planes, but in any case, such pure energy attacks can be avoided.

After all, Napa in the original book was because of arrogance, and he was almost cut off by Klin's energy.

With Wu Yan's speed and dynamic vision, it is not very difficult to avoid the attack of this energy group. Seeing that the attack is oncoming, Wu Yan's body moves and he just hides in the past.

At the same time, Qingdi sword picked, taking this opportunity to bully towards Yamucha side.

However, just at this moment, Wu Yan saw Yamucha's face suddenly show a conspiratorial smile, her heart tightened.

Almost at the same time, Wu Yan's mental strength felt the approach of the energy attack and came from the back.

It's too late to turn around and dodge again, Wu Yan's body instantly turned into a ray of smoke to dissipate, almost at the same time, when it reappeared, it was already tens of meters away, which was the nightwalker's ability to move instantly.

"What kind of ability was that?" The first time I saw Wu Yan's ability to move in this moment, both Yamucha and Klin beside him looked at each other and looked at each other.

It's just that not only the two of them were surprised by Wu Yan's ability. Similarly, Wu Yan was secretly surprised when he looked at the energy mass suspended in Yamu Tea's hands.

Just after this mass of energy attack was hid by myself, it seems to fly back by himself?

If it wasn't for the ability to move instantly, you might have been hit just after attacking yourself?

In the Dragon Ball plane, long-range attacks by energy groups are not uncommon. For example, the most famous turtle-style qigong is this. However, after all the energy groups have been fired, they all look like bullets that can't be discharged. Controlled.

But this Yamu tea attack can still be controlled from a long distance?

I was surprised by this trick of Yamu Tea. Immediately, Wu Yan felt a little familiar and groaned secretly. It seemed that I remember the original book of Dragon Ball. Yamu Tea used this method at the First World Budo Convention?

Remember, it seems that it was used by Yamucha against the **** ‘xian’ who owns it. This trick seems to be called ...

"Hey, Wu Yan, just yours, is it a superb moving skill? It ’s so fast", but in my heart, Klin was still reluctant to believe Wu Yan's ability to move instantly, only to think it was a fast You can't even see the mobile skills.

"No, I just used it to move instantly." For Klin, Wu Yan said, shaking his head.

"Momentary movement? Is there really such a magical power in the world? Then, how can you fight it?" After hearing Wu Yan's confirmation, Klin said with a strange expression.

For combat, being able to move instantly can be said to be invincible to a certain extent, right?

"No, there is no absolutely invincible ability in this world." Relatively speaking, the Yamu tea next to it should be a bit more mature. He shook his head when he heard the words, opened his posture between words, and once again turned to Wuyan. Rushed over.

"Let's do it together", watching Yamu Tea coming over, Wu Yan shook his head secretly, and said to the next Klin.

Although the number of crystal points is an important benchmark for measuring a person's strength, it is not the only measure.

This is even more the case for Wuyan with diversified capabilities. The number of crystal points is almost the same. Wuyan has never encountered anyone who can pose a threat to himself.

With two to one?

Although I do n’t think that Wu Yan ’s words are arrogant, as a dignified martial artist, he cannot do such things as two-on-one, whether it is Yamu tea or Klein, so for Wu Yan ’s words, Ke Lin did not obey ~ ~ melee combat, not an opponent, long-range attack? For Wu Yan who has the ability to move instantly, it seems nothing, he can easily hide away.

Therefore, after fighting for a while, Yamu Tea also knew that it had no hope of defeating Wuyan. Fortunately, it was just a matter of discussion. So Yamu Tea waved its hands and said it was over.

"What about Klin? Would you like to come up and try?" After Ya Mucha waved his hand to stop, Wu Yan's eyes fell on Klin next to him and asked.

"No, Yamu Tea has already played with you, and we know your strength. If I go up again, it won't change much." For Wu Yan's invitational battle, Kline waved his hand. Refused.

Yes, in melee combat, Yamu tea is not an opponent. If you go up, you can't do better than Yamu tea.

As for long-range attacks, Wu Yan's ability to move instantly can be used to hide it. Naturally, one's own attack will also hide.

Now that it can be expected, it is completely meaningless to go up and consult again.

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