Pirates: The biggest scum in naval history

Chapter 86 Who is the unlucky guy?

Having said this, Cyborg Kong, who had a solemn face, paused deliberately, as if waiting for some reaction.


The remaining people just looked at him quietly, as if waiting for him to continue.

Cyborg Kong:......

Okay, I almost forgot that these brats are some extraordinary monsters.

If it were the group of naval generals just now, they would probably be shocked or gasping now.

'I knew I wouldn't have kicked them out so early...'

Cyborg Hollow couldn't help but mutter.

However, the secrets of ancient weapons are of great importance, and it is indeed not suitable for ordinary naval generals to know too much.

I didn't expect that the legendary ancient weapons actually existed. It seems that the target of the Golden Lion is indeed this.

Sakaski pondered.

Kuzan scratched his head and said:

But this is what this ancient weapon sounds like, right? It can destroy an island with one blow... Can't Darren's Yama do the same?

Darren shook his head and said:

It's different. With Yama's ability, even if it's 100 times the maximum power, it can destroy a small or medium-sized island at most. And after one blow, you need to wait for a long time before you can use it again.

But ancient weapons... I always feel that their power is far greater than that of Yama.

The ability of Neptune White Star in the original plot came to his mind.

Summoning and controlling thousands of meters long super-large sea kings to fight on a large scale. If this ability were controllable, it would probably be possible to destroy an island or even change the terrain of a sea area.

If Poseidon, the King of the Sea, is so powerful, Pluto, the King of the Pluto, will naturally not be much less powerful.

Destroying an island with one shot... maybe just a random shot?

Cyborg Kong nodded and said cautiously:

In short, although the three ancient weapons have disappeared for a long time, and may even be buried in the long river of history, there is still a probability of existing in the world...

Once the Golden Lion is allowed to control this power of destroying the world, no one in this sea will be able to stop his ambition.

When everyone heard this, such a terrifying picture could not help but appear in their minds:

A huge battleship named Pluto, the king of Hades, was floated in the sky by the golden lion using his devil fruit ability, and appeared silently in the sky over the navy headquarters at a very long distance, and then...

One shot!

Kuzan couldn't help but shudder.

Sakaski's expression became increasingly gloomy.

Cold sweat broke out on Sengoku's spine.

——The Golden Lion must not be allowed to get any clues about ancient weapons! !

Such a thought came to everyone's mind.

With that guy's crazy behavior... who knows what kind of things he will do?

So Darren, what do you think?

Warring States became a little nervous at this time and couldn't help but look at Darren expectantly.

If the Golden Lion obtains ancient weapons, he doesn't know what will happen to Sakaski and the other natural-type brats after such a shot, but he, a flightless phantom beast from the Warring States Period... will definitely be blasted to smithereens. of.

Darren thought about it and took out a cigar.

Kuzan next to him immediately handed over the lighter with a smile.

After lighting the cigar and taking a deep puff, Darren muttered:

The Golden Lion's method of searching for clues about ancient weapons may be crude, but it is undoubtedly effective.

Although it is very time-consuming, sooner or later he will find relevant clues.

And the most important thing is, we can't stop him at all... we can only watch this happen.

Everyone nodded in agreement, their hearts gradually sinking.

The truth is cruel.

This is also the reason why the Golden Lion makes threats unscrupulously.

Even with the strength of the navy, it is helpless when faced with the arrogant and rogue ability of the Golden Lion.

But that doesn't mean there's nothing we can do.

Darren's style of painting suddenly changed, lighting up everyone's hearts.

Do you have any ideas? Warring States asked eagerly.

Although I don't know how effective it will be, I do have such an interesting idea. A malicious smile appeared on Darren's lips.

Seeing this smile, the corners of Zhan Guo's mouth twitched, and he always had a bad premonition.

Darren smiled and said:

We can directly tell him where the ancient weapons are.

The conference room suddenly became quiet.

Warring States:? ? ?

Counselor He:? ? ?

Cap:? ? ?

Cyborg Kong:? ? ?

They stared at Darren with wide eyes and confusion.

We don’t even know where the ancient weapons are?

How to tell him! ?

And even if we know the clues to the ancient weapons, we can’t tell the Golden Lion! !

Warring States reacted quickly, swallowed his saliva, and said in a hoarse voice:

You mean, tell him a false clue?

And we ambush him at his destination?

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes lit up.

No, false clues can't fool a cunning guy like Golden Lion.

Darren smiled and shook his head, exhaling a dragon-like smoke from his mouth.

Besides, if the ambush was useful to the Golden Lion, our navy would have arrested him long ago, and he wouldn't be here with a sad face.

Warring States was silent when he heard this.

Indeed, it would be difficult to deceive that bastard Golden Lion if the information and clues were true or false.

Even if he was lucky enough to be deceived and the navy set up an ambush in advance, he would not be easily fooled.

The Golden Lion's domineering attitude is not just for show.

What do you mean?

Cyborg Kong frowned.

Darren said with a half-smile:

We can send out a message through the underground world. The content of the message is very simple. It is nothing more than that a certain big pirate has obtained clues about ancient weapons.

In this way, there is no need for our navy to take action at all, and the Golden Lion will naturally find trouble for that unlucky guy.

After the words fell, Warring States suddenly stood up, his eyes bursting with astonishing light.


He couldn't help but growl.

At this time, others were gradually figuring out the flavor of Darren's conspiracy.

If the news released is that the clue is at a certain location, the Golden Lion will most likely be wary.

And when he actually goes to the specific destination to investigate and discovers that the information is false, he will naturally attack other islands and towns again and continue to look for clues about ancient weapons.

That doesn't stop the Golden Lion at all.

But if news is released that clues to ancient weapons are in the hands of a big pirate, that will be different!

The Golden Lion will start a protracted and fierce battle with that person, and may even be able to use this opportunity to weaken the power of the pirates in the New World!

But Darren, how can you guarantee that the Golden Lion will fight with the target of the false news instead of clarifying it directly?

At this time, Counselor He directly pointed out Darren's biggest flaw.

Everyone was stunned and began to think deeply.

Yes, what if the golden lion comes to the door, and the pirate confronts the golden lion, and then quickly clarifies the truth?

Wouldn't their efforts be in vain now?

Darren said calmly:

So the targets we choose cannot be Kaido and Big Mom, two guys who have a decent relationship with the Golden Lion.

Hearing this, Warring States opened his eyes wide.

Could it be...

At this time, Porusalino said with a smile:

So, who is the unlucky guy this time...?

Darren glanced at him and smiled:

Gol D. Roger.

Everyone was stunned.

Darren's words were like thunder, exploding in the depths of their minds.

Gol D. Roger! !

This is indeed the best choice! !

As we all know, Roger and the Golden Lion are old enemies. They formed a grudge during the Battle of the Valley of the Gods.

And the most important point is that with Roger's weird personality, once the Golden Lion comes to the door, he will never explain or clarify...

Once the two people meet and confront each other, there is no other possibility except the outbreak of conflict and war! !

Garp was the first to react, hugging Darren's neck with excitement and laughing:

Hahahaha!! Darren boy, I appreciate you more and more!!

Warring States glanced at Darren in surprise.

This kid... is so insidious!

He just said that the Golden Lion was insidious, but now it seems that he is the one with the most evil heart!

Facing everyone's different expressions, Darren just smiled.

He knew this plan would succeed.

Because what he released was not fake news at all.

Roger... indeed holds some clues to ancient weapons! !

And under such an arrangement, Golden Lion and Roger... will inevitably break out into an earth-shattering war!

The specific location...

Darren's narrowed eyes swept across the huge simulated sand table and quickly locked onto a certain location.

That location is marked with a specific name.

——Ait Wall Sea Area.





Merry Christmas!

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