As Chu Fan opened the top wooden lid of his small wine jug, Whitebeard, Golden Lion, and Roger all moved their noses.

But surprisingly, or no fragrance?

The three looked suspiciously towards Chu Fan’s position and found that above the wine jug, there was also a layer of plugs made of cowhide and oil paper.

After Chu Fan pulled out the plug, there was a wooden bolt made of dragon falling wood under the plug.

At this time, the space of this wine altar had gone down for a small half, and Chu Fan’s hand also touched the wooden bolt.

“Well, although I don’t know why your wine is not completely sealed, my wine will definitely not let the taste of the wine escape even a little until it is actually opened.”

So, witness the miracle. ”

Chu Fan pulled out the wooden bolt, and a rich wine aroma instantly covered all the surrounding crowds.

The wine that does not resemble the golden lion has a smell of the sea, the wine that does not resemble the white beard has a wheat aroma, and it does not resemble Roger’s wine, with the taste of fruit.

If you have to say, Chu Fan’s ancient soju brings the purest aroma.

At this time, Chu Fan also poured the wine into the bowl of the three, and then raised his own wine bowl with a smile.

“This wine is very strong, do you want to taste it?”

Whitebeard and Golden Lion looked at each other, and then laughed with Roger.

“Of course you have to drink!”

The three of them raised the wine bowl together and made contact with Chu Fan’s wine bowl, and then they all stood up high and drank it all at once.


Chu Fan had an understanding of this wine itself, but he had never drunk such an ancient shochu of such purity.

This wine is a very obvious heat flow when it is in the intestines, and then flows into the stomach, as if a flame burns directly, which is extremely enjoyable.

Feeling the spiciness in his mouth, Chu Fan also received the information of the system update.

[Physical fitness: C + promotion level – physical fitness: B].

When he saw this prompt, Chu Fan couldn’t help but be a little stunned.

Isn’t it harder to rise the further you go? How can a bowl of wine be upgraded by a small level?

[Because the host likes wine, wine and alcohol food are the things that can most activate the host’s gastronomic cells].

Thinking of this, Chu Fan also laughed.

In this case, it is almost the same.

“Well, sure enough, the boss’s wine is strong enough.”

Whitebeard’s eyes widened, he, the person who liked spirits the most, was conquered by ancient shochu for the first time.

And the golden lion and Roger felt the burning sensation in their stomachs that seemed to be flames, and they also laughed.

“Yes, the boss is worthy of being a wine lover, and the wine taken out is extraordinary.”

Looking at the expressions of the three golden lions, Chu Fan patted the water gate, and then casually threw the empty wine jar into the virtual space.

I sat there, receiving the reward of the system.


[Temporary Mission: Wine Competition, Completed].

[Get a reward, help the cook at random, whether to start drawing now].


With Chu Fan’s meditation, a huge turntable appeared in his mind.

Countless familiar and unfamiliar chefs are accompanied by the pointer.

Eventually, the pointer stopped on a young girl.

Chef Hirina, do you accept it?

Chu Fanlen paused, did the reception appear here directly, or in some other way?

[Of course, it appears directly here].

Chu Fanlen paused for a moment, looking at the group of fierce pirates around him, and after a long time, he still gave up the urge to accept it immediately.

“Since I won, I think everyone wants to try more bars in my hometown.”

There are still a lot of them in my cellar, I’ve asked Watergate to pick them up, tonight, everyone is not drunk! ”

Listening to Chu Fan’s voice, the three golden lions froze for a moment, and then laughed loudly.

The other pirates directly began to cheer.

After all, they were all there when Chu Fan opened the altar, and if they couldn’t drink it when they smelled the wine before, they would inevitably remember it.

If you can drink it now, you are naturally very happy.

And Chu Fan provided wine, and the chef on the Whitebeard ship also began to prepare the pirates’ banquet dishes.

Chu Fan didn’t say anything, picked up a bowl of wine, and ate it in a big gulp.

With gourmet cells, his meal is hundreds of times larger than ordinary people, and if he can eat good things, he will naturally earn it.

Therefore, Chu Fan first ate the same, and then found that he did not improve his physical fitness, so he directly gulped up.

Looking at Chu Fan’s sweeping food, this group of pirate world people also laughed boldly.

They have seen more such people, so the food itself is prepared more, and everyone eats crazy.

The banquet lasted until the morning, and it lasted all day, but it was over.

After all, ancient soju is also called burning knives, although you won’t have a headache when you wake up after drinking good wine, but it is easy to get drunk after drinking.

After a whole night of banquets, even the three of Whitebeard were paralyzed by alcohol and lay on the ground wantonly. The water gate was also poured into some, and now I can’t sit up.

The only sober is probably only Chu Fan, he looked at the pirates lying on the ground in front of him, shook his head slightly, after opening the door of the Ten Thousand Worlds Canteen, he did not open the portal of this world and the portal of the other world, but simply returned to the kitchen, and began to prepare tomorrow’s breakfast for this group of pirates who had been crazy all night.

But unlike the happy atmosphere here, the headquarters of the Navy is covered with clouds at this moment.

Sengoku sat in his marshal seat with a terrible dark face.

Because this time it was the whole army of the navy headquarters, and the destination was near the gate of justice, there were no strong people left behind in the Four Seas or the Chambord Islands.

The Middle World government once sent someone to inform him, but the ship was shattered by Whitebeard.

Therefore, it was not until the Navy returned that I received a call worm from the five old stars.

Subsequently, they also saw what Chu Fan had previously illuminated with a videophone worm…

Sengoku was on fire on the spot!

As a marshal of the navy, he led all the combat effectiveness of the navy to fight the enemy, and was beaten without fighting back.

If it weren’t for the suppression of the five old stars, I’m afraid such words would appear in the headlines of the morning newspaper.

But even so, Sengoku was left behind for a whole day to observe, and now he has returned to his position.

Sengoku had a black face, looking at the navy in front of him, and his voice also became cold.

“Pass on my order, murderer Chu Fan, offer a reward of one hundred million, life or death.

That can travel all over the world in one day, leaving a flash of wave feng shui gate is rewarded, golden flash wave feng shui gate, reward 800 million, life or death! ”


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