Chapter 105: The Deadly Vortex Group

“If I don’t make this little dish well, how can I be the head of the family!” Leng Feng said with a faint smile on his face.

Gu Yina’s expression is still low, she is very strong in herself, but now she can only stand behind Leng Feng, she can’t help at all, and she feels very useless.

Leng Feng stepped forward, flicked at Gu Yina’s forehead, and said gently: “Don’t think so much, in fact, if you use your internal strength, you can kill the sea king class in seconds, but then you will be physically exhausted and will not last long.” ”

Leng Feng turned to look at the sea, his expression was solemn, and said in a deep voice: “Ina, you go to the observation room and carefully observe the situation of the sea in front of you, I think this sea area is a little scary.” ”

“Good!” Gu Yina also looked solemn and nodded in response. Leave.

Watching Gu Yina leave, Leng Feng smiled lightly and thought secretly: “A woman is a woman, even a woman with strong beliefs will have hesitations, forehead!” It’s not right, it should be a girl now. ”

At this time, Xiong Da walked out and said humbly: “Boss, Sister Tina said that the current speed continues, and it will not be unexpected that you can reach Tiansnake Island in seven hours.” ”

“Got it!” Leng Feng nodded in reply.

The calm sea surface, strange and abnormal, see and smell domineering detection and there is no large sea king, this sea area is like a forbidden area, even there are few fish.

Leng Feng looked solemn, standing on the deck, constantly exploring the sea in case of accidents.

Time passed bit by bit, surprisingly nothing happened, and the long-term use of seeing and hearing domineering detection made Leng Feng’s spirit a little tired.

“Take a break, I’ll help you watch.” Tina walked lightly behind Leng Feng and said.

Leng Feng turned around. Smiling and saying, “Okay, I’ll rest right next to it!” Saying that, Leng Feng walked to the helm and leaned on the fake sleep.

Half an hour.

“Leng Feng, a little and a half nautical miles ahead, a large whirlpool group was found!”

Leng Feng, who was sleeping, suddenly heard Gu Yina’s voice and opened his eyes instantly.

“Stop the ship, observe the situation, and then make plans.” Leng Feng Zou eyebrows said to Tina.

“Got it!” Tina answered and walked into the motorized room.

Leng Feng jumped a few times to the observation room, took the telescope from Gu Yina’s hand and looked up.

When he saw the scene in the distance, Leng Feng couldn’t help but gasp. Spectacular, irregular ordering of whirlpools of different sizes, the large ones are thousands of meters in diameter, and the small ones are two or three hundred meters large. Stretching for several nautical miles, the telescope could not see the end of the vortex at all.

Putting down the binoculars, Leng Feng cursed: “Rub, how can this pass, the ship will be sucked when it approaches the whirlpool, and then crushed and dismembered by the whirlpool.” ”

“Yes, such a whirlpool is simply forbidden to ships.” Gu Yina nodded in agreement, thought for a while and continued: “Or let’s go around!” ”

“Impossible, if I’m not mistaken, this vortex group appeared around Celestial Snake Island.” Leng Feng said in distress.

“So what to do!” Gu Yina was helpless, and couldn’t help asking.

“Let’s wait until Tina comes up and observes!” Leng Feng is also out of moves, if it is his own, he can still use the moon step to challenge.

In a moment, Tina, who had put their clothes in place, and Marcino came to the observation deck.

“Look at it, you have more sailing experience than we are!” Leng Feng handed the binoculars to Tina.

Taking the binoculars, Tina picked it up and looked at it.

For a moment, Tina, who put down the telescope, said with a gloomy face: “Tina is surprised, such a whirlpool group, even in the great channel, I have never seen it, it’s terrible.” ”

“No wonder there are not too many fish in this sea, such a whirlpool group basically devours all the creatures in this sea.” Tina said in a deep voice.

“Yay! How did this pass, it’s terrible! Marcino also observed and said in surprise.

Leng Feng Zou frowned and asked, “With the strength of our Immortal Ship, can such a vortex group pass?” Tina! ”

Tina shook her head and said helplessly: “Such a whirlpool group, if you don’t find a good breakthrough point, forcibly breaking through is basically a ship wreck.” ”

“Can the flight mode be crossed?” Leng Feng continued to ask without dying.

“The electric turbine propulsion unit enters the secondary propulsion plus the winged sail can glide up to five nautical miles, but what about the whirlpool behind!” Tina asked next.

Leng Feng thought for a moment, and said tentatively: “The distance of five nautical miles will basically reach the edge of the whirlpool, when the time comes, I will go into the sea to break the whirlpool law in a short time, Tina, you will speed up through the whirlpool group!” ”

“How about that, it’s not very dangerous for you to do this, can’t you!” Marcino exclaimed, immediately rejecting the plan.

“It’s too risky, no!” Guina also seconded.

“Go to the sea to stop the law of whirlpools, how sure can you be by doing this!” Tina Dao looked at Leng Feng calmly and asked.

“Eh!” Leng Feng thought for a while and said, “If I have reached the edge of the vortex group, I think I can block the whirlpool law for about three minutes!” ”

“With such a large whirlpool, the pulling force of the whirlpool under the sea water is at least hundreds of thousands of catties, or even stronger!” Tina looked cold

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