The news of BIGMOM’s defeat spread to all parts of the world through the intermediary of the dark world like wings.

Don Quixote “Flamingo” and his faction “Joker” are an important part of this dark intermediary.

An island somewhere in the New World.

The phone bug that Doflamingo was carrying ringing, and when he picked it up and heard the news of BIGMOM’s defeat, he smiled meaningfully.

“An upstart in the pirate world? This guy is doing more and more out of line, maybe his intelligence can sell for a good price. Ferferfer Ferfer Ferff

The island echoed with the wild laughter of Upper Doflamingo.

BIGMOM was defeated, and the most shocking organization was the Navy headquarters.

The faces of everyone present were not good-looking.

“It used to be four, now it’s five.” Warring States said in a deep voice, no one dared to squeak among the naval officers below. “Or rather, he will be that one!”

Four are the four most powerful forces on the sea of the New World after Roger’s death. And “one”, naturally, refers to the only one – One Piece!

“All along, we underestimated his strength. This happened, a serious gaffe of the Navy! After Roger’s death, no new Roger will be allowed to appear on this sea! “The Warring States shot up.

The generals were silent, and no one dared to take on the words of the warring countries.

He looked around, sighed in his heart, and said: “Intelligence shows that the BIGMOM Pirates were completely defeated at the hands of Gooding. According to the battle situation, Guding’s ability should have reached the state of awakening, or even higher. Unfortunately, however, we still haven’t figured out what kind of devil fruit his abilities are. Perhaps, it is not in the existing Devil Fruit Guide. ”

The crane’s words struck in the hearts of everyone like a hammer.

The admirals who sail this sea on weekdays all understand what Gooding’s fruit ability means.

The power of catastrophic destruction, a huge standing force that the country can match. In the battle with BIGMOM, Gooding’s strength is undoubtedly revealed.

“Gooding… How long has he only been around, how could he have grown to this point? A naval headquarters officer asked, puzzled.

“The sea is still too big.” Qingzhi said: “We can’t imagine it, but the sea can do it.” ”

After the young man’s words, everyone fell silent again.


The Warring States shot again and said angrily: “You are the admirals of the Navy headquarters!” You shoulder the justice of the sea! Cheer me up! How can evil be allowed to run rampant! ”

“Yes, we… We are the Navy of Righteousness! ”

“Justice will triumph! Pirates must not be allowed to run rampant! ”

“Evil is invincible!”

“We will definitely be able to send Gooding to the gallows!”

For a moment, the decadent admiral was full of fighting spirit and his blood was boiling!

“Where are Karp and Sakaski?” Sengoku asked.

Qingzhi put down a report and replied: “After receiving the order, they have already returned from the government-specific ocean current. In a few days, you will be able to reach the headquarters. ”

Sengoku sighed, a little helpless: “Karp, this guy, sneaked to the East China Sea again!” Isn’t the West Sea a sea? Isn’t the North Sea a sea? Or is the sea of the New World not the sea? After Roger’s death, the guy followed suit. ”

Seeing that the Warring States complexion eased, Tsuru took this opportunity to say: “Marshal of the Warring States, I hope you can think twice about Guding’s decision. ”

“Think again? What else do you want me to think about? Believe it or not, while I’m sitting here thinking about it, he’ll probably blow up the Holy Land of Mary Joa! ”

Sengoku was angry when he mentioned Guding, and he also knew that this anger came more from his jealousy of Guding: “He must not be allowed to grow anymore!” He has the qualifications of an emperor, and he must take advantage of his fledgling wings to wipe them out! ”


“No, but.” Sengoku interrupted Tsuru’s speech, “This is also an order from above. Concentrate the elite combat power of the naval headquarters and go all out to annihilate the Gooding Pirates! ”

Tsuru’s eyes showed puzzlement, but she gave up arguing, and then said calmly: “Since it is the will of the above, we should naturally follow it.” It’s just that today’s sea is more about checks and balances. Now that plan has been recorded, why not take advantage of it to recruit Gooding? ”


Sengoku sighed and said, “Why don’t I understand the importance of Guding to that plan? It’s just that if he kills Draco, he is doomed to be an eternal enemy of the navy…”

“I was abrupt.” Tsuru felt deep regret in his heart: “Actually, Guding doesn’t look like a pirate who can be recruited. ”

“The list has been basically drawn up. That plan is also when it is time to implement it. The Warring States looked determined and began to give orders: “Without further ado, Kuzan, Borusalino, you two act separately. When I inform the upper level, the plan will be officially implemented! ”


After coming out of Fishman Island, Gooding went straight to Marinfodo.

However, he did not go to make a big fuss about the naval headquarters, but just took advantage of the special ocean current of the world government to go to Justice Island! As for after arriving at Justice Island, of course, hijack naval ships, cross the Devil’s Triangle vertically, and then borrow the windless belt!

The windless zone is inhabited by giant sea kings, and the nests of giant sea kings are all over the place. With the exception of naval warships, ships in general are simply inaccessible.

In Gooding’s calculations, only reaching the Isle of Justice and heading straight to the windless zone is the shortest travel route to reach the town of Rogue!

Want to come from Fishman Island to Rogue Town in the East China Sea within 72 hours! It’s really hard for strongmen!

However, Gooding can’t help either. Once a time-bound task is on, it cannot be paused. What’s even more frightening is that once it fails, the system will never refresh such tasks. That is, if you fail, Gooding will never be able to increase the intensity of armed color domineering through missions!

Gooding doesn’t want to miss this opportunity!

Tired of two sea kings along the way, Gooding came to the ocean current for the world government.

The edge of the ocean current dedicated to the world government is a myriad of whirlpools, into which any ship can only swirl and destroy in an endless whirlpool.

However, this is not difficult for Gooding.

“Kamui Space!”

Gu Ding’s mind moved, and he disappeared into the divine power space. When his mind moved, he appeared on the ocean current line dedicated to the world government.

“Come out! Ride the dragon! ”

Ride the dragon into the water and stir up waves several meters high.

“Hurry up!” Gooding commanded the Dragon Road.

Along the way, he kept using the Shenwei space, driving the sea king class to rush, and exhausting Guding.

Now that he is playing on the dragon, Gooding can take a break and recover his strength. Wait until your strength is restored, and then rush like crazy!

“System, how much time is left now!” Gooding shouted in his heart.

“71 hours, 5 minutes and 34 seconds!”

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