In the square in the bay of the naval headquarters, Reilly and Vivi greeted the returning Ye Xiao and Ace.

“Ace, it’s okay, now see if you really look like Lu Jiu.” Renly said, patting Ace on the shoulder with a slightly reminiscent look on his face.

“Mr. Reilly, thank you.” Ace opened his mouth to thank him.

“And you too, thank you very much.” Ace looked at Vivi and said.

Although Vivi really wanted to talk to Ace, considering her identity and position, she could only wave her hand to indicate that she didn’t care.

“Don’t care, originally I just came to go through the motions, and it was the old boy who really contributed.” Reilly said with a smile, turned to look at Ye Xiao and said: “Since the people have been rescued, let’s leave quickly, we have to save some face for the navy.” ”

“Huh” Ye Xiao laughed lightly, did not reply, after the three of Reilly boarded the Thousand Yangs, he lifted the Thousand Yangs up with only one hand, threw it gently, and fell towards the ice battlefield below, ready to smash on Little Oz’s head again, step out, and then appear on the grass deck of the Thousand Yangs.

“It hurts” Little Oz in a coma was in pain, but he also sobered up and stood up in a daze.

“Ace… Where is Ace? I must save him. “The first thing that came to Little Oz’s mind after waking up was still 000 to save Ace.

“Captain Oz”

“Captain Oz, don’t worry, Ace is already fine.”

“Oz, Ace is on your head now, be careful, don’t let the little lion fall.”

Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates opened their mouths to remind one after another.

“Ace he… On my head. Little Oz’s head that had just woken up obviously couldn’t turn around, and he subconsciously raised his hand and covered it above his head.

“No, Captain Oz”

“Stop, Oz”

Everyone in the white group was shocked and shouted in unison.

Oz looked at everyone suspiciously, his big hand still fell subconsciously, but when he was still the last meter away from the Thousand Suns, he was blocked by an invisible barrier.

The pirates breathed a sigh of relief, while many people on the naval side sighed regretfully.

On the “Oz” Thousand Suns, Ace lay on the railing and shouted below.

“Well, Ace’s voice, Ace is really on my head.” Little Oz came back to his senses, and his other hand also leaned over his head, and his hands moved in unison, groping for it.

Under the guidance of that invisible (abda) barrier, little Oz finally found the most suitable position, and held the Thousand Suns on his head intact in the palm of his hand with both hands.

“Ace, it’s great that you’re here.” Little Oz squinted and laughed, pulling the Thousand Suns closer to his face.

“Sure enough, the teacher is right, this big look really has a strange cute feeling!” Vivi sighed in her heart.

“Oz, I’m sorry to burden you. Si said.

“Don’t care, we’re friends.” Little Oz said indifferently.

“Little fellow, if you can still move, you can do it quickly,” Ye Xiao spoke.

“Huh?” Little Oz first looked at Ye on the boat suspiciously, and after Ye Xiao called the little guy at him, Little Oz suddenly had a trace of anger on his face, and said seriously: “Although everyone calls me Little Oz, I am not small at all.” ”

“It’s you…” Little Oz originally wanted to say something, but was quickly interrupted by Ace.

“Sh!!!h Ace made a silencing motion one after another, “Oz, don’t say any more, this is my grandfather.” ”

“Huh?” Little Oz was stunned for a while, and slowly said: “Ace’s grandfather, isn’t that Daddy’s father?” But why didn’t Dad say it before? ”

With little Oz’s size, even if he whispered to himself, his voice was not ordinarily loud, so when Little Oz’s words fell, the audience was quiet.

“Hahahaha, the little guy has a good comprehension, I appreciate you.” Ye Xiao laughed.

Reilly showed a speechless look, and at the same time secretly rejoiced that he didn’t ask Ace to call him daddy just now, otherwise he was put together by this damaged friend, and before becoming an apprentice, he should be a son again, who should know what it feels like.

Whitebeard didn’t burst into rage or silence, just let out a hearty laugh.

The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates One by one, you look at me, I look at you, N was stunned, and finally followed Whitebeard with a loud laugh, and suddenly the entire ice square was drowned out by the laughter of the white group.

“Really, Daddy really owes you for laughing.” Marco shook his head helplessly, but there was also a smile on his face.

“Hey, is this true? That Uncle Jaba, One Piece’s left hand turned out to be the father of that white-bearded uncle. At the bow of the warship, Luffy asked with a serious look.

“It’s really a defeat for you.” Klockdar stroked his forehead with one hand, thinking that he had really lost under this kid’s hands, and his forehead was bruised.

Little Oz held the Thousand Suns with one hand, scratched his head for unknown reasons, dragged the injured body, and walked step by step in the direction of the Moby Dick.

A minute later, little Oz lowered the Thousand Suns directly facing the Moby Dick, and then obediently walked to the other side and crouched next to the whale ship.

“Daddy, I’m sorry, I’m so stupid.” Little Oz said.

“Don’t care, Oz.” Whitebeard said with a smile, and his gaze fell on Ye Xiao again.

“Ace” At this moment, only a loud shout full of joy was heard, and at the bow of the warship, Luffy looked at Ace, who was safe and sound, and immediately put all the previous doubts behind him, stretched out his arm, and grabbed the railing of the Thousand Suns.

“Luffy” As soon as Ace cried out, Luffy was hit by the ejection, and the two hugged, flew out of the Thousand Suns, and rolled out a long distance on the ice.

“Luffy, you’ve been like this since before, you know the mess.” Ace taught.

“Ace” Luffy smiled.

“Luffy, meet again.” Vivi’s pretty face under the mask was full of smiles.

“Really, there is no way to take these two brothers.” Reilly said.

“Captain Ace, it’s great that you’re okay, I’m really worried about killing us.” The members of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates stepped forward one after another with tears in their eyes.




The captain of Team Sixteen and the other pirate captains were all smiling, happy that Ace had returned safely.


At the same time, on the highlands of Malinfodo Town, Admiral Sakaski, a naval headquarters admiral wearing a crimson suit, looked at everyone in the bay indifferently, with a cruel sneer at the corner of his mouth.

“Take advantage of the time you please, pirates, because there won’t be this opportunity soon.”


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