On this day, the town of Rogue was crowded with people and endless crowds crowded into the streets.

The whole street is full of people.

The execution of One Piece Roger attracted the attention of countless people.

Whether it is the civilians of Rogue Town or those pirates at sea, they are all looking forward to it.

The Navy, in order to ensure that Roger could be executed safely, deployed a large number of troops to maintain law and order.

At the same time, countless admirals were also sent, for fear that some pirates who did not know the depth would come over and want to snatch Roger.

The Navy also knows that there are many pirates in Rogue Town, but the Navy can’t help it.

There are so many pirates, among which there is no shortage of powerful pirates.

Even the navy does not dare to offend so many pirates at the same time.

If the Navy really dared to offend so many pirates, Ron would not dare to stay in the Navy.

At the Rogue Town Naval Base, Ron stood next to Roger, looking at Roger, who was still calm, and felt some admiration in his heart.

Except for someone with a weak head in the future, Roger is the only person Ron has ever seen who can face death calmly.

This calmness, Ron sincerely admired.

Time passed, and Ron glanced at the sun in the sky, and it was almost noon.

“Roger, it’s time, it’s time for you to hit the road.”

“It’s okay, I’ve lived long enough.”

Roger suddenly stood up and walked slowly outside.

The navy around was taken aback, thinking that Roger wanted to do something.

But seeing that Roger didn’t do anything, the navies breathed a sigh of relief.

They didn’t even notice that at some point, the palms and backs of their hands were all covered with sweat, and their backs were also wet with sweat.

Ron shook his head.

These navies, with poor vision and bad mentality, cannot face such a big scene.

In other words, in the face of One Piece Roger, people who do not have a certain strength do not dare to face Roger at all.

This is the power of the world’s power.

Ron followed, supported by a large number of navies, left the naval base and walked out into the streets.

“Look, it’s Roger, One Piece Roger.”

A civilian saw Roger and couldn’t help shouting, instantly attracting everyone’s attention.

Countless people rushed over, all wanting to see the legendary One Piece and see the appearance of One Piece.

The invisible people behind kept tiptoeing.

“Stop for me, stop for me.”

The navy looked at the crowd and immediately raised the guns in their hands, and they were very nervous in their hearts, for fear that some pirates wanted to rob the prisoners.

Fortunately, the people nearby did not really want to save Roger, so they did not go too far, and after walking a few steps, they stopped.

“Roger, it’s time to go.”

Ron said, and then followed Roger.

Roger walked down the street, ignoring the crowds on both sides as if he didn’t care at all.

In the crowd, countless people looked at Roger.

The future Four Emperors red-haired Shanks, the future King Nanabu Sea Hawkeye Mihawk, Doflamingo, Klockdar and many more.

Basically, all the famous and promising people now and in the future have their eyes on Roger.

Not only that, but even Roger’s companions watched Roger leave with tears in their eyes.

Renly, who is known as the king of Hades, was even more reluctant to look at Roger for the last time, so he had to turn his head, wipe his eyes, and then take a sip of alcohol.

“Roger, goodbye, my good partner.”

Roger also seemed to sense Renly, paused, turned his head to look, and then strode towards the execution table again.

It’s not a long distance, but it’s such a long time.

Soon, Roger came to the front of the execution table.

Roger glanced at the execution table in front of him, did not hesitate, and walked directly towards it.

Ron followed behind, clenching the knife in his hand.

What an honorable and great work it was to execute One Piece Roger.

It is conceivable that Ron will become famous in the future.

But so what, Ron didn’t care at all.

Soon, Roger came directly above the execution table, and then sat down directly cross-legged, not caring that death was coming.

In the distance, in a certain room.

Sengoku and the others were relieved to see Roger arrive safely.

Just that period of time, in their eyes, how long, for fear of some accident.

Time passed little by little, and Sengoku looked at the time and nodded to Ron.

Ron did not hesitate and directly pulled out the demon knife in his hand.

“Roger, it is also your honor to die at the hands of the strongest in the future world.”

“Indeed, this is indeed my honor, and I am also optimistic about your future, and even more optimistic about the future of this world.”

Roger knows Ron very well, and at the same time, he is looking forward to where Ron will go in the future.

It’s a pity that he can’t see it.

Thinking of that future, the corners of Roger’s mouth raised slightly, and a very sincere smile appeared on his face.

Looking at this smile, a certain white-haired imp under the ring couldn’t help but tremble in his heart.

It was hard for him to imagine how much courage a person could have to face death with a smile.

Roger didn’t know that he left a deep impression on a teenager.

“Roger, where exactly is that treasure of yours, the legendary Great Secret Treasure?”

Under the ring, a person suddenly shouted, which instantly detonated the entire execution table.

Everyone raised their heads and stared at Roger, with great anticipation in their hearts.

Except for a few people, most people believe in Roger’s big secret treasure, and they are also very much looking forward to this legendary big secret treasure.

When the Warring States and other navies heard this, they suddenly felt an uneasy feeling in their hearts, and they couldn’t help but look at Ron, and prepared the sea when they spoke.

Ron saw that the time was almost up, and did not wait for the order of the Warring States, and directly used the demon knife village rain to pierce Roger’s heart.

Roger felt the pain in his heart, and no longer hesitated, shouting to the bottom while he still had his last breath.

“Want my treasure? Then go and find it, I hide everything in the world, in the sea. ”

Saying these words, Roger took his last breath, slowly lowered his head, and gradually stopped breathing.

Although breathing had stopped, the smile on Roger’s face never stopped.

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