In the evening, the sun goes down in the west.

The golden sunset, shining on the sparkling sea, constantly shimmering, looks very beautiful.

The sea water is also blowing under the evening breeze, layer after layer, accompanied by the golden sunset, emitting dazzling light.

In the air, the temperature gradually decreased, bringing a cold wind to the entire town of Rogue.

On the back of Rogue Town, on a stretch of sand, Ron and Hawkeye looked at each other.

Ron holds the red demon knife Murayu in his hand, and Hawkeye holds the black knife night in his hand.

The golden sunset shone on the two blades, emitting a dazzling red glow and a swarthy black glow.

This light is so dazzling.

Against the background of the cold wind blowing in the air, the light turned into a cold glow.

Fortunately, Ron and Hawkeye are excellent swordsmen, and their hearts are very determined, and they will not be affected by these external factors.

Both of them looked very serious, without the slightest slack.

One faces the unknown excellent swordsman, and the other faces the world’s number one swordsman in the future.

Neither side dares to underestimate the other.

As a good swordsman, you can’t be careless no matter what enemies you face.

Even if you look down on each other on the surface, you should pay enough attention to it in your heart.

Ron and Hawkeye are both excellent swordsmen, and naturally they would not make such a low-level mistake.

Suddenly, as soon as the breeze blows, the waves crash on the golden sand, making a rumbling sound.

Ron’s eyes flickered, and a faint momentum was released from Ron.

I saw Ron holding up the demon knife Village Rain, the blade pointed at Hawkeye, and slashed down hard.


On the shiny blade, it emitted a dazzling red light, which was so captivating.

As the blade fell, a white light burst out, forming a crescent-shaped sword qi that rushed directly towards Hawkeye.

The fierce sword qi, carrying unparalleled power, directly caused the air in front of it to explode, causing a huge wave of qi and roaring non-stop.

The yellow sand on the ground instantly split in two.

The huge crescent-shaped sword qi, the bearer’s terrifying wave-like momentum, quickly skipped the distance between the two, and came to Hawkeye’s eyes in an instant.

“Not good!!!”

Hawkeye was also very sensitive, his face changed suddenly, and between breaths, with unimaginable explosive power, he turned into a black shadow, jumped and dodged the terrifying sword qi.

The sword qi passed past Hawkeye, split through the layers of defense under the air cloth, and flew into the distance.


A deafening sound sounded.

I saw the white sword light quickly fly into the jungle on the side, causing a huge explosion.

The transparent air wave generated by the explosion formed a disc, which passed in all directions, layer after layer, like ocean waves.

The wave then formed a huge whirlpool, hundreds of meters in diameter.

In this whirlpool, countless large trees were split in two by the sword qi, and the remaining trees were also affected by the qi wave, directly rising up and flying into the sky.

Wood chips were flying all over the sky.

A knife slashed, the power is terrifying.

Hawkeye held the black knife night in both hands, and the dark tip of the knife pointed straight to the ground, allowing the wave of air behind to blow away his burgundy robe, without looking back.

Real men never look back at the explosion.

“I didn’t expect that a small East China Sea would actually have such a strong person.”

Hawkeye clenched the knife in his hand.

Although he knew that Ron was a good swordsman, he did not expect Ron’s strength to be so strong.

The extremely powerful sword qi just now, if he hadn’t reacted relatively quickly, it was estimated that he would have been instantly slashed, and then split in two.

But in the end, Hawkeye is Hawkeye, the future world’s number one swordsman, or easily dodged the attack.

“You’re not bad, you actually dodged.”

Ron praised it heartily.

Although just now in order to prevent accidentally hacking to death the future world’s number one sword hao, he deliberately left three points of strength.

But Hawkeye was able to dodge so easily, which shows that Hawkeye’s swordsmanship has also reached a certain level.

However, he reached this step by relying on the sin value system and constantly adding points.

Hawkeye, on the other hand, worked hard to this point alone, and the gap is still a little.

No, the gap between the two is huge.

But who makes Ron a crosser, who makes Ron a hanger.

Ron immediately stood up straight, adjusted his body, his body tense, ready to move at any time.

Hawkeye also noticed Ron’s movements, grabbed the black knife night in his hand, tilted his body slightly, and pointed the tip of the knife behind him.

A cold wind suddenly blew.

This faint cold wind, like a whistle from the referee, blew the rhythm of the game.

“Hawkeye, show your strength.”

Maybe it’s because the output is all about roaring.

Almost with a loud roar, Ron raised the demon knife village rain, supreme down, and slashed down fiercely.

The white light burst out again, and once again flew out a huge and incomparable sword qi, and the current vigorous momentum swept through the space and quickly approached the eagle eye.

This time, Ron knew Hawkeye’s strength and was not afraid to hack Hawkeye to death, so he brought out all his strength.

The size of the sword qi is also three points greater than just now, but the power has increased by more than three points.

Hawkeye naturally saw the changes in the two sword qi, and also knew that Ron brought out all his strength and did not dare to be careless.

The muscles on his body instantly swelled, condensed the strength of the whole body, converged on his hands, and then used all his strength to cut out a knife.

I saw that on the black knife tip, a dazzling green light bloomed.

The green light also converged into a stream of sword qi, leaving a ravine on the beach and colliding head-on with Ron’s sword qi.


An earth-shattering explosion sounded.

The sword qi of the two was like a cannonball, and it exploded when touched.

The strong gas generated by the explosion has exploded as the center, forming a small tornado, rapidly spinning.

Countless yellow sand flew and shrouded the sky, obscuring the sight between Ron and Hawkeye.

A wave of qi, carrying the momentum of the terrifying waves, skipped the sea.

The sea is constantly roaring, and the waves are lapping layer after layer.

Countless seawater was swept into the sea by the air waves, and then washed up on the beach, leaving behind wet yellow sand and a few crabs the size of a fist.

And so on and so forth.

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