Pirates on Top of the War: I Will Stand In the Sky

Chapter 824: fight until complete victory

   Chapter 824 Fight until complete victory

"Ha ha ha ha…"

   Suddenly, the creator who was called "King Don Quixote" by his companions couldn't help laughing and said.

   "Unexpectedly, among human beings, there are people who can interpret all the 'blood factors' through their personal abilities in their lifetime."

   "Indeed, it's quite shocking, not reaching the 'final island' Ralph Drew can infer to this extent, in terms of human talent, this is undoubtedly a more shocking talent than Vega Punk."

   The creator of the monster warrior also agreed with this statement and said.

"If those scientists from more than 800 years ago had this kind of talent, I'm afraid they wouldn't have deliberately made the so-called 'pure gold', so as to prolong their lives as long as possible to pursue the ultimate mystery of the 'blood factor'. ."

   "That's right..."

   As for the creator of the sheep-headed man, he admitted it without caring.

   "Let you know the greatness of being a creator. Most of the races in this sea were created by our integration with humans through bloodline factors thousands of years ago."

   The contemptuous tone of arrogance and the astonishing truth caused flames to burst out from the eyes of many humans present.

   "What do you guys think of us humans?" Ace couldn't help shouting angrily.

   "It's just a low-level race that can't be killed." The goat-headed creator replied arrogantly.

   "No, I'm afraid you are afraid of human beings, right? You are afraid that human beings will one day completely destroy your existence, so you deliberately created a large number of other races, trying to keep human beings forever in a race war that is hard to get rid of?"

  Ion sneered and said.

   "Or, you are conducting this kind of experiment, do you want to create a large number of your own kind? And then slowly take control of the whole world? But, obviously, you failed!"

   "So, you have been changing various ways for thousands of years, hoping to completely wipe out human beings, or tame human beings, or completely control human beings..."

   "The slavery era of 'Joey Boy' a long time ago? Or the world government system of the past 800 years? Even the world divided into six seas is your masterpiece over thousands of years, right?"

   After a pause, Ion's eyes became extremely sharp and said.

"If I'm not mistaken, although you claim that life is infinite, but maintaining this form in the sea, you must also have some kind of limitation? Is it the blood vitality of the descendants of your own bloodline factors? Or human beings soul?"

  As Ion's voice continued to sound, the eyes of the creators of the world government became more and more fierce, as if they had been stabbed in some truth.

   "Tefimer Ion, these are just your guesses," said the Monster Warrior Creator.

   "But, your reaction tells me that I'm getting closer to the truth!"

  Ion said with certainty.

   "You may not have thought that the tide of the times will one day gather most of the strong men in this sea and launch an unprecedented rebellion against the world government?"

   "Even if a group of ants gather together, it's just a group of ants that can be crushed at any time?"

   Sheep-Headed Creator said disdainfully and arrogantly.

   "You will eventually be completely wiped out here, and then we will erase the history of this sea, reproduce the blank era, and cut off the boring inheritance of your human will."

  Ion's mouth curved slightly, and suddenly said something strange. "Everyone, what do you think about this big talk?"

  Suddenly, a burst of extreme cold suddenly spread from a mirror, and as the mirror rippled, the grim-looking General Kuzan suddenly walked out of the mirror.

   "In terms of standpoint, my justice will naturally only stand on the standpoint of human beings!"

Followed by, in addition to the naval headquarters including the Warring States Marshal, Lieutenant General Karp, Chief Instructor Zefa, General Polsalino, Lieutenant General Gion and Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin, there are also "red" The "Fate Pirates" and Mihawk also kept coming out of a mirror.

   "Hahaha, Ion kid...Hiccup...Hiccup...Old man misunderstood you before, I apologize...Hiccup...But you remembered the Senbei thing for me...Eh? Dorag, you idiot is actually there?"

   "Yan, you renegade son, you actually backstabbed Lao Tzu?"

   "If you plan to wipe out human beings, this old man can't turn a blind eye..."

   "Lord Ion, you really... as expected, you haven't changed..."

   "I said Ion, if you explained to me at the beginning that your purpose was to end the world government, there is absolutely no need to sneak up on me and bind Mihawk and me."

   "Shut up, Shanks, you idiot!"


   For a time, with the appearance of one after another of the top powerhouses in the sea, the creators who used to control the direction of the sea as the Five Old Stars looked extremely ugly.

How could this be?

   It has always been consuming the internal power of human beings, and there are many contradictions among the top powerhouses. How could it appear in Marin Vando in this form.

Not just those top-notch well-known powerhouses in the sea, but also among the air gates where the powerhouses of the revolutionary army are constantly appearing, there are also groups of special characters covered in exoskeleton armor and equipped with a large number of weapons. Legion.

   "You gentlemen..."

   Yan closed his eyes slightly, and then said loudly.

   "This is a war that cannot be retreated. What lies behind us is not wealth, not glory, not status, but the whole sea!"

   "If we don't fight, then our descendants, the rest of our countrymen, our kinship partners, everything we love and everything that loves us will be drawn into this never-ending war..."

   "So whether it's to defend the freedom of human beings, to overthrow the world government that has been oppressed on the sea for countless years, or to enjoy the warm and bright sunshine again for everything I love and everything that loves me..."

   "Even if I pay a huge price, I am determined to fight until I am completely victorious!"

  As the passionate and firm words spread throughout the entire Marin Vando, almost all human beings had an unprecedented feeling of resonance.

   "Fight until complete victory!!"

  Suddenly, everyone broke out a neat roar almost in unison, and they took the initiative to attack the nineteen world government creators in front of them, each of which was extremely terrifying!

   (end of this chapter)

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