Chapter 351 Sneak a bite!

   "Major General Ion, who are you?" Foz Fu obviously did not expect this scene.

   "Before the World Government issued an order, the Kingdom of Alabasta was still one of the countries that joined the World Government, and the Nafirutali family was still the royal family of Alabasta..."

  Ion stated in an unusually flat tone.

   "Faced with the help of the world government member countries, the navy is obliged to provide corresponding support and assistance. I just follow the rules."

   After being interrupted like this, Foz Fou had completely ignored the fact that he had just been kicked by Hancock, and responded somewhat helplessly.

   "Major General Ion,'re right..."

   Of course, whether it is the rest of the navy present or the CP9 members, the eye contact between looking at each other no doubt seems to understand that Yen is a completely unwise choice, and is just comforting Princess Weiwei.

   Not to mention that the World Government's investigation of the kingdom of Alabasta will definitely appear after the event, and the Nafirutali family and even the kingdom of Alabasta will be directly wiped out on this sea.

   More importantly, in the face of the terrifying Pluto giant ship, it is undoubtedly overkill to protect civilians.

   Even though this man has the ability to easily create a sea of ​​sakura, it is absolutely impossible.

   However, Ion gently adjusted his glasses, but the expression in his eyes was unusually serious.

   Now that we’ve confirmed the fact that we can’t keep the ancient weapon Pluto, let’s start the emergency plan.

  Foz Fou said there is one thing Ion agrees with.

   Once the incident is delayed until the ancient weapon Pluto comes into contact with the world government and the navy, the scale of the war that breaks out may be extremely terrifying.

   Therefore, Ion decided to completely resolve this incident before the world government and the navy came into contact with the ancient weapon Pluto.

   Furthermore, it would be too despicable and incompetent if the promise to a child like Princess Weiwei could not be fulfilled.

   "Everyone, I will stop the ancient weapon Pluto next. Maybe I can't stop the ancient weapon Pluto by myself, but it's totally fine to delay it for a while."

  Ion looked at the map of the kingdom of Alabasta beside him and said.

   "In this period of time, if you want to completely block the ancient weapon Pluto and prevent it from entering the sea, it depends on whether you can put enough obstacles in the time you have won."

   "Do your best to live up to justice!"

   In the end, Ion shouted a slogan, accompanied by countless cherry blossoms, and quickly walked in the direction of the ancient weapon Pluto.

   "Crocodahl, it's time to continue our warm-up battle and start the real battle. If you want to take away the ancient weapon, Hades, then defeat me first!"

  Ion's voice came from a distance, followed by a huge sea of ​​splendid cherry blossoms hanging upside down in the sky, rushing towards the ancient weapon Pluto in an endless manner.

   "Yinglong, I have given up on chasing and killing Princess Weiwei, you are still entangled here!"

   Crocodile's annoyed and angry voice responded to Ion, and some of the artillery batteries on the Pluto ship were also starting to counterattack, and a lot of dark light was released, melting large swathes of cherry blossoms.

   For a while, with the battle between Ion and the Hades giant ship, when Crocodile was distracted, the surging sand sea obviously slowed down a lot, resulting in a great reduction in the speed of the Hades giant ship.

   "What are you still doing?!"

   Gion, who already understood what Ion meant, said.

   "Obviously it is unrealistic to use our power to destroy the Pluto ship, and our mission is to prevent the Pluto ship from entering the sea."

"So within the time Rear Admiral Yon bought, what we have to do is to arrange enough lines of defense in front of the Pluto ship to dig deep pits or divert the river, etc., to prevent the Pluto ship from leaving Alaba. Kingdom of Stan."

   "Okay." Fuzzy Fu also understood that this seems to be the best method at present, at least it is more reliable than relying on CP9 to try to hold the Pluto ship with human life.

   And after the CP9 team took the lead, Gion then said to the subordinates behind him.

   "You immediately contact all the surrounding naval bases, mobilize warships as much as possible to concentrate in the Kingdom of Alabasta, and immediately rush to the five cities that the Hades giant ship's route is likely to pass through to disperse civilians..."

   After a pause, Gion continued.

   "Rear Admiral Ion is right, the justice of the Navy should not involve innocent civilians in such a disaster."

   "Yes, Chief Gion."

   Immediately, after simply assigning the task, Gion's subordinates also dispersed, racing against time to execute the task.


   In the distance, the intensity of the collision between the sea of ​​cherry blossoms in the sky and the giant ship of Hades is still rising, and there are violent roars from time to time.


  Gion took a deep breath and muttered with some dissatisfaction in his tone.

   "Yan, it's rare for you to act so aggressively. Are you really working hard for that Princess Weiwei? You bastard."

   Immediately, after Gion couldn't help but scolded a few times, he quickly disappeared in place, and he didn't want to stay for another second.

   Whether it's the Pirate Empress or the Princess Weiwei, Gion doesn't want to look at it at a glance.

   In fact, Ion doesn't care about how CP9 and the navy that Gion belongs to.

  It is almost impossible to destroy the Hades with their power alone.

  So, from the very beginning, Ion didn't pin his hopes on them, just to cover up his behavior.

   In fact, Ion was procrastinating constantly, just to buy time for the contingency plan that had been prepared in advance.

  The cherry blossoms flying all over the sky have unknowingly blocked Ion's figure.

  Yon took the opportunity to speak in a low voice, contacting Anilu who had already joined Drago at this moment, and asked Anilu to tell Drago what he needed to cooperate with.

   "Boom boom boom~~~"

   Looking from a distance at this time, it seems that there are cherry-colored giant dragons constantly entangling the ancient weapon Pluto, preventing and delaying the advance of the ancient weapon Pluto.

   And under the restraint of King Cobra, Crocodile, who is unable to fully utilize the ancient weapon, the power of Hades, can be said to be unbearable.

   At the same time, inside the giant ship of Hades, a human face slowly emerged from the corner of the robe that King Cobra was wearing, and then...


   secretly tried to take a bite of the special substance that wrapped King Cobra.

   (end of this chapter)

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