Pirates OL

Chapter 34: Bucky Pirates

A journey at sea is always boring.

Perhaps when they first set out to sea, people would still be fascinated by the vast and vast scenery of the sea.

But it won't be long before you find yourself losing interest quickly when faced with the same cookie-cutter scenery.

That's how Bette and Evans are now, after a few days at sea.

"Ah... Kenway, when will we be able to reach the land?"

"There are seas everywhere... No treasure, no adventure, no enemies... So boring!"

Looking at the two guys who were lying on the side of the boat like salted fish in front of him, causing the boat to sway, Lu Ze was speechless, holding a fishing rod and didn't bother to care about the two salted fish playing tricks.

Although most of the time sailing at sea is boring, but if you can't stand even this loneliness, you will never want to stand on the top of this world.

Speaking of which, Bette and Evans are not so impatient. They are just being bored and boring.


Lu Ze's expression suddenly moved slightly, and he looked at the sea not far away, where there seemed to be a three-masted sailboat much larger than their small fishing boat, with a black flag hanging on the top of the mast and fluttering in the wind.

"This flag..."

Lu Ze recognized the pirate group represented by the pattern on the black flag at a glance, a cross star with eyes and a red-nosed skeleton.

"Yo! Isn't this our old friend Bucky?" Lu Ze was immediately amused.

Thinking about it carefully, they are also about to sail to the Orange Town occupied by Bucky the Clown, and it is not impossible to find the trace of Bucky.

"Get up, there's work to do!"

Lu Ze greeted Bette and Evans, who were lying on the side of the boat as salted fish, and the two immediately bounced up, holding the knife in their hands as if eager to try.

"Where?! Where?! Where is the target?"

"Captain's order! I can't help but have a big fight!"

"Finally there is a living person! But it suffocated me to death!"

Looking at the two people who were rejuvenated in a second, Lu Ze showed an aggressive smile and pointed to the three-masted sailboat far above the sea level.

"Adjust the direction and lean over!"

"Let's... grab one and run!"

Lu Ze greeted the two of them and began to lay out the plan.


"Captain Bucky! There's a small boat there! It's drifting towards us." On the observation deck of the Bucky pirate ship, a pirate with a telescope in his hand shouted down.

"Eh? Let Uncle Bucky take a look!" Bucky walked out of the captain's room, snatched the telescope from the hand of a pirate beside him, took it and looked in the direction the pirate pointed at the watchtower.

In the binoculars, Bucky could clearly see that a man on the boat was lying motionless on the side of the boat, and beside him was a huge bag. From the slightly opened pocket of the bag, he could see the piles of sacks in the bag. Neat green banknotes.

"That's... a big bag of Baileys! At least more than five million!" Bucky was immediately excited.

"Little ones! Send someone to bring that boat back!" Without hesitation, Bucky waved his hand holding the telescope, turned sharply and commanded in a slightly shrill voice.

"Yes! Captain!" A group of grotesque little brothers agreed with a bang.

The entire pirate group started to operate quickly. The boat was lowered with a sling, and a few crewmen jumped on it and started rowing towards the boat they found.

After reaching the boat, a few pirates first checked the situation of the people lying on the side of the boat.

"Well, no problem, this guy must have passed out due to heatstroke." The pirate who checked said to several others.

"Bailey here is real too! At least five million! Posted! Posted!" Another person who checked his pocket also turned his head and said to the others with ecstasy.

"Hehe, he is unlucky to meet us, search!"

The two people who had already boarded the boat went directly into the cabin of the small fishing boat, rummaged through the boxes, and took a long time to come out.

"There's nothing of value in it, let's go!" The two pirates who went in to search said with disappointment to the other two people who were guarding their boats.

Having said that, the two returned to the boat where they came with the bag of Bailey.

"Hey! What about this guy?" A few pirates took the money and were about to leave when one of them suddenly asked.

"Oh... the captain seems to be saying to take this ship back!"

"No matter how much it is, take this guy back with the boat!"

After a few people discussed it, they took out the rope hook to connect the two ships and returned to the pirate ship together.

And when they turned around and rowed towards the pirate boat, under the water they didn't notice, two heads slightly protruded from under the small fishing boat, and disappeared again after a change of breath.

For Bette and Evans, who were born in a fishing village, diving to hold their breath is a simple matter of routine.

For Lu Ze, who had mastered [Return of Life] in his previous life, it was easy to temporarily simulate the symptoms of heat stroke.


"Report to Captain Bucky! Mission accomplished! The ship is back!"

"A guy who fainted from heat stroke was found on it! And these five million Baileys!"

A few pirates climbed aboard and reported to Bucky.

Bucky flew out of his arm with one hand, fished the bag, floated in front of him and put it back on his arm again~www.readwn.com~ The other hand turned over the green bills full of them, and suddenly He laughed happily and let out a pig's cry.

While smiling, Bucky carried the bag and walked towards the captain's room, not forgetting to instruct the pirates to squeeze more value out of Lu Ze while walking.

"Hahaha! My uncle will go back to the captain's room. You are responsible for waking this kid up! Let's see if he has found any treasure!"


The door of the captain's room slammed shut, leaving a group of pirates dressed like circus members looking at each other.

"Hey! Mochi! Keep your lion away from that guy! Don't let him be eaten before the information the captain wants has been asked!" A guy with hair covering his left eye, a scarf and a cape Suddenly, he shouted to a pirate wearing a ragdoll plush hood.

As soon as he made a sound, everyone noticed that a lion with sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, thinking about eating, was gradually approaching the guy they brought on the boat with its big mouth open.

This shocked them so much that they were called a Japanese dog. The captain's account has not been completed yet. If this guy dies, how can we get along?

The pirate Mochi with the plush headline even ran and fluttered, jumped directly on the lion, grabbed the mane on its neck, and shouted loudly: "Liki! Shut up! That guy can't eat it! The captain will kill it. ours!"

The lion Liki turned his head and glanced at his partner who was lying on his body, and then reluctantly glanced at the guy lying motionless on the ground. He sighed quite anthropomorphically, climbed to the side, and threw himself on the ground, showing a look of desire and dissatisfaction. Depressed look.


Seeing that Niji was blocked, the pirates were relieved.

Lu Ze, who was lying on the ground, loosened his slightly clenched fist without a trace.


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