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From the memory of this rear admiral named “Drasso”, Accardo almost got the reason why he could ambush here so accurately and wait for him.

Nine times out of ten, after the incident on Chambord Island, he punished Roger and Borusalino and them, and in the process of the battle, Roger leaked something, was discovered by the Navy with a heart, and then reported to the senior personnel of the Navy headquarters, as a crane who was responsible for the intelligence of the Navy, speculated from the words that he had left Chambord Island and was about to reach the New World.

In general, the reason why the traces were leaked, in addition to the crane’s super high IQ, was because the guy Roger said that he leaked his whereabouts.

But according to Tsuru’s speculation, they should send a stronger navy to catch themselves, rather than tightly sending a fleet led by a rear admiral.

There were two reasons for this, for a while Accardo came very quickly, and there was no time to transfer people immediately.

Instead, the personnel were scattered, and the Navy set up multiple warships, except that Accardo happened to run into this one by Drasso.

“He’s really the same kind of person as Luffy.” Accardo said secretly.

Accardo turned his head and looked over, there was still one and a half warships left unresolved, and thousands of navies were there.

“Really, let’s solve it quickly, I don’t like to play matchless.” Accardo said something that the surrounding navies did not understand, and quickly filled the navy force.

Bullets and gunshots rang out continuously, and fighting continued.

The Navy and Accardo are also learning to fight more and more intelligently, even if they can’t solve Accardo temporarily, they will never let the soldiers die in vain.

For example, the ability to change into a bat at the beginning, Drasso’s soldiers immediately reported this news to the headquarters.

And now it is.

Two naval warships, Accardo is quickly fighting on one of them, and the sailors on the other ship are not in a hurry to jump over and fight Accardo, there are two soldiers, one holding a telescope to observe Accardo’s ability, telling the person next to him about Accardo’s tricks.

The other is to get through to the phone worm and quickly report what the telescope companion next to him said to the superior.

“Report! Accardo is the main force of two pistols, the power is speculated, at least 3000 power or more, the power of the black gun is more than three times that of the white gun, the disadvantage is that it cannot be fired. ”

“Accardo can devour people into his own body, but what exactly does this have to do, for reasons unknown.”

“He can conjure a sword with his own blood in three seconds, which is similar to Lieutenant General Borusalino’s Light Fruit.”

The intelligence troops are far from the top of Accardo’s trick ability.

While Accardo had most of his men killed, there was little left of the other warship, and the highest-ranking officer in the remaining navy was only a colonel.

Seeing that the general trend was gone, and it was already impossible to do Cardo, the colonel hurriedly said: “Retreat!” Fall back! ”

Accardo stood at the bow of another warship, raised Gasir vertically, jackals sideways, two guns formed a cross, aimed at the tail of the opposite warship, the corners of his mouth curled up a little, “There is no need to rush to go…”

Bang! Bang!

Double gun fire, for the structure of the warship, Accardo is already very familiar, under one shot, has destroyed the main power of the ship, do not know the division pattern of the new world, but the ship wants to sail smoothly to the next island, I am afraid that the difficulty is a little high.


Suddenly, there was an even more dull thunder in the sky, followed by a downpour, and a few seconds later Accardo felt an uncomfortable feeling on his skin, which was… Acid rain!

“Oh, this weather is also a nuisance.”

Accardo transforms back into a bat and flies back to his ship, while the system reminds him of the improvement in his abilities after this battle.

[Degree of capacity development

Vampire body complete: 10

Bat Shadow Complete Body 12

Weapons Gasir LV495

Weapon Jackal LV1: 79

Black light virus LV3: 49

Latent LV2:40]

The later it gets, the slower the growth rate becomes, but this battle really has no level to speak of, basically mowing, and Accardo doesn’t care.

On the other hand, as Accardo expected, before reaching the next island, the warship began to sink due to fatal damage.

In the first half of the Great Voyage, the shipwreck may be able to swim to an island, but in the New World don’t dream of it.

Unless it is Rayleigh’s pervert, it is still possible to do it, and sinking a ship in the new world is basically equivalent to death.

But this time the Navy did not achieve nothing, and they successfully reported Accardo’s capabilities, which was conducive to the analysis of Accardo’s capabilities by the department.

In the end, the devil fruit, biochemical transformation, or the special ability of what race, in short, harvesting a little more information, you can have a little more chance of winning in the next battle.

For this matter, Accardo has not yet known, but even if he does, he does not care at all, as he goes deeper and deeper in this world, his ability will be known by the enemy, it is an inevitable thing, and it is not a big deal for him to be a while in advance.

The next thing to look for is what Vegapunk said, the island called “Beinbruz”.

PS: At present, every day, the inspiration is really not good, and it will be a little less.

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