“It was the warship led by Vice Admiral Seus to investigate in the water capital, and a lot of things happened there some time ago, do you know?” The private glanced at the warship and replied, this is not a secret.

The third class glanced at Accardo and wondered, “Which general’s soldier are you, it should not be Lieutenant General Seus’s subordinate, right?” ”

A vice admiral has thousands of subordinates, of course, it is impossible for everyone to be familiar with it, but at this kind of sortie moment, there is actually a question here to ask where the ship is going, it is indeed easy to make people think “this person is not this team”.

“To be honest, I would love to apply for a change of leadership, so take advantage of the shift time to look around, what do you think of Lieutenant General Seus?” Accardo chatted with the other party without changing his face.

“That’s the case, but don’t talk about this kind of thing casually, otherwise there will be no good fruit to eat.” The third class has no doubts now.

Indeed, the navy soldiers who are dissatisfied with their superiors and want to jump ship can be described by the word “innumerable”.

At present, the most famous is the newly promoted vice admiral, the lava fruit ability, Vice Admiral Sakaski.

His soldiers were harsh and even somewhat abusive.

Such a management method caused many soldiers to be unbearable, jointly jumped jobs, and even once went to the Warring States Generals.

Sengoku thought that he had to change Sakaski’s temperament, so he temporarily handed him over to Karp to dampen his spirit.

“Please come here and tell me about it.” Accardo pulled the private to a corner, after all, how could it be possible to talk about such a topic as a superior?

“Lieutenant General Seyus… Although harsh, but not bad, it is passable under him. Private replied.

“Is it? Thanks. ”

“It’s not easy to jump ship, you don’t mess around, okay, I’m leaving, ready to go…”

The third class just turned around and wanted to leave, suddenly Accardo pierced his throat from behind with a knife condensed by the black light virus, and the black light virus was powerful, swallowing him into Accardo’s body, and in less than five seconds, Accardo came out of the corner and changed his face.

Woo hoo~~

At this time, the horn of the attack came, and a naval warrant officer stood at the bow of the warship and shouted: “Vice Admiral Seus is ready to attack!” All soldiers! Get ready to get on board! ”

Accardo smiled slightly and boarded the warship.


Six hours later, the government people couldn’t stand it anymore and went to the Navy headquarters building and asked to inquire about the situation, but Huo Yaoshan, who was in charge of receiving CP0, was very puzzled when he heard this.

Didn’t people leave long ago?

Just use to walk, can’t you walk back in six hours?

If you follow the normal steps, then this CP0 has disappeared for six hours?

After thinking about it, Huo Yanshan realized the seriousness of the problem, immediately turned upstairs, met with Marshal Kong, and reported the matter.

“CP0 people, it’s been six hours since they disappeared? Why is it only reported now! Sora slapped his desk angrily.

“Marshal, you also know that the relationship between the government and the navy is tense, and they probably don’t want to have too much to do with us.” Burning Mountain almost bit off the cigar from his mouth.

CP0, who is still a figure at the level of chief officer, should disappear in the headquarters of the Navy, what a serious incident it would be, it would be unimaginable.

“Immediately activate the second-level alarm, let all the soldiers conduct a search, notify the monitoring squad, let them carefully search each monitoring location, and if there is any problem, report it immediately!” Empty hand waved his hand and ordered.

Soon, a violent alarm sounded inside Marin Fando, and all the staff entered the search state, but the first thing that came to mind was that after him, Vegapunk, who had met with the man in CP0, immediately found someone to come over and question him.

The chief of staff of the navy, Ah He, quickly led people to find Vegapunk, and when the others were separated, before Ah He could ask, Vegapunk took the lead and said, “It won’t be about CP0 who came here just now, right?” ”

“You actually know?” Ah He wrapped his arms around Xiong Qiandao.

“He’s a little weird.”


“Ah, I have also dealt with CP0 several times, although I dare not say how familiar I am with them, but I still have this eyesight, CP0 who came here just now is a little different from the previous feeling.”

Vegapunk is smart, and he deliberately reveals some problems so that he can perfectly avoid suspicion.

“What did you talk to him about?” Ah Tsuru asked again.

“Regarding some of the previous failed CP0 missions in the Water Capital, many of the remaining ones are of a confidential nature, and I will not say more.”

Ah He asked some more things, and in the end, under the coping of Vegapunk, he really couldn’t ask more, so he could only stop and return to report to the air.

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