“That, that, what kind of monster is that! What a terrible island! Bucky saw the black light infectors who were constantly rushing towards this side, and his tongue began to knot in fright, and the enemy he had never seen was the most terrifying.

“Shut up, Bucky.”

Roger blocked in front of Bucky, his huge mouth hooked up on both sides, and let out a soft snort.

In an instant, the overlord color domineering burst out!

The domineering of the future One Piece does not know how strong it is than Luffy and the likes of Doflamingo.

Under Roger’s overlord color, there is no enemy that cannot be put down, which is the confidence of everyone in Roger’s pirate group.

But then, the unthinkable happened.

I saw that the creatures that I had never seen before paused for less than two seconds, but as if they had been provoked by something, they rushed towards them at an even more ferocious speed.

Roger’s overlord color is actually invalid!

First time to see such a thing!

Could it be that the level of those monsters is too high? But just now, a strange bird was killed by Rayleigh, and the strange bird flying in the sky did not faint.

Roger: They don’t know much about black light infectors.

Overlord color domineering, mainly with a strong king qi to make the other party submit, fearful, so that he loses the ability to fight.

But these monsters no longer know what fear is, and naturally, the overlord color has lost its effect.


An infected man the size of a rhinoceros pounced on everyone, followed by a second and a third.

“In that case, fight! Little ones! ”

Roger roared and pulled out the knife directly.

The rest of the pirate group also reacted back one after another, taking out their weapons to face it.

In an instant, the strongest group of Roger Pirates in the future fought with the Infected Legion created by Accardo’s Black Light Virus and Vegapunk’s technology.


Meanwhile, on Yasmode, another small island very close to the water capital, CP7 and Accardo meet here.

This is a small town in Asmode.

Inside a tavern, when they saw a large number of men in suits walk in, other customers retreated in fear.

Bradley, the number one commander of CP7, spotted the red back sitting in the most conspicuous position on the wine platform, glanced at the feared civilians around him, and said condescendingly: “We are people of the world government, we have to perform official business here, and we have nothing to do with people, give you two minutes to leave.” ”

This small island was not originally a place where pirates liked to gather, most of them were civilians.

When I heard the words “world government”, I was instantly so frightened that I quickly peed my pants, and without saying a word, I immediately got out.

Among them, including the tavern staff who previously mixed Accardo with alcohol.

Accardo shook the wine glass in his hand, and inside was a round ice cube, which rotated with Accardo’s shaking, and the golden wine looked quite unique.

“Not my favorite type, but it’s not nice to try something new.” Accardo swallowed a sip of this special corn wine and said to himself.

“Pirate hunter Dracula D. Accardo, first meeting, please advise. ”

Bradley spread his hands and walked behind Accardo, “The World Government is very interested in you, originally we planned to invite you secretly at sea, but now that we encounter it, let me get straight to the point…”

After a pause, Bradley’s eyes froze, “Trouble come with us, okay?” ”


Accardo’s shoulders shrugged a few times, turned his head, at this time Accardo had already worn a pair of beanie eye sunglasses, originally others wearing it may look a little funny, but on his face, it inexplicably showed a strange deterrent.

“It’s the first time I’ve met the people of the World Government, what do you want me to do?”

“This is confidential and we can only explain it clearly after you arrive.” Bradley said unhurriedly.

“The World Government’s style is really rumored to be domineering, but I have no interest in you.”

Accardo got up and walked to the door of the tavern, and then when Accardo just walked among the government’s suit agents, everyone suddenly took out a gun from the suit and pointed it at Accardo’s head.

“Oh… If you can’t say it, do you want to use force to bring people to their knees? Accardo chuckled, not at all afraid of being pointed at the head by a dozen guns.

“I’m sorry, I hope you can know that this small island is very close to the naval headquarters, and if a departure order is issued, it will not take long to get here, and the situation is favorable to our side.”

Bradley said the important reason why he was sure, this place is already close to the headquarters of the Navy, if Accardo makes trouble here, it will not end well.


However, it was Accardo’s bullet that answered Bradley.

An agent who held a gun to Accardo’s head was shot in the heart and collapsed instantly.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

White gun gasir bullets fired one after another, and one agent after another kept falling.

“Bastard, don’t you put the government in your eyes?”

Bradley roared, “Shoot! Shoot! ”

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