In the scientific research laboratory of the Navy headquarters, when Vegapunk put a drop of blood on the laboratory table, he saw that on the screen, the cells that were beating quietly suddenly became active.

What Vegapunk dropped on the test bench was naturally extracted from the blood clot that the government had given him for experimentation before.

Vegapunk found that the cells inside were very aggressive, destructive, and aggressive.

Aggressive can swallow up the original body of the host, so as to replace, aggressive and destructive can break the limits of the human body, and even the pain cells are greatly reduced, thus becoming a monster that is not afraid of pain and pursues blood.

It should be said that Vegapunk is a man who has been known as a five-hundred-year-old leader in the world, and even if the government does not tell them much, the material has been studied by him more than the government knows.

Vegapunk injected the concentrate extracted from the blood clot into the mouse, and saw that after a few seconds, the mouse’s fur suddenly changed from pure white to blood red, and the body swelled to more than double the size.

The little mouse, which was originally quiet in the glass box, became extremely violent after receiving the injection of this thing, and its body kept hitting the glass box, and when Vegapunk put it with other mice, there was no doubt that it was a big killing.

The infected mutant rat killed all the other mice in the same box, but after a few seconds, it died itself, and this reason did not need to be studied more, and Vegapunk could see at a glance that he could not withstand the power of that cell and collapsed and died.

In the following month, Vegapunk found that the more this thing was used, the less power it contained.

For example, if the first time he injected a cell into a mouse, he could evolve its combat power to LV5, and then the second and third times, it would only be LV4, LV3 and even 2 and 1.

The more you use it, the better the power it contains.

Vegapunk was originally just passively accepting this experiment, but now he himself is interested, he wants to try, no, he really wants to try and study this thing.

The character of the madman of science is revealed.

Vegapunk immediately reported the experimental results, and the world government did not fully trust the genius scientist who had just joined the government, but still read the experimental report that Vegapunk handed over.

Can or overwhelmingly attack destructive power, but at the cost of losing your mind and becoming a blood-seeking monster?

People at the top of the government began to understand why the king of Harald wanted to use this thing to mass-produce an invincible army.

But at present, according to the report of Vegapunk, the guinea pig this thing cannot withstand such a force, and Vegapunk intends to replace the experimental subjects, beasts, sea kings and even … Person!

Using people as laboratories is absolutely contrary to human civilization, but scientists since ancient times have done a lot, but it is precisely because they have done so that science and technology have advanced.

Vegapunk got the whole body of Cahill, and when he saw this complete monster corpse, his face around Vegapunk couldn’t help but show surprise, this is a monster mutated by people, right? It turns out that punching it into a person’s body will turn into such a monster.

Soon, Vegapunk, who got Cahill, began to study day and night again, the invincible army, he had this idea before.

…… New books for collection….

After receiving Rear Admiral Borusalino’s mission report on Metares, Field Marshal Kong really took the name “Accardo” to heart this time.

Defeated the tough pirates in a row, and even the evil king who offered a reward of more than 200 million was defeated in his hands?

Although he is not a pirate, it is not easy to deal with.

According to the report submitted by Borusalino, the pirate hunter Accardo finally snatched a ship of the evil pirate group and left, that is, now drifting on the sea, the ship with the mark of the evil party pirate group, is it actually Accardo?

Another troublesome matter, if the navy finds a pirate ship, it will subconsciously attack, but that Accardo will definitely fight back, at that time, even if he is a pirate hunter, he still has to send his bounty order, right?

“Messy guy, didn’t he think about this situation?” Sora said to himself.

However, he didn’t know that Accardo had never admitted his identity as a pirate hunter, whether he was treated as a pirate hunter or offered a reward.

If you want to call, just call.

In the end, the air chose a tough attitude towards this matter, no matter what, the dignity of the navy cannot be compromised, regardless of whether the other party is a pirate or a pirate hunter.

He did not intend to issue an order to “see the flag of the vicious pirate group and not attack”, and once this order was issued, it would undoubtedly greatly reduce the majesty of the navy.

Roger, Whitebeard, Golden Lion, these enemies are already strong enough, do you care about one more Accardo?

However, he did not know that he had made a very wrong decision.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it was the most wrong decision in his life.

PS: The evaluation and reward of this book are very chilling, please send it.

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