Pirate's Mechanic

Pirate's Mechanic Chapter 423

"It's actually very simple, just need Mr. Qiu He to lend me your ability, secretly said!"

Chapter 455 is invalid

The power of darkness spread out from Titch, spreading around using the ground as a carrier.

Because Qiu He and Tickey were not too far apart, and he was a little shocked by Tickey's abilities, Qiu He failed to respond in time, and was wrapped in the power of darkness.

"Your power belongs to me, Oka, do it."

Titch laughed and greeted Oka, his dream ability is finally about to be obtained.

In the previous battle between Qiuhe and Baibeard, Ditch discovered that Qiuhe's strength lies in his fruit ability. Although Qiuhe's physical strength is not bad, it is far from the fruit ability.

And his dark fruit ability, but has the effect like a sea tower stone, can seal the ability of the capable person that the dark power touches, and generate a strong suction, making it impossible to move.

However, when Oka raised his gun to shoot Qiuhe, his armed domineering suddenly covered Qiuhe's legs, and then his feet slammed on him, breaking free from the shackles of the dark power and jumping into the air.

"Hehe, I didn't expect it!"

Qiu He looked at Tiqi below and laughed.

He didn't expect that Titch had actually obtained the power of Dark Fruit, without killing Saatchi or betraying the Whitebeard Pirates.

He didn't even think that Titch had actually given up the ability to capture Whitebeard, and turned the target to him.

This change is not trivial, if Qiuhe is really capable, maybe he will be planted here.

Qiu He's ridicule was not only laughing at Tic, but also at himself.

"Qiu He, are you okay!"

Perona looked at Qiu He's strange appearance, and asked with some worry.

She felt a hint of danger from the dark power released by Titch, and Qiu He was probably infested by that ability just now.

"I'm fine."

Qiu He shook his head lightly, and his gaze at Tic showed a trace of killing intent.

He pointed to Titch, and then said to Perona, "Do you know what is the most painful and helpless thing in this sea?"

Before Perona could give an answer, Qiu He had already said his answer.

"The answer is that a capable person sails on an unreliable boat. At this time, a wave hits and his boat capsized."

Whether this is the most helpless Qiu He doesn't know, but there is no doubt that this is quite a helpless thing, or that this is a state of death.

There are roughly two situations for a person who has the ability to survive after capsized and sinking. First, the person with the ability is a murloc like Jack, and second, the person with the ability has the kind of Kuzan who is not afraid of the sea. special power.

Obviously, Titch is neither a murloc nor a capable person who is not afraid of the sea, so if his boat capsizes, then basically his entire life will capsize.

But Qiu He didn't even count them in the two of Tickey's partners, they were no different from the dead in Qiu He's eyes.

"Captain, what are you going to do now?"

Oka raised his sniper rifle, aimed at Qiuhe in the air, and asked Tic for instructions.

If the raft is also a boat, Oka's words are fine.

"The thief hahaha, I guessed it wrong, it's really troublesome."

Titch didn't expect that he actually had a wrong estimate of Qiu He's physical strength, causing Qiu He to break free of his ability.

However, he hasn't completely failed yet. With the particularity of his abilities, and with the two subordinates, it is not impossible to win Qiuhe.

"Oka, you cooperate with me and keep him together."

Tic's hand turned black quickly. Unlike the black with metallic luster when the armed color was covered with domineering, the black with dark ability was deeper, without a trace of impurities.

In Tiqi's view, the wings behind Qiuhe are obviously a kind of ability of Qiuhe. As long as he touches Qiuhe with dark power, Qiuhe will naturally fall.

At this time, Qiu He also took out a long sniper rifle and pointed it straight at Tic's head, but before pulling the trigger, he still adjusted the angle of the muzzle to the side.

However, above Qiu He's head, there was also a small gap in space, and a quantum explosive bomb emerged from the gap in space.

Along with the quantum explosive projectile, Qiu He also pulled the trigger of the sniper rifle at Oka, and then immediately took out a sniper rifle again, and pulled the trigger towards the poison q. The whole process took only one second.

Tiqi's eyes were good, he clearly saw that Qiuhe's weapon appeared out of thin air, so he directly believed that this must be Qiuhe's devil fruit ability, so he used'dark water' to create a barrier in front of him.

Theoretically speaking, there is nothing wrong with his choice of using dark water to absorb. There is no devil fruit ability attack that the dark fruit cannot absorb... if it is really an attack by the devil fruit ability.

So he watched the bullets and missiles pass through his ability barrier, and then hit two of his men and the raft under him respectively.

Then, before he went to see how his two men were doing, the raft under his feet exploded.

A violent explosion lifted Tic up and fell into the sea.

Although his mind was a little confused at this time, he instinctively hugged half of the wooden stake before falling into the water, and did not completely sink to the bottom of the sea.

Being bombed will not cause Tic to suffer any serious damage. On the contrary, the double damage made his brain very clear at this time. It is that the sea water flooded most of his body and made him weak, so he could only barely hold onto the stake to prevent himself from sinking. Go down.

Since knowing that there is the Devil Fruit of Dark Fruit, Titch has been obsessed with the power of Dark Fruit.

The reason why he joined the White Beard Pirates as a son for half his life is also because he felt that the possibility of finding this fruit next to White Beard was the greatest. Even if he could not find this fruit, he would continue to give it to Bai for the rest of his life. Beard is a son.

Fortunately, he successfully obtained this fruit not long ago, this fruit that changed his destiny.

He was not in a hurry to leave the White Beard Pirates, because being in the White Beard Pirates would make it easier for him to plan White Beard’s ability.

He was very grateful for his decision, because this decision gave him a chance to seize the Qiuhe ability, which was even more powerful than White Beard's ability to shake fruits.

However, the development of reality is often unexpected.

The dark fruit is the nemesis of all devil fruits, it can restrain the ability of other devil fruits, but in reality, it is the first time that Tic uses the ability, and the ability has problems.

At this moment Titch is almost full of question marks, what is going on? what happened?

Chapter 456 Anatomy

"Just another shot?"

Seeing that although the other party fell into the sea, but was still floating on the sea holding the half-cut wooden stake, Perona asked Qiubai.

Obviously the other two were knocked down with a shot, only this one was bombarded with missiles, and nothing happened at all, which made Perona a little confused about Qiu He's plan.

"I suddenly thought of a better way to deal with it. It would be useful to keep him alive."

Although there was a hint of killing intent in his heart, Qiu He didn't really intend to kill Titch, otherwise he wouldn't remove the muzzle just now.

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