Pirate's Mechanic

Pirate's Mechanic Chapter 409

Although everything around is completely different from 800 years ago due to time, as long as you carefully observe it, you can still see the traces of the war that took place at that time.

According to the current intelligence deduction, it is very likely that this war was a war between the Twenty Nations and Lovedrew.

"It's down here."

Perona pointed her finger at a hole on the ground closed by dense tree roots. This hole was square and made of huge stones. Maybe there was a door on it back then, but after so many years, the door Has long been corrupted.

Without Perona's leadership, I don't know how long it would take to find this cave in the ruins.

After thinking for a while, Qiu He took out two air masks, one brought it on himself, and the other to Robin, then took out the Shadowless Sword, cut the roots of the hole, and jumped in first.

Chapter 440 Flood

"The moon people and the aboriginal humans look very similar, but they have a pair of wings behind them. If they rush down, they will inevitably cause conflicts with the aboriginals. Therefore, some lunar people proposed to modify their own genes to remove the wings of the offspring and let They can blend in with the aboriginal people."

"But another part of the lunar people believe that wings are a noble symbol left by their ancestors and cannot be removed. They might as well create more intelligent races on the Blue Sea. When they descend, it won't look strange."

The next few murals depict various races, villains, giants, demon races, murloc races...the now known intelligent races are all made by moon people based on blue sea people.

"Hehe, really a group of kind aliens."

This is the group of aliens. If Qiuhe is here to make a decision, he will come directly to the blue star, and then he will act as a god, whoever refuses to accept it.

"It's probably because their hometown was destroyed by the war, and they felt the pain, so they don't want to start a war anymore!"

Robin also sighed, and then continued to explain the mural.

"At this time, a new problem appeared in the Blue Sea. A large number of giant sea kings climbed from the sea to the land and attacked the races on the landing ground. Because of the huge power gap, the races on the land could hardly compete with the giant sea kings."

"Although they can kill these sea kings, but the ocean is so big, I don't know how long it will take to kill these giant sea kings, and the moon people don't want to make so many killings."

"So they used the power of the Ark again to adjust the magnetic force of the blue ocean to create two windless zones around the planet. Then they created a new race-the mermaid tribe, which can communicate with fish. , And the most powerful of them can even directly order giant sea kings, she is the king of sea kings."

"They ordered the giant sea kings to live only in the deep sea and in the windless zone, and were not allowed to set foot on land. Then they ordered the mermaid to live with the murlocs on the seabed, monitoring the giant creatures on the seabed, and guarding the safety of the landing site."

Qiuhe looked at the mermaid mural on the rock wall and said softly, "Sea King Poseidon."

There were murals of various races in the front without depicting the mermaid. Qiuhe thought it was because the moon people classified the mermaid as a mermaid, but now it seems that the two were not created in the same era.

Moreover, Qiuhe did not expect that the Sea King Poseidon, one of the three ancient weapons, was made not for destruction, but for protection.

"However, they underestimated human beings' rejection of foreign races. Humans and various intelligent races continued to contradict, and even enslaved some less powerful races. The moon people wanted to observe the blue ocean for a while and secretly adjust, but the moon The depletion of the resources on the land has forced them to fall into the Blue Sea ahead of time."

"However, in order to avoid conflicts with humans, only lunar men who have no wings landed on the blue sea, and most of the remaining lunar men with wings landed on the empty island they had made in advance."

"Because of the technology far beyond the blue ocean, the lunar people quickly established a powerful country. They shared part of their technology with other countries free of charge, won the support of many countries, and gradually formed a huge Union countries."

The next few paintings are completely used to show the prosperity of this alliance country, tall buildings, rich life, peculiar means of transportation, and powerful army. Everything shows that in that era, this alliance country has created a high degree of prosperity. Compared with advanced civilization, this civilization is far better than it is now.

"Seeing that the time is right, the lunar people began to promote national unity, claiming that no matter what nation they are, as long as they have wisdom, they are all equal and should coexist peacefully. They also want to abolish the monarchy and make all countries look like lunar nations. The same is changed to cooking in a dish."

"However, such a decision has been opposed by almost all countries."

"Some of these powerful countries have formed new alliances to protest the decisions of the moonmen, and even use force to persecute them."

"Unfortunately, even if almost all the troops were dispatched, the lunar man won the war."

"However, the Moonmen did not choose to force humans to persecute humans. In order to avoid the continuation of the war, the Moonmen chose to back down."

In the next mural, the country of the lunar people began to migrate, and traces of Lavdrew finally appeared here. The magical eyes of Qiuhe outside this island will certainly not admit it.

Thousands of giant elephants, with their tall and sturdy bodies, opened up a path of wind. They walked slowly from the sea with their long noses, and carried the moonmen to this island.

"Isn't this the elephant holding the fur clan?"

Perona pointed to the elephant on the mural and exclaimed.

"It should be Zuowu."

Robin was also a little surprised. Although she had never seen Zuow, she had also read about Zuow in the book.

Zow has a life span of thousands of years. It is undoubtedly an ancient creature that has survived that era, but no one would have thought that it would be a vehicle for lunar people to enter and exit the final island.

However, having seen so many amazing things before, Robin is not surprised to see here again.


With such a large group of powerful Zou, why is there only one surviving?

Qiu He was very curious about this.

The answer to this question must be explained later in the mural.

"The moon man made a concession. Some countries quit the new alliance because of the lunar man's previous kindness. Some countries also withdrew from the new alliance because of the strength of the moon man. At the end of the new alliance, there are only a few countries left."

"During the previous war, these countries discovered the power of the lunar man's technology. They were angry with the lunar man's stinginess and did not share all the technology, but they also wanted to obtain these advanced technologies."

"However, so many countries could not beat the lunar man together before, and now only a few of them are left, and they cannot pose any threat to the lunar man at all."

"Finally, they thought of a way, that is to spread rumors, to get people from all over the world to unite and launch an attack on the moonmen, and they can profit from it."

"They claimed that the lunar man was hiding in Lovelu in order to create a terrorist weapon, set off a flood, and clean up the world. Many countries believed this rumor."

Qiuhe suddenly remembered the stone walls surrounding the Kingdom of Dresrosa. Could it be that they were piled up artificially to defend against the so-called flood?

Chapter 441 Memory

Because of this rumor, many kingdoms joined the new alliance, and they assembled their forces to attack Ralph Drew.

Undoubtedly, they failed, and the Alliance army could not even break through the wind wall around Lovedrew.

However, their actions were not in vain. Because of their actions, the lunar people understood that blind compromise is not acceptable. They decided to use force to frighten these foolish guys and make the world equal under their rule.

The Moonmen began a top-secret study on Lovedrew. They dismantled the abandoned Ark of their ancestors and put the parts on it into two new weapons.

"This should be what we call the ancient weapons'Pluto' Pluto and'Heavenly King' Uranus, right?"

Of the two weapons, one is undoubtedly a ship, and it should be the ancient weapon Pluto.

Looking at the Tianwang mural, Qiuhe also understood why it was called the Tianwang.

Robin nodded, she thought so too, but she didn't say anything, but continued to interpret the mural.

Year after year, the giant elephants travelled back and forth to Lavdrew time and time again, and the construction of two ancient weapons came to an end.

However, the word “confidential” always implies the possibility of leaks. The Lunar Man’s experiments were learned by the New Alliance, and when these experiments were successful, it was when they were collectively destroyed. So for their own survival, they must Destroy the lunar man before the action.

They gathered the smartest people from all the kingdoms, thought about ways to solve the moon man, proposed one possible method, and after deliberation, they rejected each one.

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