Pirate's Mechanic

Pirate's Mechanic Chapter 405

Qiu He ignored Shanks, who had already begun the narrative mode, grabbed the silk cloth in his hand and opened it for a glance.

Although he didn't recognize words, Qiu He recognized the drawing and determined that this one was different from the other three.

Qiuhe put it into the backpack with satisfaction, then stepped on the air and jumped back onto the flying platform.

"Now I'm leaving, stay for the banquet, there is a lot of time, why are you so anxious?"

Seeing that Qiuhe was about to leave, Shanks beckoned to stay.

"I have something to do, so I will leave first, and I will visit again when I have a chance."

Qiu He waved his hand, jumped into the flying platform, and then controlled the platform to leave quickly.

If Shanks tells something meaningful, Qiu He can stay and listen. The problem is that they are all useless stories. He should go back to Amazon Lily and solve the mystery.

"Hahaha... the boss is disgusted."

"Yes, yes, the boss actually scared the wine giver away, and we are afraid that there will be no such good wine to drink in the future."

"That's right, the previous gambling games don't count. These wines must be divided equally, so that the boss can't make all the good wines."

"You guys, really... forget it, find a small island nearby and use these good wines for a banquet!"

Shanks looked at the direction Qiu He was leaving, and sighed lightly in his heart.

If Qiu He really did as he said, the world would be in chaos soon, and there would not be so much leisure time.

Chapter 435 Coordinates

Because of Qiuhe's activity, the world situation has become increasingly chaotic, but this chaos cannot affect the Amazon Lily in the windless zone.

At this time, the tables, chairs and other furnishings in Hancock’s palace have been evacuated, and the ground is covered with a huge chart. This is when Qiuhe was in the navy a few years ago, from the world government. The latest version of the chart,

As for the accuracy of the chart, he is not clear.

Qiuhe stood in front of the chart, frowning in thought, while Hancock and others stood aside, waiting for the arrival of a historic moment.

"Any questions?"

Seeing that Qiu He hadn't moved for a long time, Robin, who was standing beside him, asked anxiously.

After Qiu He returned to Amazon Lily, he gathered a group of them to Hancock’s palace. However, after everything was ready, Qiu He still did not take out the historical text, which made Robin feel a sense of Feel like ants crawling.

"I always feel that something is missing."

Qiu He stretched out his hand and rubbed his chin, thinking carefully. It was obvious that everything was ready, but he always felt that something was missing.

"Sea charts, drawing pictures, oh..." Qiu He clenched his right hand and hammered his left hand, nodded and said, "We still lack a navigator!"

Basically, Qiuhe travels by flying over, so there is no need for sailors, which are standard members on almost every ship.

But now to map the location of the final island on the nautical chart, there is no professional navigator.

If you know that the slightest loss is a thousand miles away, Qiuhe doesn't want to wander around a large area of the sea.

"As for the navigator, there is one in the Nine Snakes and Pirates, and the sailing skills are pretty good."

At this moment, Hancock, who was standing on the side, suddenly said, giving Qiu He a choice.

"Hmm... can you trust it?"

The first person who flashed in Qiu He's mind was the genius sailor girl, but it was naturally best to find one nearby, which would save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

But there is another question, is this person trustworthy?

You must know that this is the key to ‘fame, power, wealth’, ‘all of the world’, and most people cannot keep this secret.

Even if you don't go to that island, just reveal this secret, you can get wealth that you don't have to worry about in this life.

"Are you questioning the charm of your concubine body?"

Hancock walked up to Qiu He, staring at him with dark blue eyes, with a hint of arrogance on his face.

"No one in the Nine Snake Pirates will betray their concubines. Even if the concubine lets them die, they will obey the concubine's orders, because the concubine... is so beautiful."

"Yes, no one will betray Lord Snake Ji. It is our honor to die for Lord Snake Ji."

Baby-5, who stood by, also spoke out in support of Hancock, staring at Qiu He with an angry face.


Qiu He had indeed forgotten this crop.

Hancock, who has eaten sweet fruits, always exudes a unique temperament that is indescribable in words. Coupled with her already charming appearance, she has a fascinating trait.

This is not a visual impact, but a charm that reaches the soul.

As long as the spiritual power does not reach a certain level, Hancock will definitely not escape the charm of Hancock, and even let the bewildered person willingly die for her, naturally there will be no betrayers.

"Just her, let her bring the guy who eats."

Not long after, a fat woman came to the palace with a bunch of navigator tools.

Qiu He didn't explain anything to her, just told her what to do. After making sure that she understood, he turned to Robin and nodded.

"let's start!"

The navigator lay on the chart with a ruler, ink pen and other special tools in his hand. Robin stood with a small notebook beside the historical text of the coordinates that Qiuhe had just taken out, and the rest stood around the chart.

Robin was interpreting the text in the four copies of the historical text of the coordinates, while writing down the translated text in his notebook. After a while, the small and beautiful words filled the blank pages.

Everyone understands that it should be a very serious moment, so they held their breath and stared at Robin's movements and the notebook without blinking, as if they wanted to read the text of the coordinate history with their extraordinary eyesight. What information is general.

However, they were only in vain, because Robin wrote words that only she could understand, and even if others got this notebook, it would be useless.

The waiting time is slow, just a short ten minutes, but everyone feels like a century has passed.

Robin finally finished the translation of all the text, and compared it again. He looked up at Qiu He and shook his head slightly.

Seeing Robin's actions, Qiu He knew instantly. Robin was telling him that the history text of these four coordinates did not record the history of eight hundred years ago. Obviously, Ralph Drew's trip was necessary.

Qiu He nodded to Robin, and Robin lowered his head knowingly, opened the notebook in his hand again, and opened his lips.

"Record preparation, the first coordinate, 39°54"n, 116°23"e. Named Dongshangjing."

"39°54"n, 116°23"e." The navigator repeated the coordinates and confirmed that they were correct, then used a bunch of Qiuhe tools to look at the dizziness and measure them on the ground chart to find the position. After that, she looked up at Robin again, and after seeing that the other party had no other reaction, she pointed there with a pen.

"Marked, Dongshangjing."

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