Pirate's Mechanic

Pirate Mechanic Chapter 403

Feeling the delicacy never tasted in his mouth, bigmom's angry face instantly softened, revealing a smile of contentment.

He quickly ordered Zeus to speed up, and then the desserts in the air, to prevent these desserts from falling to the ground.

"Mom, that guy ran away."

On the ground, Smoky's roar came, awakening bigmom from her intoxication, and she realized that Qiuhe had reached the ground far away, and that location was the treasure house where she placed the historical text...It should be said that it was the original treasure house.

Bigmom stuffed the sweets in his mouth, then ordered Zeus to charge towards Qiuhe.

At this time, Qiuhe, under Perona's guidance, found the historical text of the coordinates buried in the ruins, and there was a piece of historical text next to it.

Qiu He was also not welcome, and directly opened the gap in the space and stuffed the text of the history in.

Perceiving movement behind him, Qiu He turned around and saw the bigmom rushing towards him, his eyes flashed.

It's okay, is it luck, or...

Without much thought, Qiuhe summoned a group of robots to stop bigmom, and jumped on the storm robot and left quickly.

Chapter 433: Abnormal

After flying high into the sky and meeting with baby-5, Qiuhe immediately increased his horsepower and left the seas of all nations at the fastest speed.

The things are already in hand, and if you bother to kill bigmom, there is no point.

After flying for nearly an hour, and after confirming that bigmom would not catch up with somersault clouds, Qiuhe slowed down, changed to a flying platform, and took a rest.

"Finally left."

Far away from the fairy tale kingdom that seemed to be beautiful, but actually terrifying for her ghostly ability, Perona couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Then she seemed to have thought of something, looked at Qiu He, and asked excitedly, "Why didn't you kill her? You should have this ability!"

Perona's physical body is in an absolutely safe state in the Qiuhe space, and her spirit body is immune to any attack.

This means that as long as Qiu He can live forever, she can also live forever.

However, the existence of bigmom made her feel the crisis, the crisis of death, and it was the first time that she wanted to die alone.

I am not afraid of nothing, I am afraid of having it once.

"I tried, she is a little weird... Xiaojin."

Qiu He frowned and muttered to himself. He took out a piece of fruit from his backpack and looked at Xiao Jin who was resting on the table.

"Hey hey!"

Xiao Jin vibrated his wings, flew in front of Qiu He, opened his mouth, and Qiu He threw the fruit into Xiao Jin's mouth.

Qiu He focused his attention on the system panel in his mind. As he expected, he did not receive a prompt of successful recharge.

"Sure enough, isn't it luck!"

When he met the dragon in Dresrosa before, Qiuhe had traded equipment with him once, and had obtained several devil fruits from him.

However, Qiuhe didn't use the devil fruit to recharge, but kept it as a spare for emergency.

This time, Qiu He buried sugar balls wrapped in devil fruit pulp in desserts collected from all over the world, trying to kill bigmom in this way, but he failed.

At first, Qiuhe thought it was bigmom's luck, and all the desserts he ate were without added ingredients. After all, a devil fruit is so big, it is impossible to add all the desserts after cutting into small pieces.

However, just now, Qiuhe gave Xiaojin a piece of devil fruit pulp that he reserved, but he did not receive the news that the recharge was successful, which meant that the power in that devil fruit had been absorbed.

If nothing else, the person who gained the power of this devil fruit should be bigmom.

However, it is very strange that bigmom did not explode to crushing death because of eating the second devil fruit.

"Could it be that her soul and soul fruit ability is not the reason for eating devil fruit, so she can eat one more devil fruit?"

The previous generation of the soul fruit was Sister Carmelo. On the surface, she was a radiant and respected saint, but in fact, she was a scheming bitch who trafficked humans.

Bigmom was abandoned by her parents when she was young, and then adopted by Sister Carmelo, but Sister Carmelo disappeared with her many friends on the sixth birthday of Bigmom. After that, Bigmom inexplicably gained the power of soul fruit.

Many people believe that bigmom can acquire the ability of soul fruit because it ate Sister Carmelite.

Qiu He also doesn't know if it's the specific reason, but he knows that bigmom's ability is indeed not obtained through formal channels.

Perhaps it is for this reason that bigmom can eat another devil fruit.

Of course, it is also possible that bigmom, like Blackbeard Titch, has a body different from ordinary people, so that it can accommodate the power of the two fruits...

"Forget it, there is no need to think so much."

Qiu He shook his head and stopped thinking about this.

Without any basis, no matter how you think about it, you can't be sure if it's a fact, it's just a fantasy.

Regardless of the reason, it is a fact that Qiuhe's sweets with ingredients failed to kill bigmom. This made Qiuhe a little depressed and a little grateful.

Fortunately, what he added to bigmom was just a superhuman fruit with rubbish ability. Otherwise, he would lose a lot this time. After all, Qiuhe and bigmom's Liangzi had settled this time.

"Then what are we going to do next?"

Seeing that Qiu He had finished thinking, baby-5 couldn't help asking.

Four pieces of coordinate history text Qiuhe has already won the third one. As long as she gets the last piece, Qiuhe's affairs are finished, and she can return to Amazon Lily.

"Go to the red-haired Shanks and get the last piece of the puzzle. This game is almost over."


Under the guidance of Shanks' life card, Qiuhe flew in the air for two days before finding the Red Forth floating on the sea.

"Boss, something is coming towards us from the sky."

Qiuhe didn't hide anything, approaching from the sky towards the Red Forth, the watchman on the ship had naturally discovered it long ago.

"It looks like a kind of machine, probably Qiu He came to you."

Although Qiuhe came here in a different way, the lookout still recognized Qiuhe at a glance.

After all, flying in the sky with weird machinery, there should be no one in this world except Qiuhe, the "Mechanical God of War" of the Four Emperors.

"Ahahaha...Look, what I said, he will come to me in two days."

The red-haired Shanks stood on the deck, looked at his friends standing beside him, and showed off with a big smile.

Two days ago, after he received news that Qiuhe was making trouble with the bigmom pirate group, he knew that Qiuhe would come to him soon.

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