“Enemy, enemy attack!”

“Pirates! It’s pirates!”

“Damn, they’re trying to blast our ship’s planks with cannons!

“We can’t escape! We’re a passenger ship! How can we run past a pirate ship!”

“Kitchen! The kitchen was hit by a cannon!”

The noise and panic were in chaos, and Oyamaji turned around, only to find that his favorite kitchen had been reduced to ruins.

His favorite freezer was smashed by cannonballs, and the valuable kitchenware that the head chef usually didn’t let them touch was all scrap iron at this moment, many of the fried dishes were filled with gravel, and the iron pot that was half-cooked was also covered with dust, obviously uneatable.

After escaping the nightmarish Jerma, he accepted him, and he regarded it as a spiritual sustenance, a place of new home, and was destroyed by a bombardment.

Such a blow made his eyes fill with tears, but Oyamaji was strong and did not cry, he tore open his throat and shouted:

“Chef Obit!!! Seaway Pastry Chef…… Are you all right!”

There was silence, and no one replied from the ruins.

“Peace of mind. ”

An unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded from behind Osamu Koyama, who was still empty, causing him to stagger, his legs went limp, and the tray and juice in his hand flew out.

“Ah, juice!”

Yamaji watched as he spilled the juice he had carefully prepared to thank the guest who did not hesitate to praise him, and he couldn’t help but reach out to take them back, but he was too slow and could only watch the juice fall.

It was like he could only look at the pile of kitchen ruins behind him, and he couldn’t do anything.

Maybe his father and brothers were right, he was born a waste, even if he left Jerma and ran to learn cooking, he was just a … It’s just waste that can’t even be protected by your own cooking.

When people are really sad, even tears are silent, and Oyamaji himself did not find himself crying, but felt a blur of vision.

This is, the voice from before sounded again, and the tone was very gentle.

“You made this juice, right? It tastes really good!”

Osamu Koyama tried to wipe away his tears with his fist, and after seeing the scene in front of him, his eyes suddenly widened.

The two glasses of juice that should have been smashed on the ground were grabbed back from the air by the man in front of him, and not a single drop was missed.

The handsome man in a black trench coat, with black hair and black eyes, and his bodyguards drank the juice in the cup.

Then the man handed him the empty cup and patted him on the shoulder: “Although the juice is good, don’t shed tears for such a trifle, and strive to grow into a chef who can protect his own cooking!”

The joy and excitement of being recognized and expected, the sadness and self-blame of being blown up by someone who has important spiritual sustenance… All kinds of emotions made Oyamaji’s heart mixed, and his mouth deflated, and he suddenly brought a crying voice:

“But, but… The head chef has been…”

“Don’t cry, I’m fine! How’s everyone going?” came the voice of Chef Obitt from the ruins.

“Head chef, we’re okay!”

“Great, everyone is okay!”

It turned out that the shell only shook the half of the kitchen used to store ingredients, and the side used for cooking was only affected, and no one was injured, so they did not respond but were frightened.

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“That’s why I said reassuring you that no one was hurt. ”

Bai Luo patted the little chef’s head: “Hurry up and take refuge in the cabin with them.” ”

With Bai Luo’s current level of seeing and hearing color, it is impossible to maintain the domineering color of seeing and smelling all the time, and he will only passively open it when he is threatened, so he who is not close to the kitchen did not notice this first shell.

The tyrant bear did find out, but his job was to protect the white fall, so he didn’t care about it when he predicted that this shell would not cause casualties.

In the distance, the pirate ship that followed me was still shelling the passenger ship, and a large number of armed pirates were gathered on the deck of the pirate ship, seemingly preparing for a battle.

“I actually ran into a pirate so quickly, I don’t know whether to say it was good luck or bad luck. ”

Bai Luo and the tyrant bear walked to the stern together, which was the direction closest to the pirate ship: “Big bear, don’t interfere later, we said before going to sea, I need to exercise in actual combat.” ”

“Yes. ”

Tyrant Bear nodded.

This is only the first half of the great voyage, except for supernovae, there are almost no guys with a bounty of hundreds of millions, and it is just right to use it as a physical training, let alone dangerous.

And on the side of the kitchen ruins.

Seeing that he had praised his own cuisine and encouraged his guests to walk in the direction of the cannonballs, Oyamaji rushed out in fear and shouted at Hakuraku: “Guest! There are shells there, it’s dangerous!

Before Osamu Koyama’s words fell, he saw a black iron-colored solid cannonball shooting in the direction of Bai Luo, and at the speed of the shell, ordinary people simply did not have time to dodge!

“Be careful?”

Bai Luo seemed to be completely unaware of the crisis, and glanced back at Osamu Koyama.

Just when Oyamaji thought that this guest was about to die here, he saw a flash of blue light on this guest’s leg in a trance, and the solid iron cannonball that struck was split in half by this blue light, as incredible as a hot knife cutting butter.

Thanks for the reminder, but you better protect yourself first, little ghost!”


Yamaji’s protest didn’t seem to reach the ears of the guests, much to his disappointment.

No matter how disappointed Yamaji was, the other cooks grabbed the little guy into the cabin and forced him to hide.

After a long silence in the closed cabin, Osamu Koyama suddenly shone his eyes and said loudly: “So handsome, I want to be such a powerful man, no!

“You want to learn to fight?” the head chef could see Osamu Koyama’s thoughts at a glance: “It’s not a chef’s practice to let the hands that cook be stained with human blood!”

“No hands, just feet!” Undeterred: “Fight with your legs like that man!”

Saying that, Osamu Koyama became even more excited.

“Using your hands to make the most delicious dishes, and then using your legs to protect your own dishes, is a truly powerful chef, and surely only such a chef can find the legendary ALLBLUE!”


“Hahaha, Osamu Koyama is talking about those dreams again!”

“How could ALLBLUE exist!”

“yes, that’s just a kid’s trick!”

Although none of these chefs had malicious intentions towards Osamu Koyama, this atmosphere in which everyone denied their dreams made the smile on Osamu Koyama’s face instantly fade to nothing.

Dreams were constantly laughed at, which made him feel extremely depressed.

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