Pirate’s Hell

Chapter 34: Robin mother

Su Yi was not entirely sure that the silver-haired beauty who pulled herself closer to the alley was Orbija.

However, when the other party saw that he was a navy, his face showed a panic, but he was relieved.

"Mr. Hai, Haijun, you...you have admitted the wrong person." The silver-haired beauty hurriedly lowered her head, trying to escape the alley.

Su Yi reached out roguely and pressed his hand against the wall, blocking the opponent's way.

"Don't be nervous, Miss Orbija. Personally, I still admire archaeologists very much. I am in a position problem. I have to ask you for questions and talk about it."

"I am not, you really admitted the wrong person, please let me leave, otherwise I will call. If others see this scene, they will definitely have doubts about your behavior."

Orbija whispered, not daring to look up at all.

She knows very well what it means to meet the navy and call her name clearly.

She also understands that what she is doing is not allowed by the world government, but she, they have no way out.

"Scream, no one will take care of you if you break your throat." Su Yi said playfully. As soon as he finished speaking, he coughed and said: "Just kidding, don't mind. The main reason is that these words are all routines. , I reacted subconsciously."

After a pause, he said solemnly: "Miss Orbija, as a second lieutenant, I ask you to come with me. If you do not choose to cooperate, I do not deny that you do not use force."

"You can't do this!" Orbija reacted fiercely, and the next moment he pleaded, "Mr. Navy, please let me go!"

Su Yi was puzzled in his heart, and his behavior was a bit strange. He quickly noticed a little bit. Olbia hugged his chest tightly, and his finger bones turned white.

This is obviously not the degree of tension, but the thing in hand is very important to her.

"What is this?" Su Yi snatched the bag.

"You can't take it! Please return it to me, please!" Orbija's resistance became more intense, and he was very excited to come over to **** it.

Su Yi glared at her, and suddenly slapped her palm on the wall. The extremely high temperature instantly caused a black handprint on the wall.

This scared Orbija, she did not dare to act rashly.

"Well, that's the truth. I said it and I won't hurt you." Su Yi nodded in satisfaction, without any awareness of violent law enforcement, "Let me see, it's just food, eh? And medical supplies, what is this? medicine?"

Su Yi took out a small bottle and asked.

"This is...it is..." Orbija shook his head.

"Are you sick?" Su Yi was surprised, and said to the dog at his feet: "Is she sick?"

"No, she is healthy." The core quickly replied.

Seeing that the matter had reached the point of irreversibility, Orbija went uncharacteristically, looking like a frustrated ball, and said dejectedly: "Mr. Navy, I will go with you."

"Are you willing to go with me now?" Su Yi raised his eyebrows, "Let me guess, it's not that you are sick, but when you are buying food, you buy medical drugs, that means your companion is sick. Now that I'm caught, don't you want to hurt your companions, so choose to give up myself?"

Orbija's face was stiff, biting her lower lip, glaring at Su Yi, "No, Mr. Haijun, I have no companions. I buy medicine just to prevent illness."

"Oh, you are not young anymore, your daughter is seven years old this year, she can't even deceive people." Su Yi expressed regret.

Orbija's face turned pale, she never expected that the other party could even understand her family situation.

Her daughter, Robin, was left at O'Hara when she was two years old. She was very sorry for her daughter in her heart, and she didn't want to harm her because of herself.

As soon as Orbija's legs became weak, she was about to kneel down for Su Yi, "Mr. Haijun, I beg you, please spare my daughter, she is innocent!"

Su Yi was taken aback, and quickly helped her, "Hey, don't be like this, don't be like this, I'm making a joke, don't take it seriously."

"Really, please believe me. My daughter is still young and knows nothing. Please let her go."

"...I knew so, why did it at the beginning." Su Yi shook his head and said: "Well, I don't want to say anything about your mother and daughter. As I said just now, I didn't mean to hurt you, it's better Say, I am protecting you."

After this conversation, Orbi Ya also calmed down a bit. She could see that Su Yi was not the kind of soldier with a stubborn look.

On the contrary, there is a little kindness, and maybe things have a turnaround.

"My name is Su Yi. Miss Orbija, why are you searching for relics and history all over the world?"

"...I just want to know history, why does the Navy treat us like this?"

"Ahem, let me make a point first. I don't think you have made any big mistakes, but the fault lies. There is no corresponding force to protect your knowledge. Can you understand what I mean?"

Su Yi hinted.

Orbija was an archaeologist with a high IQ, and he immediately reacted.

Just because she understood, she looked at Su Yi in disbelief.

Su Yi continued: "If this development continues, all your expeditions will be arrested, and the world government will use this to negotiate with O'Hara. If the negotiation falls apart, what do you think will happen to O'Hara?"

"What will happen?"

"It will disappear. It will disappear from the map. Have you heard of the Demon Slayer Order?" Su Yi was serious.

"What?" Orbia's eyes widened, and his body trembled, "Why can it be so cruel? Is the navy's justice all shit?!"

"I don't like to hear this." Su Yi shook his head, "Although the Navy has a bad side, most of it is good. You should know the gangsters. The world government is the biggest gangster in reality. It exists as a gangster. Maintaining the world order should not be denied. If there are no hooligans, there may be wars spreading across the world, pirates burned, killed, and plundered, and the people would not live out."

Obviously, Orbija couldn't listen.

When she learned from Su Yi that one day in the future, O'Hara might be wiped out, her face was already pale as paper.

"I... what should I do? Mr. Su Yi!"

She grabbed Su Yi's clothes and asked anxiously.

Su Yi patted her shoulders comfortingly, and said: "It's very simple, just listen to me."..

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