Large parts, under Dunn’s control, gradually float in the Domain.

More delicate small parts, it takes time, as for other wooden places, or important parts, it needs the help of Shandia people.

The construction drawings of Ark Proverbs, Dunn has carefully read, it is completely different from any ship on the ground, its concept is more advanced, and its structure is very simple. It is to maximize the power of lightning, and this ship can also have the function of storing current, which can strengthen him when necessary.

Enel’s Ark’s Proverbs has undergone a transformation that suits him, and Dunn can naturally do it. He can use the power of the Domain to maximize the role of the Proverbs.

After that, he chose a remote jungle in Upper Yard, which is very close to Yunyin Village, which is convenient for them to move back and forth to work. The giant snake was arranged by him to patrol in the vicinity to prevent outsiders from entering.

Normally, in Upper Yard, very few people actually come. There are many beasts, sparsely populated, and is divided into restricted areas by gods, ordinary people will not enter at all.

This created a good basic environment for the construction of the Ark’s Proverbs. On the second day, the people of Shandia gathered and began to work.

“According to the drawings, we must first build the keel of the ship.”

“The motto requires a lot of material for the ship. Pure wood is definitely not good, and it must be able to withstand the impact of strong currents. Therefore, special wood must be selected, and metal conductive particles must be incorporated into these woods.”

“Only in this way can the boat’s durability and good performance be guaranteed!”


Among the Shandia people, there are also talents who can see the structure and special points of Proverbs.

Dunn silently nodded and followed these suggestions.

He is also on the side, using Goro Goro no Mi, finely polishing each tool.

Time slowly passed, and half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

In just half a month, the outline of the Ark’s Proverbs has emerged. The gold hull is placed there, exuding golden rays of light, showing a dignified and solemn atmosphere. The general appearance has been constructed. This shipbuilding project is actually a splicing game.

The Shandia people do not rest either. Under the chief’s summon, they are very interested in building such a big ship.

Now, what is going on is the creation and installation of important equipment for the internal environment, that is, power generation, conduction, and power source.

Dunn is standing at the bow of the ship right now. After he meditated for a while, the right hand pulled a large piece of gold over and placed it on the bow. Then, the blue current surged and melted the piece of gold into one. Divine Dragon who just roars ferociously.

Divine Dragon has five claws, its head protrudes forward, its beard and hair fluttering, and its majesty, its body is the ark’s motto.

The current continues to spread, covering the walls and hull of the entire ship in the blink of an eye.


The ability of Lei Metallurgy was activated, Dunn began to deliberately control these lightning to play a role. Their high heat spread to gold and metal, and in an instant, one after another strange pattern appeared.

This mysterious line is noble and powerful, and looks amazing, just like a naturally condensed artwork.

“When the lightning spreads naturally, the patterns that flow through can decorate this ark. It’s great.”

Dunn jumped off the boat and walked around the huge ark. Seeing these lines, nodded satisfied.

After that, he jumped on the bow again and used Domain to transform the dragon head in the direction of the fort. Prepare to build it into the main weapon of the entire Ark.

The Ark has the function of storing lightning energy, and the turret has the ability to release this energy to achieve a devastating blow.

Lightning energy is the most powerful and majestic force between Heaven and Earth. Collecting this energy and releasing it through a special device, the resulting striking force will be terrifying.

“Dunn, if this ship is successfully built, it is really possible, as you said, to fly in the sky!”

The chief came over, stood on the deck, and watched Looking at this golden ark, he was amazed again and again.

He couldn’t imagine such a huge ship, it could accommodate the entire Shandia people living on it. What’s more, there are lights that can release light at all times in the internal room, which can be lit both day and night.

What makes him more satisfied is that this ark was built by his own clansman, which is worthy of their pride and pride.

The closer he gets to success, the more he believes that this Ark can take the Shandia people away from Skypiea to find a new place to live.

In the hearts of Shandia people, this is not just an ark, but also their hope.

In a blink of an eye, another ten days passed, and the Ark Proverbs was built by the Shandia people and Dunn for twenty-five days without stopping.

In the big clearing between the jungle, the gold ark stands there, just like is a noble Hegemon, showing nobleness and dominance.

On both sides of his hull, tail section, and above, there are propellers of special texture. There is a ferocious giant dragon probe at the bow of the ship. Once it drives, it looks like a giant Divine Dragon swimming, which makes people throbbing.

Twenty-five days of building, the internal equipment of this ship has been installed. The hull is almost all made of gold, and the conductivity is so strong that it is explosive.

Standing anywhere on the ship, Dunn can pass through his feet and direct current to the storage battery. Following the storage battery’s pipeline, Dunn can release the current in ten millionths of a second. Output to provide power for the Ark.

“Now charge the Ark.”

“Ready to store the battery!”

The chief stood on a high place, after taking a deep breath, holding the amplifier loudly. Yinbei shouted.

Dunn’s body emits a blazing blue light, and the sound of zi zi keeps on. The microscopic Shandia people around him have their hair upright at this moment, and the static electricity on his body is constantly flickering.


Suddenly, a dull voice came out, and the blue rays of light came in from the golden deck at Dunn’s feet in an instant, and after an instant, it reached the storage battery.

Basso, standing by, backed back again and again, looking nervously at the storage battery.

This storage battery is really a huge pool, a special pool for lightning.

After a large amount of electric current enters the pool through the conductive equipment, blue light bursts out instantly, and then the powerful Domain plays a role in gathering and compressing these arcs.

In the blink of an eye, Basso saw the blue water appearing in the originally empty pool.

“The storage battery is successfully stored!”

He shouted loudly.


After hearing this, the chief exclaimed excitedly.

Dunn also laughed, his body is still emitting current, the first time to store electricity, the storage battery underneath should be stored as complete as possible, so as to better prepare for the output current .

As for the trial of the Ark, the inspection of various output devices will be carried out after five days.

There are some problems on the ship, which have not been solved yet. It will take some time.

But there is no problem with the most important storage battery, which makes everyone relaxed and happy.

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