
As this step stepped out, a drop of blood slipped from him, awakening the Pirates.

“He’s hurt!! Kill him!!”

Pirates’ eyes startled, and then they roar fiercely.

In Dunn’s hands, the long knife made traces, and with a low growl, his eyes became more and more icy and crazy, and he rushed towards the thousands of Pirate ahead.

A moment of life and death, a moment of madness.

He is struggling to survive with his life, his whole person is already crazy, and his eyes are full of blood red.

The extreme body, but with an extremely clear spirit, made his state at this moment exceptionally weird.

The body seems to be dead, but the spirit is dragging the body and fighting forcefully.


The blood dripped again, and Dunn’s figure had exploded and turned into streamer.


The Pirates’ forward posture gave a sudden pause, and then the eyes of fear flashed in their pupils.

What did they see?

Fangs! Scary, curved, and slender fangs! And a pair of ferocious, beast-like eyes. No, not only that. They actually saw a tiger with wings, roaring, swallowing forward.

This fierce tiger is surrounded by a purplish-red aura, and under the aura, it makes your legs tremble, and you feel fear in the depth of one’s soul.

“Tiger Roots!!!”

Dunn’s double knives, at this moment, seem to have turned into tiger fangs, passing by, in their low voice, Pirates The blood light and terrifying impact burst out on the body, and immediately rushed them to the sides.

On the Pirate Ship, the place he passed by was more like being bitten by a tiger, leaving one after another terrible trace.

“da da da!”

Dunn double-sword turned into blood light, step by step, imposing manner like Fierce Tiger Descends the Mountain, domineering, mighty mess.

Under his long sword, there is hardly any one enemy. Between swings, the majestic power is mighty, Busoshoku Haki and Kenbunshoku Haki are used interactively, and the fighting power generated is extremely amazing.

After the thirty breaths, no one stood on the ship.


As he took a deep breath, he jumped into the sky again and rushed to the next ship.

This ship completely collapsed and sank into the sea.

At this time, the 7158 fleet has already followed.

“The enemy is within range!”

“You can fire at any time!”

“Avoid the direction of Lord Vice Admiral and move forward at full speed.”


“The support team has left by the Clippers, and it is expected that within one minute it will be able to reach Master Vice Admiral.”

One after another message passed into Pat’s ears, making him stare Tight, looked towards the front.

He saw that on the sea ahead, Pirate Ships were gathering, and the center of their gathering direction was where Dunn was.

These people obviously have the purpose of killing Lord Vice Admiral directly.

It can be seen that the Pirates were also scared of being killed by Dunn. The terrifying explosion, even if it was a few kilometers away, could clearly feel the unstoppable power, and had to withstand the aftermath. The destructive power is amazing, even the Great Pirate with a bounty of six or seven billion gold can hardly resist.

“Fire the cannon right away!!”

“Be prepared to fight to the death.”

Pat gave the order in a deep voice.

In his eyes, Dunn’s body that wants to be on the verge of collapse is still fighting. From a distance, it looks like a dead leaf in the wind, which will fall down at any time, but firmly sticks to his persistence.

Even Pat didn’t even think about it. The young Vice Admiral had already reached the limit. What he was trying to make him insist on.

“bang bang bang bang!”

A round of shells finally spewed out from Marine’s Battleship, marking traces on the surface of the sea, and blasting the opposite side.

On the Pirate Ship in front, after bursts of flames and thick smoke.

This war has completely started.

“It’s Marine! The marine behind has come up!”

“Shoot Laozi and kill them!”

“Asshole, I don’t believe them. All of them are so strong!”

The Pirates are also very popular, a trifling Marine Vice Admiral, which caused them to lose so much, it is simply appalling.

The fleet quickly adjusted its direction. A part of the Pirate Ship pointed the muzzle at the Marine and lit the fuse. The cannons shook out in unison.

The two sides launched a fierce artillery battle, one after another shells rushed out, and the deafening sound made the sea ripples, bursting out endless water splashes and white mist.


A flame burst out on the Battleship where Harder was, and they were hit.

“Go ahead, don’t be afraid, Master Vice Admiral is in front, we can only fight to the death!!”

Had holding a long knife, roaring loudly, his face is full of madness .

His Battleship was at the forefront, leading the charge and bearing most of the shells.

The Marines quickly put out the fire and continued to drop bombs and launch nervously.

With the sound of a cannon, almost all ships on both sides quickly suffered damage. As for Pirate, there are two Pirate Ships that have been completely blown up. In the raging fire, the Pirates yelled at abandoning the captain and jumped into the sea.

The Battleship where Harder is located, one third surface, is already blazing.

Behind him, the Battleship where Ke Demu was located was also hit by more than a dozen shots, and was in danger of sinking at any time.

“Fuck, where does this elite Marine come from? The battle strength is so strong!”

Pirates kept cursing, shock and fear appeared in their eyes.

The young Vice Admiral will not say anything, now he alone has forcibly sunk six Pirate Ships and is now fighting on the seventh ship. Although the Pirates held him back, they were also under tremendous pressure. Now that the two sides are fighting, they suddenly discovered that even other Marines have battle strength and are extremely extraordinary.

There is also Pat and the others who gave birth to this idea in my heart.

Pirates’s fleet, military combat capability, is almost the strongest they have encountered after entering the second half of the course. So far, the loss is also the most serious.

Needless to say before, now entering the battle, there is constant damage.

This is a difficult war. For them, there is only a thin line between life and death.

“Go on!”

“Prepare for hand-to-hand combat!!”

Seeing the distance getting closer and closer, Pat drew the long knife from his waist, his eyes Cold, shouted in a deep voice.

Marines either drew their knives silently, or clenched their rifles, their eyes were full of madness.

The closer they get to death, the hotter the will and belief in their hearts.

“For justice!!”

The Harder Battleship rushed to the forefront and slammed into the Pirate Ship, which was already very close. With a crash, the two ships shook violently. Arouse all the water.

Amid the roar, Harder held a long knife, leaped high, and rushed into the opponent’s camp first.

“For justice!!”

The Marines roared, their faces were crazy, and they jumped up one by one.

“Kill!! The Marines rushed up!”

Pirates were shocked by the bravery of this batch of Marines, but the enemy is not afraid at present, and shouted rushed up. .

At the same time, Dunn slashed the enemy in front of him with a knife, splashing blood on his face.

In the ear, one after another crazy, fierce roar came in, making him slowly turn his head.

What catches the eye is the one after another torrent of Marine converging, rushing towards the Pirates camp, rushing in the direction where he is.

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