Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things

Chapter 83: Mom's attitude

"Napoleon! Prometheus!"

"Mom! We are here!"

Standing above the thundercloud in mid-air, with the shout of the aunt, Napoleon raised his hand and took off the captain's hat and turned it into a long knife!

And the flame of Prometheus was attached to the Napoleon's long knife, which turned into a long knife. flame!

Strong power came from Charlotte Lingling's body!

Thunderclouds flickered under her feet, lightning sputtered, and the aunt above held the flaming giant sword in both hands, laughing and slashing at the naval fleet ahead!

Boom—click! Click! !

The explosion of the air resounded in the air, and the whole sky seemed to be split open with a cracking sound!

Emperor Sword!

Elbaf's Gun, Mighty Country! ! !

A super-giant slashing shock wave rushed out, a giant slash over a hundred meters high, carrying a monstrous flame to separate the waves, and slashed towards the main naval ship at an incomparable speed!

That strong coercion made the hearts of the navy who stood on the warship to see this scene tremble, as if they were going to be cut down by this terrifying attack in the next moment.

It gave the navy soldiers a great fear!

This is the first time they have seen that the most peak powerhouse in the sea is showing great strength!

Everyone in the Big Mom Pirates exclaimed and roared in excitement!

They seemed to see the next moment, the huge main ship of the navy was split in two directly under the powerful attack of Big Mom!


On that warship, Garp was standing!

Garp faced the shock wave and broke open the sea, a powerful attack that could not be closed for a long time, and the cloak of justice behind him fluttered in the strong wind, making a clatter!

This man is a naval hero, his fists are clenched tightly, the dark armament color of domineering lingered around his entire arms instantly, and his eyes looked at the slash that was getting closer.

The next moment!

rumbling rumbling—

Garp disappeared in the bow of the ship, the iron fist collided with the shock wave, and a shocking might erupted!

The blasting air wave washed away the clouds in the sky, setting off a violent wave under the sea that rolled back the warship, and even forced the huge warship back!

Dozens of warships swayed unsteadily under the wave of terrifying air waves, and almost overturned several pirate ships that rushed out before!


Karp fell heavily back to the deck of the main ship, when he heard Charlotte Lingling laughing in the distance.


"Karp! Your navy can't stop us, this is a new world! It's a new world for pirates!!!"

Accompanied by the opening of the aunt, the voice resounded throughout the battlefield, causing the pirates to shout excitedly!

This is the strong man they follow, this is the emperor of the sea they recognize! ! !

On the sea swept by the surging waves, the navy and the Big Mom Pirates stand apart!

On the one hand, dozens of neat and powerful warships stand on the bows of many vice admirals with serious faces.

Among them, on the huge main ship at the forefront, Garp stood with a dignified expression and clenched his fists, the cloak of justice rattled, like a tall flag!

The other side!

There are many ships of the Big Mom Pirates, and many pirates are shouting, roaring, and venting their high emotions!

Above them, Zeus, who was incarnated as a thundercloud, flashed with thunder and thunder, and above it, the tall Charlotte Lingling held a giant emperor sword with burning flames.

Both sides stopped attacking, but they collided with each other with a depressing power!

As if the sky was falling, a majestic and terrifying sight!

The air seems to freeze, and the urgency of the war to break out in the next moment!

next moment!

At this moment, someone suddenly took action!

"Big fire breath!!!"

Sakaski burst out when everyone stopped, directly breaking the silence at this time!

I saw his arms turned into lava, condensed into two huge lava fists with a length of more than ten meters under the hot magma.

Under the violent swing of both arms, the huge lava fist turned into a volcanic eruption, bringing a terrifying impact to the sky, as if a real volcanic eruption!

The scorching high temperature distorted the air, and it was powerful enough to shatter and evaporate a large iceberg dozens of times larger than the giants.

After the explosion, the giant lava fist turned into countless volcanic bombs, carrying a tail of raging flames and black smoke, and fell towards the ship of the Big Mom Pirates.

The power of each volcanic bomb can easily destroy a large warship!

"Looking for death!!!"

Charlotte Lingling's eyes widened, and the overlord's arrogance instantly turned into a shock wave and rushed forward!

In his hand, the Emperor Sword swung wildly, slashing out countless slashes and colliding with the volcanic bombs in mid-air, sweeping away and blasting countless fire and rain rubble!

And the battle that was going to retreat, because of Sakaski's shot, started again!


After half a day,

When the Big Mom Pirates retreated under the arrangement of Perospero, it was already sunset and dusk.

This battle ended with a lot of losses.

The fleet of the Big Mom Pirates lost more than 20 large ships, and more than a dozen naval warships were also blown up~www.readwn.com~ There were casualties on both sides!

In the cabin of the Queen Mother Anthem.

After the war, Auntie sat around a huge dining table with a group of cadre pirates, eating cake doughnuts and listening to Perospero's loss report.

"Mom, that's all for the pirates' battle damage. In addition, we have received news from the Beast Pirates that they will arrive in the Horn Sea area tomorrow. That Link is on Kaido's main ship."

Charlotte Lingling nodded with satisfaction. She didn't take the losses of the fleet into consideration. For her, as long as she could become the emperor of the sea, this battle would be acceptable even if she lost half of the fleet!

"Well, well, well~"

After hearing the news from Link, she was able to eat the donuts with squinting eyes and a smile, and said to Tiger the murloc who was sitting not far below: "The matter of that boy Link, when the time comes. I'll leave it to you, Tiger, but don't let mom down!"

"Don't worry, my daughters must be so attractive, and they must be able to win his favor. You just need to tell him what I think!"

"I will try my best to do this."

Tiger replied unsmilingly that after following the Big Mom Pirates on the expedition and seeing the strength of the other party, Tiger also recognized the idea of ​​putting Big Mom on the throne.

"It must be done!"

The aunt spoke in a solemn tone, turned her eyes to Melize and Garrett and said, "My dear daughters, you will definitely not disappoint your mother, right?"

"No matter what method you use, when the time comes, you can show off your charms! Even if you want to marry him together, you have to win over each other to understand, right?"

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