Pirates: Control Thunder and Lightning

Chapter 17: : Naval Conference

Naval Headquarters, Marin van Dou is calling an emergency meeting.

There were many figures familiar to Nicholas at the meeting, as well as many admirals he had never met.

Young Vice Admiral Buddha Warring States, young Vice Admiral 'Iron Fist' Garp, young Vice Admiral 'Black Wrist' Zefa, and a beautiful, slender female naval staff officer Crane.

These four are the navy of the same period and the most outstanding admiral of the navy's generation, and have even been identified as the successors of the next admiral.

At this time, there is only one general in the naval headquarters, and that is Kong, the commander-in-chief of the three armies of the future world government.

The other two admirals, one is guarding the G1 branch of the new world, the other is sweeping the pirates in the new world. It is better to say that they are sweeping away the pirates. They are waiting for the lucky break out of this change. The pirates in the unpredictable seas cast themselves into the net and support G1 at any time by the way. After all, it is obviously not enough to see the G1 branch where the Rocks Pirates only have one general stationed.

Therefore, there is only one general guarding the naval headquarters.

As for this generation of admirals, they were killed by Rocks many years ago, and it was that battle that established the name of the strongest and most vicious pirates in the Rocks world.

The Admiral of the Navy personally led the slaughtering order, and two generals assisted him in a fierce confrontation with the Rox Pirates in a sea area in the New World. The two generals he led were stopped by the Whitebeard and the Golden Lion respectively. As for the remaining navy, it was stopped by other members of the Rocks Pirates and affiliated pirates.

In that battle, it can be said that the Navy suffered heavy casualties. The Admiral was killed in the frontal battle with Locks. If the support of the Navy and the World Government had not arrived in time, I am afraid that the other two generals would also have been left in that sea area.

It is also because of this battle that the name of Rox is known all over the world, and even the influence of the world government and even the navy in the new world has been weakened infinitely. The world government has specially promulgated a policy.

That is, it is not essential for the Admiral to guard the naval headquarters, or he is not allowed to go to the New World without permission from the World Government!

After all, the news of the death of a naval marshal has shaken the prestige of the world government. If it comes again, it is estimated that the navy and even the world government have no prestige for this sea.

Even the arrogant and arrogant Tianlong people regard the new world and even this increasingly turbulent sea as beasts, and they huddled in the Holy Land Mary Joa and were reluctant to leave.

It is relatively safe for them to have the navy, the world government, and the **** force of the Dragons in Maryjoa, but once they go outside, there are really guys who dare to attack them.

For those pirates, the Tianlong people will kill them if they get offended, and they will flee to the New World to join the man known as the enemy of the world, Rox.

At this time, Sora frowned at the news that had just come from the new world, and sighed: "The Rocks Pirates' actions are getting bigger and bigger, and they have even begun to contact multiple forces, and the situation is now becoming more and more serious. The more serious it is, and the G7 and G11 branches have also been captured by the pirates led by Charlotte Lingling and Captain John respectively. What do you think? Feel free to bring it up."

"General Kong, I would like to ask when the admiral and naval strength will be replenished. Now with the more and more actions of the Rocks Pirates, our personnel supply and logistics supply are a little tight."

Crane looked at Sora and asked, as a candidate for the next major staff officer of the Navy, now the Navy headquarters has intentionally assigned some rights to Crane.

"The World Government of the Headquarters Marshal said that it will take some time to discuss. Of course, everyone knows that this must be perfunctory for us. The headquarters will temporarily take over the position of the Navy Marshal. Of course, this appointment is not public for the time being. After all, they can Can't afford to lose another Admiral.

As for the supply of various materials and personnel, the world government has already stated that it will not limit, not limit our military spending, not limit our recruitment of personnel, nor limit our losses. "

After finishing speaking, Kong also smiled like a self-deprecating smile. After all, the current navy can be said to be an important card for the world government to resist Rox. Naturally, it attaches great importance to it, and various resources are open to supply.

After Sora finished speaking, he looked at Garp, Sengoku, Zefa, Crane and others, who would soon take over the positions of Admiral and Naval Staff Officer.

With the strength of Garp, Sengoku, Zefa and others, they are fully qualified to be admirals of the navy.

The reason why they are not now admirals is simply because there are enough admirals.

However, the position of the Admiral should be vacated soon.

Seeing that the expressions of the others in the conference room were a little heavy, Karp clasped his nose with his hands, and said carelessly, "Since those worms have opened up the supply of supplies, then I will have no problem with free donuts for three years. Bar?"

Sora looked at Garp's indecent appearance, as well as his ill-mannered posture and tone, and slapped the table and roared, "Kapp, you guy, give me some seriousness! The Rocks Pirates we're about to face is not the same. Ordinary pirates! Neither the golden lion nor the white beard are easy characters to deal with! If you are not careful, you will die!"

When Karp heard Sora's serious tone, he still went his own way. He grabbed a handful of senbei with his nose-buttoned hand and stuffed it into his mouth. He said with a big grin, "Death? We have not made it since the day we joined the Navy. Are you enlightened? In order to maintain the tranquility on the sea, what does death have to do with death, anyway, people will die sooner or later, are you right, Warring States?"

While talking about the senbei residue in his mouth, Garp sprayed Sengoku's face next to him.

"Kapp! Give me some seriousness, and don't allow food to be brought into the conference room in the future!"

Kong looked at his favorite navy and disciple with a headache. If nothing else, Karp would become one of the strongest navy in the history of the navy.

Then he turned his head to look at Zefa, Sengoku and Crane, obviously Sora no longer had much hope for Garp's opinion.

"I personally think that the Rox Pirates are too threatening, and the top combat power has even surpassed the navy."

Zefa supported the gold wire glasses on the bridge of his nose and said seriously.

"If this pirate group is left alone, it will seriously endanger the safety of the world, so I think we must kill them before they do anything more dangerous."

Sengoku also added.

"The strength of the Rox Pirates is comparable to or even surpasses that of the Navy Headquarters. UU read www.uukanshu.com and both the intelligence on the CP side and our navy's intelligence system have shown that Rox has recently been in contact with some dangerous figure.

Once the battle really starts, with the intrusion of those monsters, it is not necessarily us who will win. Unless the world government also sends top-level combat power to assist, even if we can win, the entire navy will probably be destroyed, so the problem now is that Meaning on the world government side. "

Crane also looked at Sora after expressing his opinion, and among the navy, Sora is currently closely connected with the World Government.

"The world government is still weighing."

Sora said this very politely.

And hearing this, the meeting room fell silent.

Garp poured the remaining senbei into his mouth, and the sound of clack clack echoed in the conference room.

But Sora didn't mind this time, after all, the actions of the World Government really made people speechless.

"Oh, it seems that those guys are really suspicious."

Zefa chuckled lightly and said nothing.

And the crane is also taking out a few reward orders and placing them on the table.

"Let's take a look, in addition to the Rocks Pirates, another group of pirates has emerged in the past two years, and they are flourishing in the sea, and they can even be said to be the only guys in the Rocks Pirates. "

She analyzed this pirate group and felt that the threat of this pirate group was no less than that of the Rocks Pirates. After all, the Rocks Pirates were strictly forcibly gathered together by the powerful strength of Rocks, as long as the Rocks Solved, it looks like the mighty Rox Pirates will be torn apart immediately.

But the cohesion of this Roger Pirates is obviously not comparable to the Rocks Pirates.

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