"It's really sad, you're being controlled but you don't know anything?"

Nicholas has no sympathy for King Perth, who is kneeling on the ground. He is not strong enough in the sea, and he is not even qualified to be a chess piece. At most, he is just a cannon fodder that can be given up at any time.

"Nicholas! Did you do all of this!?"

With a huge stimulus, King Perth, who had regained his senses, looked like he was about to spin out of control again.

And Nicholas didn't mean to explain in the slightest, he cut him into two pieces from the middle with a sword, and then walked out the door.

After all, the howling of wolves all over the island now shows that the island is now full of such monsters.

Nicholas, who had just taken two steps, suddenly felt something, and then turned his head to find that King Perth, who had already been cut in two, was reaching out to grab his trousers. Seeing Nicholas's gaze, King Perth said with difficulty.

"Lord Nicholas, please save me and my people, I can give you all the wealth accumulated by the royal family for countless years!" After speaking, King Perth spat out a large mouthful of blood and looked at Nicholas with a hopeful expression.

"I really don't understand you kings. When you were on the throne, you didn't care about the life and death of your people. As a result, when you are about to die, you want to be a good monarch. It's all boring."

After speaking, he walked in the direction of Beilein and the others without looking back.

And what was left behind was King Perth's huge corpse lying on the ground.

"Beilein, is there a result?"

Nicholas looked at the werewolf corpse covered with colorful fungi in front of Belin, and asked whether it was strange, while Vestad was fiddling with the werewolf corpse on the ground with the axe in his hand with interest, as if curious. How did this thing change from a human to another species all of a sudden.

Only Simon looked at the movements of the two companions beside him and felt that the breakfast he had eaten today might be wasted.


Bellin replied without looking up. At that time, the idiot of Vestad asked himself how long it would take to analyze the results. If he said two minutes, then he must get the results within two minutes. Now it is not two minutes away. How many seconds, she has no time to waste.

Seeing this, Nicholas, who knew Beilein's character, naturally didn't say much, and looked at the pirates who had suffered heavy casualties and said, "Go get your spoils, take as much as you can, and hand in the share. Don't think about greed for ink. Of course, you can try not to hand in, and see if you can hide the thunder above your head."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand to indicate that the pirates under his command could scavenge the loot in the castle. After all, the purpose of being a pirate was to loot, and this was also a way to make the gang of men under him contribute during the battle.

"Nicholas, things seem a little tricky."

Just as the pirates scattered and looted, Beilein also stood up from the ground.

But her flat tone didn't show the trouble at all.

"These people seem to have been infected by something. The initial judgment may be the ability of some kind of devil fruit, and with the infection of their life forms, the cells of the wound can regenerate rapidly. It can be said that as long as it is not fatal injury These monsters can regenerate quickly.

However, their cells do not seem to be resistant to the substance silver, and wounds caused by ordinary weapons usually heal completely within one to two seconds, but using silver weapons can make the monster's amazing vitality unable to play. ability to regenerate. In other words, the only advantage of a silver weapon is that the wounds it inflicts are almost non-healing. "

Bellin explained flatly.

"Damn, can you not say such a terrifying thing in such a plain tone?"

Simon is wiping the sea tower stone bullet that Nicholas blocked before, after all, this thing is quite rare.

But when I heard what Beilein said, I was shocked on the spot. If this thing is really the same as what Beilein said, wouldn't it be easy to destroy the island and even the world.

"There should be limits to this ability, right?"

Nicholas asked in a deep voice, after all, if there was such a bug, the pattern of the pirate world would have changed a long time ago.

Just like Wang Luffi's fight against the Golden Lion and the current Kai, and the future Kai teacher, his strength has been weakened.

Just like the golden lion with the rudder on its head and the fruit ability to carry such a big island, and the teacher Kai holding the ghost island with the flame cloud, it can be said that they have been weakened by the epic level, after all, the devil fruit is maintained. Abilities require a lot of physical effort.

"Well, after these monsters reach a certain number, no new monsters will appear even if they are infected, and their strength will change dramatically over time, which means that the later the infected monsters are weaker, this may be Limited by the strength of the source matrix.

Of course, even if it is weak, it is easy to deal with ordinary people, and after being killed, there will be new monsters to fill up, maintaining a certain number. "

Beilein gave Nicholas and the others a popular science.

"So the island is over?"

Simon then looked directly at Nicholas and asked, "Captain, let's run."

"Is it really infected?"

Nicholas narrowed his eyes and turned from King Perth and his guards into werewolves, and when those werewolves wearing castle staff costumes appeared later, UU read www. uukanshu.com He has this feeling.

It seems that the people who came up with these things are not simple. Counting the fog that appeared on the island and the ultra-long-distance sniping, there are already three strong people.

"Beileen, do you have a solution?"

Nicholas asked, looking at the disappearing fog outside and the perceived killing that filled the island.

"Yes, although this kind of infection is derived from the ability of the Devil Fruit, it is only a contagious germ in the final analysis. It can be solved as long as a vaccine can be prepared, but it will take time, about ten minutes."

"Okay, then wait ten minutes."

After speaking, Nicholas turned around and stepped over the corpse of King Perth and sat on the throne.

On a large ship several nautical miles away from Taji Island, three mysterious people wearing strange masks and shrouded in wide white clothes were gathered in a cabin.

"I didn't expect it to be Nicholas. It's really unlucky."

"Yeah, if Wang Zhi, John and the others might have succeeded in this plan, after all, it was a steady stream of troops produced at the expense of an island."

"What's the use of talking about these now, but how should I report this incident back? After all, although Taji Island is not one of those large islands, it is still a medium-sized island in the New World. If it is destroyed like this, someone must be responsible."

"It doesn't matter, this time it's an intelligence error, what does it have to do with us."

"Hey, I thought I could rest for a while after this mission, but it seems like I thought too much."

"Hahaha, rest, now that guy Rox knows what he wants to do, he has come into contact with so many dangerous guys, I guess we will have a tough fight soon."

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