Saka opened the file bag and took out the paper documents inside. The rows and columns of clauses came into view. All the content clauses were mainly for explaining one thing.

The Alabasta country is actively willing to demarcate a coastal site, allowing Marine Headquarters to station troops here, and instead of the country to exercise sea power, the corresponding sea power, maritime tariffs, and other powers have been imposed. Legally transferred to Marine Headquarters.

In the Great Age of Pirates, the transfer of sea governance is equivalent to assigning one’s own country as a vassal of Marine Headquarters. Saka can see the sinister intentions of this document at a glance.

“What do you mean?”

Saka frowns, he turned to the last page of the document, which was stamped with the military seal.

“Don’t ask that many, if you want to solve this trouble, I will stamp the official seal of the Neferrutari royal family.” Crocodile moved towards Saka walked over, his burly body enveloped the opponent In the shadows, the dangerous and cold breath stimulated Saka’s tight nerves.

Saka stared at Crocodile a little embarrassedly. He entangled: “Because of the poisonous rain and the rumors, some members of the royal family of Neferrutari, and some high-level political leaders have already treated me Dissatisfaction arises. If, at this time, I sign this agreement again, I am worried…”

Crocodile looked down at Sarkar, and he stretched out the golden scorpion hook and gently touched the top of Sarkar’s head. The crown made a crisp sound of “clang”, and the hoarse voice was not allowed to be beaked: “You can have a chance to kill Cobra and sit on this chair. It is not the support of Neferutali, nor the support of those who still can’t see clearly. Officials of the situation, you have to understand that all this is because I pushed you behind my back.”

“So, you don’t need to worry about these useless things, you just need to please me with all your heart. , While I still have the patience to talk to you, quickly finish my account.” Crocodile grinned and revealed the dense teeth. The golden poisonous scorpion’s hook did not know how many corpses had been contaminated, that strong blood. Wei’er got into Saka’s nose, causing his goose bumps to tremble, “No one dares to take off the crown on top of your head!” Saka’s face flushed and his eyes were flushed.

There were dense bloodshot eyes, and a green marking on his forehead became more and more hideous and ugly. He desperately suppressed the impulse to roar, and drew a seal from his arms to put it on.

“In addition, if you hear some movement in the royal tomb recently, don’t make a fuss about nothing too much. This assistant of mine is quite a little bit about Neferutari’s royal tomb. Interested, I want to go in and visit.” Crocodile took the file and said to Saka: “Don’t worry, we won’t destroy the cemetery. We are not interested in the dead, just a simple visit.”

Saka gritted his teeth. He glanced at the silhouette hidden in the shadow corner of the bookshelf, and then looked towards Crocodile said solemnly: “The buffer can only suppress toxins for 2 months.”

“Don’t worry, this torrential rain will dissipate!” Crocodile put the documents in the bag, he said with a sneer: “As long as the poisoner is solved, can I still get the antidote!”

Analyzed from the logic of Crocodile, Smoker is the person who puts the poison, and Yarlin should be the person behind the scenes, so the antidote to the toxin should be in the hands of one of these two people.

Two months are already abundant.

Saka left the study with a calm face, Nico Robin shoved the books back into the bookshelf, she looked towards Crocodile, and the latter’s gaze just turned towards Crocodile and said: “Are you sure the Dark King is buried in Below the tomb of the Neferrutari royal family?”

Nico Robin supported the frame of the glasses, slowly replied: “I am 80% sure that there is the most likely place to bury the Dark King. However, from Saka’s reaction just now, he seems to have no idea.”

“Saka is killing his brother and seizing the throne. It is normal that some secrets of the royal family are not known, but since he doesn’t Clear, that would be better!” Crocodile’s eyes rolled coldly, he instructed: “You are responsible for digging the tomb. I will let the agents in Mr.2 and the Baroque Works room listen to you, while the palace becomes a dead place. During this time in the city, some unnecessary attention and trouble can also be avoided.”

“The news of the excavation of the tomb must never be leaked out. Although Saka does not seem to know it, it does not mean that No one at the top of the World Government knows this secret. In case the news leaks out, Gorosei’s suspicion will be drawn.” Crocodile ruthlessly said: “You don’t want to experience Marine’s Buster Call again?”

The missing Poneglyph and the whereabouts of ancient weapons have always been taboos that the World Government has tried to hide.

Hearing the three words “Buster Call,” Nico Robin froze and shivered. His trembling eyes seemed to recall a scene of extreme fear.

“Remember, don’t mess it up, in this world, only I can protect you from being discovered by the spies of World Government with no opportunity, so don’t let down my expectations and trust in you .” Crocodile scanned Nico Robin and said meaningfully.

“I understand that I have always been very grateful for your asylum. I will help you find the whereabouts of the Dark King.” Nico Robin met Crocodile’s cold Crocodile pupil and seriously replied.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………

Late night.

gu lu gu lu …… Den Den Mushi sounded inside the quiet pyramid, Yarlin suddenly opened his eyes, and accepted Den Den Mushi faintly said: “Late night, I hope to hear the good news, Crocodile !”

On the other end of the phone, Crocodile was sitting on the sofa, his fingers tapping the files on the desk lightly, and his hoarse voice was conveyed through the imitation of Den Den Mushi: “To compensate for my last time Guilt, I have signed the document you proposed by the Neferrutari royal family and the military. As long as you take it and submit it to Marine Headquarters, everything will take effect immediately!”

“I think I felt some sincerity!” Yarlin grinned, showing his white teeth. He said with a smile: “I am a generous person. As long as I get the document, then I I will forgive your betrayal last time, and abandon the previous suspicions and continue our cooperation.”

“How do I give you this document?” Crocodile asked: “Also, the poisonous rain in Albana, I need an antidote for that toxin, don’t tell me you don’t have it.”

Yarlin narrowed his eyes. “Interestingly, you are also poisoned. If I pass this news to Smoker, he I must be very happy.”

“What about the antidote?” Crocodile said grimly: “I don’t like green tattoos on my body.”

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