After reading the contents of the notebook, Hogg said: “The Navy Six looks quite powerful, and I want to become the strongest, even the strongest, domineering power is essential.” ”

“Then I can combine my own advantages to develop into a strong physical powerhouse, just like Karp!”

“By the way, since my fist intent can have a bonus to the Overlord Color, it must also be able to have a certain bonus to the Devil Fruit ability, right?”

Hogg said excitedly.

“According to the time and plot known so far, it seems that only one devil fruit can be easily obtained, and its ability is still very suitable for itself.”

“If you have the opportunity in the future, you must go there and find it out, as for the weakness of the Devil Fruit, it is not a big deal, if you want to become a strong person, how can you be afraid of this and that!”

“Moreover, I believe that I will be able to find a way to solve the Devil Fruit curse in the future!”

Hogg clenched his hands and said with a determined gaze.

“It’s a pity, my current body is still not strong enough, and I can’t cultivate the Navy Six Style and Armed Color Domineering for the time being, as for seeing and hearing the color, I can start cultivating first.”

“After I learn to see and smell the domineering color, and become proficient in the overlord color domineering, I should be able to advance to the depths of the island by relying on the penetrating power of the dark energy.”

After that, Hogg came to the outside of the camp, found a few large trees in a circle, and began to make tools for cultivating domineering colors.

He tied ropes around the trees, and between each tree hung several stakes whose heads had been sharpened by him.

After that, Hogg pushed the stakes with his hand, and suddenly the stakes kept swinging, and the pointed top was coming towards him at any time.

After dodging the attack of the stake a few times, Hogg clapped his hands and said, “The effect is okay, a person’s cultivation can only be like this, but then you can add that stupid tiger.” ”

After that, he began to prepare the food.

In the afternoon, Hogg came to the beach.

Walking up to a chained boulder, he tied one end of the chain around his waist and began to sprint, the chain rattling.

But before he ran a few steps, his figure was stunned, and the iron chain was straight.


Hogg roared and began to exert strength, and for a moment the muscles in his whole body bulged, and the iron chain made a deep imprint on him.

“In order to become stronger, what is this weight!”

“Get me moving!!”

Hogg yelled.

After trying this more than a dozen times, the boulder behind him was finally pulled by him, so he began to slowly pull the boulder to move, every step was extremely difficult, and every time he loosened his strength, he had to start sprinting again.

In this way, in Hogg’s non-stop sprinting and power, time passed quietly.

After the sun went down and night fell, Hogg dragged his tired body to the cultivation place.

“Hey! That stupid tiger over there, come and help me hit these stakes, otherwise I won’t give you anything to eat later!” ”

Hogg shouted at the white tiger not far away.

Hearing Hogg’s shout, the white tiger suddenly raised his head and roared a few times to vent his dissatisfaction, but finally got up and walked slowly towards Hogg without the threat of food. Abominable fellow, when Ben Hu is healed, he will definitely want you to look good.

Coming to the front of the stake, the white tiger looked at Hogg who was blindfolded, and immediately had a bad idea: This time I must let you taste my power!

“Hey, stupid tiger, move fast when you come!”

Hogg said impatiently.


The moment the white tiger let out a roar that interfered with Hogg’s hearing, it quickly slapped several stakes with its thick tiger palm.

Hogg immediately sensed the danger, but because of the interference of the white tiger, he heard the whirring sound of several stakes after he got close. He stepped lightly and dodged sideways.


In the roar of the white tiger, Hogg dodged a few stakes in front of him and was rubbed to his chest by a stake coming from the other direction.

“You’re smart this time! Go on. ”

Hogg said while dodging.

When the white tiger listened, it was immediately unhappy, it roared even louder, and the stake was also slammed, and it was estimated that it would be damaged before long.

The great Benhu has always been smart, and today I will make you stupid guy suffer.

An hour later, Hogg took off the cloth that covered his eyes.

“Okay, that’s it for today.”

“Look at your weak appearance, I’ll give you more food later!”

After saying to the white tiger, Hogg returned to the wooden house, took out some beast meat that was processed yesterday, and began to barbecue. Although he was almost tired of the barbecue, he couldn’t find another way to replace it for the time being. Not everything can be cooked in a pot, but everything can be baked.

At this time, the white tiger has lived up to its previous bravery, and it is lying on the snow with its ears pulled up, looking unloveable.

It looked at Hogg’s busy back and wanted to growl, but the voice turned into a whine when it reached its mouth. Damn it! Next time I won’t yell again, and I’ll have to eat plenty of food so that you have nothing to eat, to appease my poor throat!

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