Li Mu suddenly turned his head, facing Miwako's red lips.

  The two warm chun petals came close together, and Miwako was stunned for a while, her pretty face flushed, but she didn't refuse, let alone resist.

  After a while, Miwako suddenly raised her head, blushing, her feet kept moving, and she didn't say a word.

  "Miwako, what's wrong, is there something wrong?"

  "That...I..." Miwako turned her head shyly and said softly, "I'm in a hurry and need to go to the bathroom."

  "I get it, I get it."

  Li Mu immediately understood, and reached out to pick up the hanging water.

  Miwako was stunned for a moment and asked, "What are you doing?"

  "What else can you do, don't you want to go to the toilet? I'll grab this for you, and you go to the bathroom."

  Miwako suddenly understood, her pretty face blushed slightly, and she lowered her head shyly.

  "This... it's not good, why don't you call the nurse, she can help."

  "It's unnecessary. The nurse is so busy every day, she wakes up early and stays late, how can she make her work hard, and we weren't very happy in the bathroom last time? I'll just help you. 853" Li Muyi said righteously.

  Meihezi's beautiful eyes glanced at Li Mu.

  What is called very hard, the nurse should have done a good job.

  After hearing Li Mu mentioned the last time in the bathroom, Miwako thought of the last karaoke session, she almost lost herself in the bathroom without Li Mu.

  "Okay, stop talking, let me help you up."

  Li Mu stretched out his hand, wrapped his arms around Miwako's weak shoulders, and pulled it gently.

  Miwako didn't refuse this time, she sat up slowly, got out of the hospital bed, and walked to the bathroom on the side.

  "Miwako, I'll help you."

  Li Mu stretched out his hand and supported Miwako to prevent her from falling to the ground.

  Miwako blushed slightly and whispered, "Li... Li Mu, can you move your hand up a little, I have nothing to do there."

  "It doesn't matter, it's very big here, I need to stabilize, or it will be bad if it falls."

  Li Mu raised his head righteously, put his right hand on Miwako's dolphin, and pinched it with his hand, feeling the plumpness on it.

  Miwako's figure is still very good, with concave and convex up and down, and with her face, she is worthy of her title of police flower.

  The Invincible Fairy Tail, the Love Concubine of the Great Voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1172 Relief for Mei and Zi (one more)

  Although Miwako was injured, she was almost fine, at least she could go to the bathroom.

  After arriving in the bathroom, Miwako was not in a hurry, but looked at Li Mu instead.

  "Cough, cough..." Li Mu coughed and said righteously: "Miwako, don't care about me, do whatever you want. When I don't exist, I'm transparent."

  Miwako blushed slightly and said shyly, "Li Mu, you go out, I'm enough alone, I don't need you here."

  Li Mu suddenly stretched out his hand, hugged Miwako, took her into his arms, and looked at Miwako domineeringly.

  "Miwako, I'm not at ease. After you were shot last time, I was sad for a long time. I wish I could beat that murderer to waste."

  "This... that murderer is already dead." Miwako said weakly.

  Dr. Fengto was already crippled by Li Mu, and many of his bones were broken.

  Fortunately, Li Mu only punched one punch, so the judge determined that the defense was excessive and did not pay legal responsibility.

  Li Mu: "..."

  Can this speak well.

  But although he was speechless, Li Mu still said tenderly: "In short, I care about you very much. I won't go out anyway. Also, aren't you in a hurry?"

  Miwako blushed and her body became even more anxious.

  After hesitating for a moment, Miwako couldn't hold it any longer and put her hand on her pants.

  Li Mu's eyes widened, looking at Miwako expectantly.

  Miwako also noticed Li Mu and reached out and pushed Li Mu's face away.

  "Turn your face away and don't look at me."

  Li Mu didn't refuse either, he turned his head and turned his back to Miwako.

  Miwako confirmed that Li Mu was not peeking, and slowly bent down.

  However, as soon as she bent down, a pain irritated Miwako, and the wound in her abdomen was painful.


  As soon as Li Mu heard Miwako's voice, he turned around quickly, and held Miwako with one arm, stabilizing her body.

  "Miwako, are you okay, do you want me to help you?". "

  "No... I'm fine, but my stomach hurts a bit. It won't take long. No... I don't need your help."

  Miwako shook her head, a blush on her cheeks.

  "It's okay, I'll help you."

  Li Mu put Miwako down, sat on the toilet beside him, and then stretched out his hand, trying to drag Miwako down his pants.

  "Wait, I can do this myself."

  Miwako interrupted Li Mu, then pushed Li Mu away.

  Not long after, there was a sound of rushing water.

  After waiting for a while, when the sound of water flow disappeared, Li Mu took out a piece of tissue paper and handed it to Miwako.

  "How about it, Miwako, do you want me to wipe it for you?"


  Miwako let out a sigh and picked up the tissue by herself.

  After putting on her pants, Miwako held onto the pool on one side and stood up slowly.

  "Miwako, let me support you."

  Li Mu supported Miwako and walked out of the bathroom slowly.

  "Miwako, how did you get out of there?"

  Suddenly, a crisp voice came.

  Li Mu looked up and saw Yumei holding a fruit basket in her hand, looking at herself with a look of surprise.

  Miwako was also surprised, and then in a hurry, she quickly waved her hand to explain.

  "Yumi, you tell me, it's like this, we don't have anything at all, and he didn't help me. I did all this myself."

  Miwako started talking nonsense in a hurry. Although what she said was true, it didn't seem convincing at all.

  "Oh, I see." Yumei had a smile on her face and winked at Li Mu.

  Looking at Yumi's smile, Mikako didn't understand why she was thinking crookedly, and quickly explained: "Yumi, it's not what you think, we really have nothing to do."

  "I know I know."

  Yumi nodded, but it could be seen from her smile that she didn't trust Miwako at all.

  Miwako was in a hurry, and quickly looked at Li Mu and said, "Li Mu, please explain quickly and make it clear to Yumi."

  "Don't worry, I'll tell you." Li Mu nodded, and then said sternly: "Yumi, Miwako and I are innocent, I didn't relieve her, I didn't wipe her, and we didn't do anything improper in the bathroom. matter."

  After speaking, Li Mu also winked at Miwako.

  When Miwako saw Li Mu's smile, she almost died of anger.

  "Li Mu, why do you say that?"

  "What's the matter? Could it be that I relieved you, or wiped it for you, or what did you and I do in the bathroom?" Li Mu asked in confusion.

  "¨'It's not this, it's that, why are you blinking at her, aren't you trying to trick me on purpose?" Miwako said anxiously.

  "Oh, you said this, I'm sorry, it's just blepharospasm, it's okay, thank you for caring about me."

  Miwako staggered, and almost didn't get pissed off.

  It was good that she didn't kill Li Mu, how could she still care about Li Mu.

  And Li Mu looked like he was lying.

  Miwako was helpless and could only look at Yumi and explained, "Yumi, you have to believe me, we really didn't do anything, not this time, not last time."

  "What? And last time?"

  Yumi was stunned, and looked at Miwako in disbelief.

  Then the fire of gossip appeared in Yumei's eyes, and she asked curiously, "When was the last time, what was it?"

  Miwako was stunned, but also stunned.

  After a long while, Miwako reacted, shook her head quickly, and said with a blushing face: "No (from Zhao's) yes, nothing happened last time, I didn't do anything with him."

  I really didn't do anything last time. Except for the last step, I really didn't do anything. The two of them were still very pure.

  Yumi glanced at Miwako, and she didn't know that Miwako and Li Mu really had an affair.

  "Hey, Li Mu, can you tell me what you and Miwako did last time, and where can I send you Miwako's best photo album." Yumi pushed Li Mu and asked secretly.

  "Hey, Li Mu, you can't say it. If you dare to say it, I'll give you a slap in the back."

  It's okay for Miwako not to say it, saying this is like admitting that what happened last time is indeed true.

  And the fire of gossip in Yumei's heart was even more vigorous, pushing Li Mu's arm from time to time, and endless thirst for knowledge appeared in her eyes.

  The Invincible Fairy Tail, the Love Concubine of the Great Voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1173 Yumei wants to get drunk on Li Mu (two more)

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