Pirate Merchant

Chapter 140 You are the profiteer who beats others to their bones!

Mu Qian, who was walking down the street with Nuo Qi's tall and slender waist in his arms, could clearly feel the softness of the girl in his arms, so he kept cooling himself down to maintain the temperature balance in his body. It is delicious and soft, which is really true.

"Ah! Is it Brother Mu?! Yo! Brother Mu!!!"

While enjoying the feeling of the beautiful girl's soft body sticking to his body, Mu Qian was startled suddenly, as serious as seeing the enemy of life and death.

Then, amidst the cheers of Lu Fei on the other side of the river, Mu Qian gently pushed Nuo Qigao aside, and then with a wry smile on his face, a black shadow flew from the other side of the river, and hit Mu Qian hard body.


Mu Qian, who was hit in the chest by Luffy, was completely concentrating on the preparation, but he was knocked out of his breath. It felt like being hit by a train, and his feet slipped on the ground for more than ten meters before he stood still.

"My old bones will be smashed to pieces by you sooner or later."

Looking at Lu Fei who was hugging him and laughing, Mu Qian let out a foul breath, and he really became stronger. If it was before, Lu Fei would definitely hit him with internal bleeding.

"Sister?! Why are you here?"

When Nuo Qigao stared at Luffy with resentment, Nami, who was sitting on the calf fish, exclaimed in disbelief. After the driver calf fish landed, Nami jumped off the calf fish and ran to Nuo Qigao was beside her, threw herself into her arms, hugged her and laughed happily.

"I'm traveling with the ship, Nami, you have become stronger."

Although Luffy ruined the good thing, Nuo Qigao was still very happy to meet Nami.

"Brother Mu! We got the treasure in Sky Island and got 300 million Berry!"

Usopp, who came up last, showed off to Mu Qian excitedly with a black suitcase.

"How many catties of gold do you have? Next time you have gold, sell it to me. I will buy it from you at a price of 7800 berry per gram."

Mu Qian looked at Usopp who was showing off with himself, and said to them as if he didn't know how much gold they got.

However, Mu Qian's proposal made the elated Nami and Usopp froze in place.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! That pile of gold is at least over 100kg!!!!"

Nami knelt on the ground covering her face and screamed.

"Ah, if you calculate it in kilograms, that's about 780 million Berries. You guys are still pirates, don't you even know the price of gold? If it's a finished gold jewelry, you have to calculate the artistic value, The age value and purity value, you got the gold in Sky Island, right? If you sell it to me, I can probably pay a price of about one billion Berry to buy those 'arts' hundreds of years ago."

Mu Qian touched his chin and gave his offer.

"Luffy! Let's go back and catch that bastard right now! He only gave us 300 million! Get rid of him! We have to get rid of him!!!"

Nami rushed to Luffy's side, weeping and roaring loudly to the bewildered Luffy, while Usopp knelt on the ground and looked up at the sky, this time he was tricked by the buyer His eyes rolled and he fainted.

"I advise you to forget about it. If you leave the front foot, he will leave the back foot. Going to him will only be a waste of time. This is a lesson. Gold is an appreciation product. How many Berrys are needed next time? How much gold are you getting in exchange for?" Otherwise, you will definitely not be able to play against those businessmen who are smart and calculating, and you will only be cheated of money. After all, you are pirates, and others should celebrate if they are willing to buy you with 300 million Berry."

Mu Qian pushed away Luffy who was wrapped around him like a snake, and advised Nami not to trouble others.

After all, the merchants who can give 300 million Berry to buy gold will definitely have strong bodyguards. If they cause trouble, they will be the ones who will feel uncomfortable at that time.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my Berry!!!"

Nami covered her head in despair and screamed.

She had noticed that the trader was cheating people before, so she used Luffy's 100 million reward to threaten the trader. Obviously the trader was scared to death at that time, and he was still scared to beg for mercy. Obviously, 300 million Berry is already a lot of money, but why is there still a kind of heartbreaking pain now?

"Tsk, you gain wisdom by eating a pit. If you are cheated, you must learn not to be cheated in the future. Although you are just pirates, as long as the business is linked to gold, don't be foolish and sweet to believe the merchant's quotation, but If you want to give your own quotation to bargain, you think that no one will cheat your good brother to death just like me?"

Mu Qian looked at Nami, who was kneeling on the ground, covering her mouth and washing her face with tears, and looked not far away, her eyes turned white, and Usopp, who hadn't woken up after being duped into a coma, was inexplicably happy to Nami said.

"You cheated me with a devil fruit worth at least two billion Berry with 20 million."

Covering her mouth, Nami, who was sitting sideways on the ground and couldn't stop crying, looked at Mu Qian viciously.

If it was gold that caused her to bleed profusely this time, then the time when Mu Qian pitted her devil fruit before would have directly knocked her to the bone and sucked her marrow.

The difference in price of gold was more than three times that of others, but the last time Mu Qian cheated himself of a devil fruit was more than two hundred times the price difference! In comparison, this handsome man with a sunny smile is the most deceitful profiteer!

"Ahem, in business talk business, you have been tricked by others, and now it's boring to settle the previous account. Growing up in pain is life. Or, I invite you to dinner at noon?"

Mu Qian, whose back was numb from Nami's resentful stare, coughed twice in embarrassment. Before Nami continued to expand the topic to embarrass himself, Mu Qian took the lead in suggesting that the topic breaker king intervene.

"Eat?! Long live! I want to eat that watery meat!!!"

Just as Mu Qian planned, when Lu Fei heard Mu Qian said that he wanted to treat guests, his eyes burst into an astonishing brilliance. Although he didn't know how rich Mu Qian was, he knew that with Brother Mu, he would have food and drink! And you can eat without any scruples! ! !

"Cunning guy! You know how to use Luffy to change the subject!"

Sensing Mu Qian's sinister intentions, Nami gritted her teeth and glared at Mu Qian. Holding Nuo Qigao's arm, she stuck out her tongue and made faces at Mu Qian as if she had found a backer.

"Don't worry about these details. You can keep the money for yourself. I'll pay for the repair of the Mei Li for you. After all, I have benefited a lot from you."

Mu Qian moved his eyes slightly to the side and locked on several younger brothers who were hiding in the crowd of Frankie's dismantling house, but he remained silent as if he hadn't noticed them.

He didn't intend to care about the grievances between the Straw Hats and the Frankie family. Once he took care of it, it would be like a child fighting, but an adult would intervene.

"What bad things are you thinking?"

Nami, who is very keen on everything about Mu Qian, accurately captured Mu Qian's small movements of looking away and looking away. She was used to Mu Qian's character and questioned Mu Qian with a straight face.

"It's just that I noticed a few people who are malicious to me. Although I don't know what their purpose is, but if they are targeting me, they will probably be unlucky."

Mu Qian was extremely generous talking nonsense to Nami.

Although Usopp is called a deceptive cloth by the Straw Hats, but when it comes to deceiving, then he, who often mixes lies with the truth, is the most deceptive one.

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