
Bernal's eyes flashed, and there was a look of embarrassment and hesitation on his face.

He is not a stupid person. He was able to reach the position of lieutenant general, and he was also a veteran lieutenant general in the Navy headquarters. He was not able to do so simply by virtue of his strength.

From the momentum of the opponent's arrival and the falling magma meteorite, it can be judged that something is wrong with this general.

"Sending Marshall Teach and his group to Impel Down City is a task assigned by our headquarters."

"General Sakaski, what do you want?"

Bernal wondered.

"Don't make me say it a second time, Bernal!"

Sakaski said coldly.

Even as he said these words, half of his body made a gurgling sound and turned into lava, as if he was ready to take action at any time.

This caused Bernard to immediately break out into thin sweat on his forehead, and he gritted his teeth suddenly.

"General Sakaski, please tell your subordinates what exactly do you want to do?"

But he didn't expect that when Sakaski heard what he said, he laughed, with a half-smile in his eyes.

"Do you really want to know?"

Bernal was shocked, his face changed drastically, and his eyes were even more shocked.

The previous suspicion came true, the other party really wanted to do something big.

"I don't understand!!"

Bernal yelled.

"I admire you so much, respect you, and believe in the justice you insist on!"

Sakaski just sneered: "You will understand."

"But now, it's better to leave immediately!"

After a pause, his eyes glanced at Marshall Teach and his group.

At this moment, Marshall Teach and others had realized that there was a problem between the two of them, and they couldn't help but look up.

"Thief hahahaha!"

"Interesting, really interesting!"

Marshall Teach laughed.

Sakaski did not respond, but the coldness in his eyes became stronger, and his eyes were locked on Bernal.

"My patience is limited!"

"If it weren't for the memory of you and me, you wouldn't still be standing here now, Bernal!"

Hearing this, Bernal's expression suddenly changed, and he realized that the other party was determined to do this.


Sakaski shouted angrily, and immediately rushed towards Bernal with a magma fist.

The latter reacted very quickly, pulled out the long knife from his waist with one hand, slashed hard on the magma fist, and retreated very quickly.


The magma was split in half by him, but the chill on Akainu became even stronger.

"Don't force me to kill you all!"


Sakaski's face was cold and his voice was extremely cold.

Bernal's expression changed suddenly. After hesitating for a moment, he waved his hand suddenly: "Everyone, step back."

Taking a deep breath, he said again.

"Move to that small warship!"

The navy has been in a nervous mood since just now.

General Akainu arrived suddenly, and the atmosphere was still so tit-for-tat that it was simply terrifying.

After receiving the order, they immediately moved towards the small warship.

But within a moment, the small warship was densely packed with people, and Bernal was standing on the bow with a complex expression.

"Where's the key?"

Akainu stood opposite and asked coldly.

Bernal's expression changed and his voice trembled: "What on earth are you going to do?"

"Then it's none of your business!"

Sakaski sneered.

Bernal sighed and threw a bunch of keys hanging on his belt to the opposite side.

Sakaski caught it and turned away.

Soon, the bow of the large warship moved and sailed to the other side, getting farther and farther away from Impel Down City and Marinevando.

"General Sakaski, what on earth are you going to do?"

Bernal murmured.

Subconsciously, he felt that the other party was about to do something big, and the meeting just now was very likely to be the last meeting between the two parties.

Suddenly, the sky turned red, and the adjutant behind him shook his body, raised his head suddenly, and then his voice trembled.

"Lieutenant General Bernal, Sky!!"

Bernal's pupils shrank, and he saw the red magma meteorites thrown out from the warship in the distance, flying straight towards them.


"Everyone jump into the sea!"

With a roar, Bernal jumped high from the bow of the ship, raised his knife and struck at the falling magma meteorite.

But when he got closer to the magma meteorite, he realized the error of his behavior. Hot air waves hit his face, and the terrifying magma was boiling and rolling, as if it contained infinite anger.

Suddenly, Bernal gritted his teeth and struck hard at the magma meteorite.


The next second, his body was pressed down heavily and hit the warship below.

Suddenly, a horrified scream sounded.

"Lieutenant General Bernal!!"

"That's General Sakaski's trick."

"What on earth is he doing?"

Large areas of mist and shipwrecks floated up from the sea, and red flames illuminated the sea area in red.

Many navy floats on the sea water, looking at the disappearing warship in the distance with fearful eyes.

About three minutes later.

Headquarters, in the Marshal's Office.

Warring States answered the phone, and when he heard the words, his whole expression suddenly changed.

"I see!"

After spitting out these four words, he hung up the phone, then raised his head and looked at Xia Le.

"You were right."

"Five minutes ago, Sakaski attacked and hijacked the Rotary where Bernal was located, and there was also a Blackbeard gang headed by Marshall Teach on board."

Warring States' tone was serious and dignified.

"Return number?"

Xia Le was a little surprised.

He expected that Sakaski's only option was to defect and quit the navy, but he did not expect that the other party would look at Blackbeard's group.

"Yes, speaking of which, there is another story behind the Rotary!"

"Its first captain was a great pirate who saw clearly the evil in the world and was resentful of the cruel, cruel and bloody persecution of pirates. He finally decided to turn around and become a navy."

Taking a deep breath, Sengoku punched the table with a loud bang.

"But I didn't expect that it would become the ship where Sakaski defected!"

Xia Le's eyes flickered and he tapped his fingers on the table: "How ironic!"

Then he made a quick decision.

"The details of this matter, the specific process, if confirmed, should be quickly investigated."

"Issue a wanted warrant as soon as possible."

After a pause, Xia Le's voice was cold.

"Even if you are a former admiral, if you do something like defecting, you still can't forgive him easily!"

Warring States looked ugly and nodded.

He was surprised by this, even though in his mind Sakaski was at fault in the Battle of the Summit and later court-martialed.

But the result won't affect him too much. After all, he is the navy's strongest combat force. If he stays, he can still guarantee the position of general.

And Xia Le is undoubtedly a man of great ability, and he will not be unable to tolerate a Sakaski.

However, the other party did the most unexpected thing.


Sighing, Sengoku looked out the window.

This atmosphere of changing times is getting stronger and stronger.

This happened just after the battle at the top ended.


Rotation number.

To the Navy, this warship means reforming its past and embracing justice. At this moment, its meaning has been quietly changed.

At the bow of the Rotary, there is a U-shaped logo, showing silver light. Under the sun, it sparkles and is extremely bright.

Bernal no longer knew which captain this warship was. It was originally a pirate ship and was later transformed into a warship.

But even though it is a warship, it still has a strong pirate ship style.

A huge three-masted sailboat with three masts and eight large and small canvases. Although the hull is huge and heavy, it is very fast.

The first time Sakaski boarded the ship, he was aware of its name.

"Return number?"

As he muttered something, a hint of complexity flashed across his face.

But soon, the complexity dissipated and was replaced by coldness.

Once he makes a decision, he executes it. He has always been a decisive man.

Then, he punched out, and the hot magma melted the U-shaped logo on the bow of the ship. Immediately afterwards, the naval flag hanging on the mast was destroyed by him again.

The meaning of such behavior has become extremely clear.

As of today, he is no longer a Marine.

After doing all this, Sakaski turned around and put the key in his hand in front of Marshall Teach and others.

"Thief hahahaha!"

"General Akainu, what do you mean?"

Marshall Teach asked with a twinkle in his eye and a laugh.

But his movements were not slow, he grabbed the key and then unshackled his hands and feet.

In an instant, he felt that his suppressed fruit ability had returned, and dark fireworks were burning on his body, quickly devouring the scars on the surface.

"Your power is of some use to me!"

"From today on, you will obey my orders!"

Sakaski said coldly.

He was covered in bandages and his injuries were not healed, but his momentum was not weak at all.

Marshall Teach was stunned when he heard this, and then suddenly laughed.

"Thief hahahaha!"

"As a naval admiral, are you going to mix with pirates like us from today on?"

"You want to be a pirate too?"

Sakaski snorted coldly: "I will naturally act with my justice!"

The Blackbeard Pirates and the others were all unchained at this moment, and the clanking of chains falling to the ground could be heard one after another on the ship.

Soon, figures standing up one after another stood in front of Akainu.

There were weird smiles on every face, and their eyes were all locked on him.

"You want us to recognize you as the boss?"

Lafayette said playfully.

"What are you dreaming about?"

Someone sneered.

Akainu's face was cold, but at this moment, his eyes stared at Marshall Teach.

He knew very well that the boss of this group was the other party.

But Marshall Teach's eyes flickered at this moment, and after a long while, he smiled and spoke.

"Thief hahahaha!"

"I somewhat understand what General Akainu means."

"But since you want to join us, that's natural."

He raised his eyes and stared at the other person. There was a deep smile in Marshall Teach's eyes.

"Just follow the pirate rules!"

Sakaski said coldly: "What rules?"


"Whoever has the biggest fist will be the captain!!"

Fan Oka said coldly.

Sakaski's eyes shrank, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Just what I wanted!"

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