The golden light flashed and disappeared in an instant.

  The winter of Haiyuan calendar 152.

  The highest combat power of the navy headquarters - Admiral Kizaru Porusalino - 88 hours and [-] to pacify the West Sea!!!......

Chapter 6 G[-] Crisis!A smile, Anilu's big move burst [Subscribe]

  Great route, naval branch base.

  ,'Boom bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang' the dazzling flames on the copper and iron walls of the base were uncertain.

  , the roar of artillery fire continued.

  On the sea, huge waves formed one after another.

  Pieces of the wreckage of the pirate ship were scattered.

  This sudden war started in the early hours of the morning and has lasted for nearly six hours.

  I don't know how many turrets at the base have been defeated... pirate ships, but the number of pirate ships on the sea still hasn't decreased.

  In contrast, six hours of high-intensity combat came down.

  The copper and iron walls of the main entrance of the base also suffered a major blow, and the traces of shelling can be seen everywhere, and the defense force has dropped sharply.

  The scale of this raid on Base 6 was extraordinary.

  Obviously it wasn't the pirates who came up with it on the spur of the moment.

  Behind it, there must be a mysterious pusher who dominates everything.

  "Lieutenant General Crane, the fifth wave of shocks is coming soon. The leader of the army this time has a bounty of [-] million Berries..."

  A bloodied rear admiral shouted and reported.

  "Well, I see, pass my order, the next staffing..."

  Even if the situation is critical, Lieutenant General He is still calm and graceful, and methodically conveys the most appropriate instructions.

  The general staff of the Navy Headquarters is naturally not a false name.

  After a while.

  The admirals in the conference room were ordered to retreat.

  Only then did Ah He let out a long breath, and took a sip from the teacup on the table.

  "Sister He, as expected, let me go. Thanks to Sister He's 'medicine', my arm is completely fine."

  Gion waved Bai Nen's right hand and swore to speak.

  In the melee a few hours ago, he was always at the forefront of the battlefield. Facing Gion, which was besieged by a large group of pirates, his right arm was not very good. ...... It was penetrated by a sniper who was proficient in seeing and hearing, and his blood was blurred.

  If it wasn't for Ah He who got the 'panacea' from Luo Lin in time and saved it for treatment.

  Even if Gion's arm is not broken, it is difficult to restore it to a state where it can be used freely.


  For... Gion's request, A Tsuru just shook his head calmly and categorically refused.

  "Sister Crane, look, I'm really fine now, thanks to my dad's... I'm a hundred times more energetic now."

  Gion spoke energetically, full of fighting spirit.

  "If Gion-sama, you're afraid you won't be able to explain to your father..."


  Ah He nodded lightly, interrupting Gion's request.

  "Of course I am most aware of your strength. The reason why I didn't let you go out to fight is because it is no longer necessary, and the second is that this 6 needs your strength to be deterred."

  Ah He said in a deep voice, the light in his beautiful eyes flowing, and he was in control.

  "There's no need for this, what does that mean, Mr. Kuzan will take a long time to come."


  Gion tilted his head in confusion, and he was cute for a moment, "We can contact you at the headquarters, so Kuzan doesn't need to come here, let's go to other places to support."

  Ah He spoke calmly.


  Gion's pretty face became more and more puzzled.

  'Boom boom boom' and 'boom boom' at this moment.

  An indescribable terrifying roar accompanied by the extremely dull thunder suddenly resounded through the sea, making it deafening.

  "This voice is..."

  Gion's expression changed.

  "Let's go out and see."

  Ah He got up and stepped on the base city wall with the moon step first.

  "Uh... oh oh oh"

  "Meteorite! It's a meteorite!"

  "Hahaha, evil pirates, accept God's punishment!"


  city ​​wall.

  Under the harassment of the pirates, the exhausted sailors laughed and shouted excitedly.

  Looking at the group of meteorites that suddenly fell from the sky and hit the pirates, there was extreme shock and excitement on their faces.

  "These... meteorites are..."

  Seeing the spectacular bolide that defeated the cunning pirate fleet at that moment, Gion's eyes widened.

  It was astonishingly aware of the identity of the person who helped.

  "Please enjoy this fire festival day to the fullest."

  In the sky.

  The blind swordsman wearing a large kimono smiled and the staff and sword in his hands slowly returned to their sheaths.

  Then, sitting on the floating stone platform, he landed in front of A Tsuru and Gion.

  "I'm a little late, I'm very sorry."

  He smiled and apologized.

  "No, no, Mr. Yi Xiao, we are very grateful for your assistance, but if you come, is there really no problem with Hwaseong?"

  Gion waved his hands again and again.

  "No problem, Miss Gion, don't worry."

  Smile confidently.

  Then he turned around and looked at the pirates struggling on the sea with 'white eyes'.

  "Leave it to us next."

  Gion opened his mouth.

  "Don't worry, Gion."

  Ah He shook his head helplessly.

  "There's really no need to worry, Miss Gion, this time the old man is not alone."

  With a slight smile, he pointed to the dark sky.

  It was bright day, but the sky was darker than night.

  In the thick dark cloud, the electric snake wandered unsteadily, releasing a destructive aura.

  "This thundercloud, could it be... Shock kid"

  Gion subconsciously said.

  "Yeah hahaha"

  Suddenly, loud laughter came from the thick thunder cloud.

  The golden light was released, and the thunder god, who was surrounded by thunder, was standing on the bow of the golden boat with unparalleled power.

  "Weak mortals who dare to covet the blood of the gods will be punished by the envoy of the gods!!!"

  Anilu, who still did not change her secondary nature, laughed loudly.

  God, it, sanction, sanction!!! The terrifying thunder of 'Boom' fills the sky and the earth.

  Everything is invisible!!!…

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