"That's really good too"

  The samurai star nodded in agreement.

  "But how exactly?"

  "I already have an idea about this."

  The old star Ferdinand in the dark blue suit nodded.

  "what idea"

  "A few days ago, the troubled rookie in Hwaseong, Straw Hat Luffy just beat the Tianlong people. In the past, this is a big event that requires the general to dispatch. If the people from the navy don't want to go, we will send people to go. All right."

  Dark blue suit veteran Ferdinand sneered.

  "Straw hat Monkey Luffy, he seems to be that... Garp's grandson"

  The curly-haired old star frowned.

  "What about Garp's grandson anyway...... That old guy Garp and that bastard Rollin are wearing the same pants. Sooner or later, they will be against each other. This time it's his grandson who will take care of it."

  The bald old star spoke violently.

  "And besides... the crime of hitting the Tianlong people, that... straw hat boy is the... dragon's son, and he is one of the lights that Lord Yimu named to put out."

  Dark blue suit veteran Ferdinand spoke quietly.

  "What son of the revolutionary dragon"

  "Imm-sama personally ordered!!!"

  "Then there is no need to worry."

  The other three Five Old Stars nodded with shocking expressions.

  "So, who are you going to send?"

  asked the samurai star.

  "The candidate has already been selected. Isn't that kid Doflamingo always wanting to come back? Then this time, let's give him a chance to become a Tianlong again! I'd like to see if that... arrogant kid is there? ...this spirit."

  The old star in the dark blue suit sneered.


  "Very good!"

  "Then do it!"

  "Get in touch now!"

  The five old stars all smiled knowingly. …


Chapter [-]: Kizaru strikes!Eight hours to calm the West Sea! 【For subscription】

  Naval Headquarters, Malinford.

  Loud alarm bells rang out.

  The red alert flashes incessantly.

  A tense and oppressive haze loomed over, making the entire navy headquarters enter the wartime first-level alert state.

  "Marshal of the Warring States, a report came from the base of the 168th branch of the Great Airway, the enemy attacked!!!"

  "Reporting to the Warring States Marshal, the 258 branch base in the West Sea was attacked by pirates!!!"

  "Mr. Sengoku, the battle situation of the 6 branches where Lieutenant General Crane is located is urgent!!!"


  The threshold of the headquarters building and the marshal's office was almost breached.

  One after another, communications sailors rushed to report emergencies around the world.

  Since the establishment of the navy for hundreds of years, this is the first time that the pirates have actively attacked the naval base on a large scale!!! Even the navy, which is the dominant force in the sea, faces such a huge attack at the same time. Frustrated.

  Sengoku Qiang, the admiral of the navy, suppressed his anger, kept calm, and gave clear instructions one by one in an orderly manner.

  The style of the head coach is on full display.

  So about three hours later.

  The rough command deployment is basically completed.

  'Hu' Rao is the Warring States Period. After completing such a huge amount of work, his head also felt dizzy, he slumped on the chair and let out a long breath.

  "As expected of Mr. Warring States."

  The general Aokiji stepped in.

  The usual lazy face is now a rare serious and serious.

  "Kuzan, didn't you say you were going to support Xiaohe?"

  Warring States asked.

  "I contacted Gion just now, and they probably don't need my help."

  Admiral Aokiji Road.

  "That's good."

  Warring States nodded, secretly relieved.

  "Thanks to Mr. Rollin's handling of the Four Emperor Thieves and the Beast Pirates some time ago, Whitebeard and Redhead are not the ones who would take the initiative to challenge things, otherwise, our manpower will really be insufficient this time. "

  The general Qingzhi sighed to himself, and then the conversation suddenly changed.

  "Mr. Warring States, what the hell is going on about Mr. Luo Lin's secret, how he went out of control and ran wild in just a few days. It's really unusual."

  "This is exactly the charm of immortality. On those... The evil' that was originally hidden is now fully erupted."

  Warring States folded his hands against his chin, and the frog's eyes were dark under the glasses.

  "Sure enough... The government is pushing and helping them, don't they know that doing so will also cause a heavy blow to our navy."

  The general Qingzhi said angrily.

  "Strike, weaken the strength of our navy, this may also be their purpose."

  Warring States said coldly.

  "Mr. Warring States, you mean..."

  The general Aokiji suddenly widened his eyes, already understanding the hidden meaning of the Warring States period.

  "This era is no longer saved. In this case, what we have to do is to defeat the evil tide of the era with all our strength and welcome the arrival of a new era."

  The Warring States looked firm and strong, and he had already made up his mind.

  "Then let it go, Mr. Sengoku."

  Admiral Aokiji grinned. …

  West Sea.

  Hwaseong Allied Forces Temporary Base Island.

  The Hwaseong generals headed by Chief Instructor Zefa gathered together, their faces solemn.

  "Damn it, the rumors spread by some bastard is really ridiculous! It's heartbreaking!"

  A veteran general smashed the armrest of the chair with an angry fist.

  "Unusual, this speed of spreading is not unusual, it must be the world government behind it."

  Another veteran general spoke affirmatively.

  "The world government is really deceiving people!"

  "We haven't even asked them to settle the account of the incident thirty-six years ago."

  "It's a big deal, let everything be revealed to the world, and everyone's fish will die and the net will be broken."


  More than [-] veterans in the field were filled with righteous indignation.

  "Shut up all"

  A majestic cry emanated from Zefa's mouth, making the audience instantly quiet.

  "The game with the world government is handed over to Luo Lin, I believe that guy, what we have to do now is to defeat the evil', that's all."

  Zefa spoke with determination.

  'Drip' the clock hanging on the wall goes to nine o'clock in the morning.

  A dazzling beam of light illuminated the dim temporary conference room from the outside in.


  Zefa frowned.

  Countless dazzling photons gathered from all directions, condensing the figure of the general Kizaru.

  "As expected of Teacher Zefa, if that's the case, please count me in this task."

  General Kizaru spoke calmly, without the usual wretchedness between his words.

  The expression on the wretched old face, who had always been careless, contained a rare trace of hidden anger.

  "Okay, let's go, Polusalino."

  Zefa nodded in agreement.


  The general Kizaru clenched his fists, and the righteous cloak rattled behind him.

  "So, everyone at 5:[-] pm: see you later."

  General Kizaru smiled and said goodbye.

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