"It's true, the Qiwuhai is not as scary as the legends say, but I think the bandit king Rixiong was more vicious."

  Speaking of the Bandit King back then, the villagers thought of the Pirates who had been in their village for a while ten years ago.

  Who would have thought that the red-haired 'little' pirate who had a good relationship with them and even helped them grow the land is now one of the only four emperors in this sea.

  No one will believe this kind of thing.


  Another small village in the East China Sea, Xi Luobu Village.

  "Wow~~~ It's amazing, it's amazing! What is Shichibukai, Captain Usopp is the most powerful person in the world."

  "The Qiwuhai in the newspaper is not the opponent of Captain Usopp at all. The captain doesn't even need to do anything, and his eight thousand subordinates can wipe him out."

  "And this Big Stomach Challenge, that is, Captain Usopp didn't participate, otherwise the champion would get someone else's turn."

  The three little guys in Xi Luobu Village, Onion Head, Radish Head, and Green Pepper Head, believed in the big words of their captain, and looked at the long-nosed young captain in front of them with admiration.

  "Okay everyone, as long as you work hard, you will have the opportunity to follow Captain Usopp and I will become famous in the sea in the future." Usopp, the big talker, said proudly.

  After sending away the three innocent little kids, the young Usopp trimmed his hair.

  "Then it's time to tell a story to Keya. Recently, there seem to be a lot of strangers in the big house. I have to help Keya keep an eye on it. If it's a bad person, it's a big deal. This is what Captain Usopp must take on. responsibility."

  Usopp, arrogant, walked in the direction of the only big family in the village.


  Gothic Island in the East China Sea.

  The Arrita Pirates, captained by a fat woman with a pockmarked face, are now gearing up for a try.

  "What nonsense Qiwuhai, it's just like that, oh haha, little ones, prepare for me, my mother wants to grab a Qiwuhai to warm the bed."

  The pock-faced fat woman Al Rita laughed exaggeratedly.

  There are not a few East Sea pirates who share the same thoughts as Al Rita.

  After seeing the humiliating appearance of Crocodile as Shichibukai in the newspapers, many little pirates in the East China Sea were less afraid of Shichibukai.

  The big pirates who dreamed of stepping up to the sky by stepping on the name of Shichibukai began to gather.

  One of the biggest pirate forces is the current overlord of the East China Sea - the Creek Pirates.

  "Little ones, get ready to go. When the uncle takes the head of that Crocodile, it will be my turn to sit in the Qiwuhai position." The East China Sea overlord Krik, who wears the golden armor, is full of ambition. .

  "Ugh - Captain Crick is domineering!"

  "We are the strongest Crick Pirates, and we must look good on that Crocodile!"

  "Shibukai Creek!"

  The little pirates of the Creek Pirates roared loudly.


  East China Sea, Cocoa West Village, Along Park.

  "Seven Wuhai"

  Aaron, the shark fishman with a serrated nose, held a newspaper in his left hand and a red wine glass in his right hand, basking in the sun comfortably.

  Behind him, the officers of the Dragon Pirates stood quietly.

  "To be honest, I'm not at all interested in the bullshit Qiwuhai position, and I won't become a human lackey like that bastard Jinbei." Aaron said coldly.

  "But... if I can kill a Qiwuhai with my own hands, then that bastard Jinbei will probably no longer be able to despise me." Aaron said excitedly.

  "Aaron, that Qiwuhai Crocodile will definitely not be as stupid as the news said." Crooby, the leader of the Evil Dragon Squadron, reminded him.

  "Of course I know this, and I know how powerful Shichibukai is when I fought against the monster Jinpei, but... that Crocodile, only this sand crocodile with the ability of natural shasha fruit, maybe we can also take it Down."

  Aaron's expression was cruel and indifferent, he crushed the red wine glass in his hand, and the blood-red wine was as thick as blood.

  More than ten years ago, when he was still in the Murloc Pirates and was with his elder brother Fisher Tiger, he had encountered the young Crocodile.

  By observing the battle between Tiger and Jinpen and Crocodile, he stumbled upon Crocodile's weakness.

  This natural-type Qiwuhai is more afraid of water than the average ability person.

  And they murlocs like water the most by nature.

  Of course, this alone is not enough. In order to ensure victory, he has to do some preparations.

  "Jiu, Crooby, you two go help me with something..."


  All over the East China Sea, there are still 'legends' about the Shichibukai Crocodile.

  At this moment, Crocodile, who is still in a boat and can't afford it, naturally does not know that he will become famous in the East China Sea in this way.

  He couldn't have imagined that he would be able to lower the terror level of Qiwuhai in people's hearts by himself.

  If he knew, he would have--


Chapter 6 Nami's Prayer The Overlord of the East China Sea is here

  Two days after Cook Island Food Festival.

  On the open sea of ​​the East China Sea, the large artificial rainfall ship Gustav was in front, and in addition to the original five Baroque ships, there was also a large fish ship behind.

  That is Bharati, a famous sea restaurant in the East China Sea.

  two days ago.

  After seeing Rollin again on Cook Island and learning what Rollin is doing now, Zapp makes a big decision.

  He wants to contribute to Rollin's 'career'.

  Forty years ago, it was Luo Lin who saved his legs, which were more important than his life, from the pirates, and pointed out the future direction for him.

  For Zhepp, Rollin was like a mentor in life.

  So this time, after meeting Rollin again, he finally made up his mind to follow.

  For Zhepp's decision, all the chefs and employees of Barati Restaurant expressed their surprise and disapproval.

  In particular, Sanji, the sous chef, reacted strongly to this.

  After all, they didn't know that the real boss of the new baroque shipping agency was Rollin.

  In their opinion, Chef Zhep is going to take refuge with the pirate Crocodile!

  How can this kind of thing work?

  Zapp couldn't explain much about the objections of the employees.

  After all, the identity of this special existence, Rollin, is so important that it can even affect the entire world.

  Zhepp didn't dare to reveal Rollin's true identity at will.

  In the end, Zapp chose the simplest and crudest way to solve the matter.

  Under the power of Zhepp, the two days got along fairly well.

  Among them, the curly-haired youth Sanji, who originally reacted most violently to Zhepp's decision, has completely 'joined the enemy' and is at his command.

  "Curl your eyebrows, Miss Ben's lemon juice is gone." On the deck of the Gustav, Miss Valentine was lying on a chair, arrogant.

  "Curly eyebrows, is my special senbei still good?" urged Miss Golden Week on the side.

  "Yes, yes, please wait a moment, it will be right now."

  Sanji hurriedly went back and forth between the deck and the kitchen, busy with his work.

  This scene, the other Bharati chefs who watched it all despised it.

  "There's another fat sheep coming to the door."

  At this moment, a chef at Barati Restaurant suddenly groaned and pointed to the four o'clock southeast direction.

  There, a pirate ship with a skull flag was heading towards their fleet at full speed.

  This kind of thing is not new in the past few days.

  Thanks to Crocodile's performance in the Big Eater Challenge.

  Many of the little pirates in the East China Sea gave birth to a feeling that the Qiwuhai is no big deal.

  So they came to challenge each other, wanting to seize the position of the Seven Wuhai of Crocodile.

  The results are obvious.

  Rollins, even Crocodile and the senior agents didn't have to shoot.

  Baroque's mid-level and below employees and Baroque's battle chefs are enough to clean up those little-known little pirates in the East China Sea.

  For the distribution of treasures on the pirate ship, Luo Lin's principle is first come, first served, whoever grabs it first will belong to him.

  It is for this reason that the battle chefs of Barati are delighted with the appearance of pirates.

  Because they are all fat sheep that will definitely be slaughtered.

  "Uncle, this time it's the Arrita Pirates, and the captain is Arrita with a bounty of five million Berries."

  Robin learned the identity of the person who came by comparing the pirate flag, and reported to Luo Lin.

  "Al Rita?"

  Rollin frowned slightly.

  This is the only little pirate who has appeared in the plot in the pirate attack that Rollin encountered in the past two days, and it is not the kind of trick that can't survive three episodes.

  After being knocked off by Luffy with the straw hat, she was lucky enough to get the slippery fruit, a fat woman who turned into a beautiful Arrita.

  Her luck was not bad.

  But for now.

  For Al Rita, who is still an ugly fat woman, Luo Lin has no interest in watching it.

  "Robin, find a kid named Kirby on that ship. You can bring it back to cultivate. That's a good seedling." Luo Lin said.

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