A power awakened by Rollin during a deep dive over [-] years ago!

  Aquaman - The Power of Poseidon! ! !


Chapter 1 Discovered the little secret of Hawkeye [5/[-] asking for votes]

  In the distant past, Luo Lin, who ate two Devil Fruits at the same time and did not die, aimed his death at the sea.

  Since a person can't eat the curse of two devil fruits at the same time to not kill himself, then try another curse of devil fruits.

  So, Rollin went to sea.

  The energy emanating from the sea really made Luo Lin, who is a dual-fruit capable person, completely powerless, his head was dizzy, and he sank into the seabed like this, drifting with the current.

  I don't know how long, hours or days have passed.

  Rollin, who was drifting in the depths of the sea, woke up.

  After waking up, he has fully adapted to life in the water.

  Like a murloc, it can breathe freely in the water.

  What made Luo Lin speechless was that even the sea's curse of the land-ducks on those with Devil Fruit abilities was invalid.

  Even Rolin became stronger through this death, and awakened the power of Poseidon, the sea king, like the mermaid princess Shirahoshi.

  At that time, Luo Lin, who was unwilling to give up, decided to try whether the terrifying water pressure from the deep sea could make his body collapse.

  So he spent another day diving [-] meters deep with his bare hands.

  When the darkness faded and the warm sunlight reappeared, an island wrapped in a double-coated bubble appeared in Luo Lin's sight.

  So Rollin, who was familiar with the plot, knew that he had come to Fishman Island.

  This long-term memory about the deep dive of [-] meters gradually recovered and became clear with Luo Lin's dive again.

  Luo Lin suddenly remembered that before entering Fishman Island that day, he also shot and sank a mermaid dealer pirate ship that sneaked out of Fishman Island, and rescued a large number of mermaid girls.

  Who is in there?

  Oh yes, there seems to be the future princess Ottoji of Fishman Island, and a young fish named Kokoro, hopefully not the one in the capital of water.

  Finally, in order to save his compatriots, there is a murloc boy who took the initiative to sneak into the mermaid dealership and was caught - Tiger...

  Luo Lin can't remember more names.

  "Tiger and Otohime."

  In the deep sea, Luo Lin, who had closed his eyes and recalled the past, suddenly opened his eyes.

  The past is in the past and cannot be changed.

  Focus on the present now.

  Luo Lin was suspended in the deep sea of ​​about a thousand meters, trying to awaken the mysterious power hidden in the body.

  The power of Poseidon belonging to the ancient weapon Sea King.


  After a while, Luo Lin opened his mouth slightly and uttered a strange syllable.

  Rings of sound waves invisible to the naked eye spread rapidly through the seawater.

  After a few minutes of dead silence, an unusual wave suddenly sounded in the dark deep sea.

  "Come on, here I come!"

  "Following the call, are you a contemporary mermaid princess?"

  "Lord Princess, it's been eight hundred years, and I've finally waited for you again!"

  Fragments of messy feedback came from all over the deep sea.

  'crash la la'

  The sea is surging.

  Even if he didn't need to look at it with his eyes, he didn't need to perceive it, Luo Lin knew that there were countless sea kings gathered around him.

  And there are more breezy sea kings running on the road.

  "Almost all arrived, the efficiency is good." Luo Lin nodded with satisfaction.

  However, the sea kings were collectively stunned.

  Even in the dark deep sea, they could clearly see the true body of Luo Lin, who released the power of Neptune's summoning.

  This makes it even more dumbfounded.

  "You, you...what the hell are you?"

  "You're a contemporary mermaid princess? No, you look like a man no matter what?"

  "Could it be that the power of this generation of sea kings is wrong? The mermaid princess has become a mermaid prince?"

  "That's not right. Male mermaids won't turn out their feet even after they are thirty years old."

  "Then it's still a mermaid princess. Although she looks a little more masculine and the front is flat, she must not have a handle on the bottom."


  The super-large Sea Kings closest to Rollin had a heated discussion.

  Through the power of the sea king, I can understand the Luo Lin of their discussion: anger.jpg(╬◣д◢)

  Are you guys the Sea Kings or the Village Gossip Brigade?

  Why does the mind jump like that?

  It seems that I need to teach you guys a lesson.

  Rollin started to move his muscles while thinking.

  Get ready for class!



  the other side.

  Baroque fleet at sea.

  It has been half an hour since Rollin went swimming in the sea.

  However, except for the wave that Luo Lin launched into the water at first, there were no waves in the windless sea.

  "Gudong, it's been half an hour, why hasn't the boss come back yet?" Candle 3 Galtino slapped Hanako unconsciously.

  "The boss won't be attacked by the sea kings, will he be eaten?" The old Mole Man looked horrified.

  "Shut up old woman, how can such a powerful boss be afraid of a mere sea king." Feng Kelei refuted loudly, and then whispered: "But the group's words are uncertain."

  "Then what do we do next? Continue to wait or... go?" Someone said.

  The crowd was silent.


  How to go?

  They are now in the middle of the windless belt.

  If you move around casually, the sea kings will find it and swallow it whole.

  "A soldier goes to the battlefield and flees, sooner or later, he will die." Crocodile scolded.

  "Don't worry everyone, let me tell you, the president has the blood of a murloc, even if it stays in the water for a day, it doesn't matter, you see that we have not been attacked by the sea kings so far, which means that the president's shock is still there, so no need Worry."

  At the critical moment, Robin stood up, and a few words completely stabilized the military.

  "Sister Robin, does Brother Luo Lin really have murloc blood?" Wei Wei asked quietly while everyone was not paying attention.

  In this regard, Robin just pursed his lips and did not answer.

  Of course this is impossible!

  Now all they can do is believe in Luo Lin and continue to wait.

  Waiting is a boring thing.

  Another half hour passed, and Luo Lin still hadn't come back.

  The bored Balot agents began to have their own fun.

  "Oh hahaha"

  At this moment, Miss Valentine, who was occupying the observation deck of the Gustav, suddenly let out an exaggerated laugh.

  "Everyone, come and see, over there... there is someone sitting in a coffin over there. What's even more funny is that he is rowing a boat with a knife, hahahaha, it's so funny." Miss Valentine laughed.

  "What? There is such a thing? I'll take a look at it, too." Xiao Feng, a ladyboy who was eager to join in the fun, was the first to jump onto the observation deck.

  After a while, the sound of Feng Kelei rolling around with laughter came from above.

  "Hahahaha, it's true, it really made me laugh to death!"

  This time, the others were also intrigued by their laughter.

  Wanting to see what kind of picture made them roll all over the floor laughing.

  Everyone has a lookout mirror, and everyone looks at the direction of Miss Valentine's Day.

  Waiting to see the picture thousands of meters away, someone laughed like Miss Valentine's Day.

  However, a few people such as Crocodile and Robin couldn't help but change their expressions.

  "A bunch of idiots, they all shut up for Lao Tzu, that bastard is the world's No. [-] swordsman Mihawk!" Crocodile yelled.


Chapter 2 The Slash of the World's Greatest Swordsman [5/[-]]

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