Luo Lin opened his mouth faintly, his eyes gradually deepening, as unfathomable as a black hole.

  Ten years!

  A lot can happen in ten years.

  If it was another ten years later, even if Luo Lin got out of trouble, it would be of little significance.

  Because this world's default 'Joy Boy' is enough to solve everything.

  The world government is overthrown, Im the bastard is gone, and even those old friends of the Navy will perish in that unknowable war, never to be seen again.

  At that time, even if Luo Lin gets out of trouble, what's the point of it?

  There is no object for revenge!

  I don't even have any friends who drink with me.

  Always alone, what is the difference from these thirty-six years.

  But fate never made such a joke to him.

  Here comes Robin!

  He was dug out ten years in advance!

  So everything is still in time!

  The old people are still there!

  The enemies... are also alive!

  I am back!

  Everything will be different!

  Just when Robin was startled by Rollin's sudden silence, and when he got closer and wanted to observe carefully, Rollin turned his head without warning.

  "What's wrong?" Rollin asked.

  At this moment, the distance between him and her was less than one centimeter.

  Robin could even clearly feel Rollin's scorching masculine breath.

  "No, it's nothing, I want to help wipe your face dirty." Robin's eyes slightly dodged, and he sat back in his seat.

  "Right." Rollin said again.

  Robin sat up subconsciously, and Meibei listened straight.

  "You don't have to be nervous, little girl Robin. In view of the fact that you dug me out in advance, I decided to give you something in return. From now on, you can make three wishes to me." Luo Lin said seriously.

  Hearing this, Robin suddenly widened a pair of beautiful eyes again and spoke subconsciously.

  "You are the god of Aladdin... No, you are the magic lamp of Aladdin... Also, are you the god of lamps?"


Chapter 3 Read the hearts of the people and domineering [5/[-]]

  "Are you a lamp god?"

  When Robin said that she could make three wishes, Robin, who was immersed in the character of an eight-year-old girl, immediately thought of a certain fairy tale she had read in a book. story.

  Subconsciously, she showed an expression of surprise and hope, and her delicate and pretty face came closer to Luo Lin again.

  Rollin: "..."

  This doesn't seem right!

  Shouldn't the character of Robin's little girl be a little dark in her calmness?

  How could he see such a silly little girl.

  This is not the Robin I 'know'.

  Rollin looked complicated.

  Seeing the complicated expression on Rollin's face up close, Robin seemed to see what Rollin was thinking, and he smiled awkwardly and slowly returned to his seat.

  "Sorry, I'm still a little messy now." Robin whispered embarrassedly.


  Rollin continued to eat barbecue calmly.

  "About your three wishes, you can think about it slowly and tell me when you're done? Any wish is fine!"

  "Really anything?" Robin asked in a conditioned reflex.


  Rollin had a thoughtful look on his face.

  "Some things, such as making me commit suicide, I really can't do it, maybe later..."

  "No, no, I won't!"

  Before Rolin could finish speaking, Robin waved his hand hurriedly, saying that he would never make such an outrageous wish.

  Of course, what Robin doesn't know is that what Rollin said can't be done is really impossible, not unwilling.

  After all, decades ago, Luo Lin had already attempted no less than a thousand suicide attempts.

  "My Wish"

  Robin was eating barbecue, but he couldn't help but start thinking.

  "I stayed in Alabasta, and spent six years in the organization of the Sand Crocodile, just for the absolute secret hidden in this country, or try..."


  Before Robin could finish thinking, Luo Lin, who had been paying attention to her inner thoughts, nodded first.

  "Ah?" Robin tilted his head, looking cute and puzzled.

  Sister Yu is cute and deadly.

  "You want to know the historical text that the Alabasta royal family has guarded for generations. It records where the stone of the ancient weapon Pluto is located, right? I can take you to see it as your first wish." Rollin said seriously.


  Robin became more and more confused.

  "Obviously I don't have anything..."

  Robin was stunned.

  Because she finally realized what was wrong.

  Not just a matter of this article about the history of Alabasta.

  And earlier.

  It's been like this several times.

  Obviously she hadn't said anything yet, but Luo Lin was ready to guess her inner thoughts and took over.

  what on earth is it?

  This strange existence, is it human?Or the lamp god?Even the devil?

  "Little girl, I'm not a lamp god, let alone a devil. As you can see, I used to be just an ordinary navy." Rollin pointed to the dimly recognizable Vice Admiral's uniform that was broken and recognizable.

  "The reason why I can hear your heart is just because of the power of domineering."

  "Domineering?" Robin was puzzled and didn't know much about the so-called domineering.

  "Yes, it is domineering, domineering, and domineering enough to read people's hearts. Do you want to learn, little girl, I will teach you as your second wish." Luo Lin looked inscrutable. nodded.

  Rollins doesn't like to owe people.

  Since it was decided to give Robin the three wishes as a reward, it is natural to complete it as soon as possible.

  "Knowing and seeing domineering can strongly feel the power of the opponent's voice. Once this power is increased, you can extract the position and number of enemies outside the field of vision, as well as the actions the opponent will take in the next moment, reaching the top level and even predicting the future."

  "In addition to this, there are some people with extraordinary talents who are born with the ability to awaken knowledge, even with some rare characteristics, such as reading people's hearts and even affecting human form, in addition to seeing and hearing, there is also armed..."

  In the next hour, Luo Lin told Robin, who had never seen the world, about the knowledge of three-color domineering in detail.

  As one of the strongest in the last era, Luo Lin's accomplishments in domineering are naturally extraordinary.

  Ten years of confrontation and training with the sea lord Rocks, with the white beard, the golden lion, Charlotte Lingling, with the Roger Pirates, as well as the Navy's Karp, Sengoku and other top sea powerhouses, Ling Luo Lin's three-color domineering strength soared like a rocket.

  As for the special seeing and hearing that can read people's hearts, that's another story.


  "The arrogance of seeing, armed, and overlord..." Robin murmured softly.

  Knowing the existence of special powers such as tricolor domineering from the mouth of Luo Lin, the 'old senior', the impact on Robin was huge and subversive.

  After more than ten years of wandering in the West Sea, plus six years of coming to the Great Route, this is the first time she has learned that there is a powerful force called domineering in the world.

  "Knowledge-colored domineering is suitable for perception. If you cultivate to the top level, you can even see a corner of the future and read people's hearts. The major general of the West Sea Naval Branch should have been able to follow me for so long by relying on the power of ordinary knowledge-colored domineering."

  Robin made inferences and thought of the dangerous experience of being almost caught by the navy in the West Sea a few years ago.

  "The domineering of the armed color can also capture the body of a person with natural ability while increasing his strength. If I can learn it, then I will have another way to deal with Crocodile in the future." Robin thought to himself.

  Six years ago, he accepted the invitation of the Baroque Works to come to Alabasta, and he had his own purpose.

  Her relationship with Crocodile has never been more than an outward-looking partnership.

  She never really had allegiance to Crocodile.

  In the same way, Crocodile was only interested in her translation ability.

  Robin knew that when they found the piece of historical text that Alabasta was hiding was when they ripped their faces.

  It is necessary to prepare early for this.

  After two years of observation, Robin has already learned about a weakness of Crocodile, the natural rustling fruit power user - water.

  Now there is one more, and that is the armed domineering that Rollin had shown before.

  If she can learn to be armed...

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