Straw Hat Luffy, Chiqi Drake, Magician Hawkins, Haiming Apu, Weird Monk Urgi, Big Stomach Girl Bonnie...

Dai Die looked at the information and guessed that Bartholomew Bear came not only for the Straw Hat Pirates, but also to see his daughter Joelle Bonnie.

It's really a group of guys with complicated relationships.

Due to the appearance of Dai Die, the Kidd Pirates and the Flame Tank Pirates were destroyed. Under his command, Luo and Sauron, the number of supernovas this year has almost shrunk by half, and they are no longer the worst generation.

Dai Die originally thought that without Kidd, the supernova with the highest bounty, this year's supernova would become the strongest supernova this year with Straw Hat Luffy's 250 million Baileys, beating Magician Hawkins with 249 million Baileys. .

Unexpectedly, two more latest supernova arrest warrants were released, which stunned Dai Die for a moment.

Phoenix Pazelu, the captain of the Phoenix Pirates, has a bounty of 100 million Baileys, and has just reached the supernova passing line.

Whitebeard II, Edward Weibull, offered a bounty of 400 million Baileys. This move widened the bounty distance and became the strongest supernova.

And there is information that people from the world government have already started contacting Whitebeard II, planning to recruit him as the king of Qiwuhai to make up for Kaixia Jinpei's position.

Looking at the two latest reward orders and the titles of these two supernovas, Dai Die smiled.

Nima, the Navy Headquarters is about to start a war with the Whitebeard Pirates, and Supernova actually has Whitebeard II and Phoenix.

Are the world government and the Navy Headquarters going to do something?

Or do you want to humiliate the Whitebeard Pirates?

This means that the Whitebeard Pirates will be destroyed, and a large group of pirates will soon replace them?

Dai Die didn't expect that iss Bajin would dare to take the lead and use Whitebeard's name before Whitebeard Newgate died.

How courageous is this!

She was not afraid that the Whitebeard Pirates and his affiliated pirates would take away the ashes of both her mother and her son.

"This butterfly effect seems a bit big!"

Dai Die murmured that he wanted to find Edward Weibull and Fujitora Yixiao before.

Unexpectedly, now, a guy took the initiative to show up.

The Ark Proverbs quickly landed on the coating factory. The boatmen had been prepared for a long time, and immediately greeted Dai Die, the king of Qiwuhai, with continuous flattery.

At the same time, they promised to assign the best coating workers and the best coating materials to perfectly coat this golden spaceship.


Chapter 204 Landing on the Chambord Islands

Dai Die left a few members to guard the pirate ship. Taking advantage of the coating time, Dai Die wants to take a good look around the Chambord Islands to see if he can encounter these supernovae.

Especially the powerful idiot Whitebeard II, this guy can single-handedly kill 16 affiliated pirates under the Whitebeard Pirates.

Women like Nami, Robin, and Dezaya also want to go shopping and have fun, and the other cadres and crew members of the Big Daddy Pirates also want to have a fun.

Dai Die didn't stop them. After all, in the Chambord Islands, their big daddy pirate group is the strongest pirate group. No one dares to provoke them.

These crew members formed their own teams, took a lot of Baileys, and started their own luxury trip to Chambord, and they were also searching for those supernovas by the way.

Dai Die also started to wander around with his own guard team, including the slow fruit Foxy, the door fruit Ajin, and the strong city fruit Memory Seahorse.

Lian Luo and Crocodile followed Dai Die, while Moonlight Moriah chose to guard the ship, reforming and strengthening the corpses of Golden Lion Shiji and Thor Enel.

For the three guys with backgrounds, Straw Hat Luffy, Chiqi Drake, and Big Stomach Girl Bonnie, Dai Die will not touch them for the time being.

What's more, this guy Bartholomew Okuma might be nearby, guarding Straw Hat Luffy and the big stomach girl Bonnie.

But supernovas like the magician Hawkins, Haiming Apu, and the weird monk Urgi should not run away if they encounter them.

In the lawless zone of the Chambord Islands, the Supernova Pirates gathered in this area, including the Straw Hat Pirates who rushed over along the way.

They are now also asking for information about Fire Fist Ace everywhere. Even without the relationship between Octopus and Hachi, they still found Xia Qi's Ripping Bar by chance to inquire about the news.

It was this fateful encounter that almost caused the Straw Hat Pirates to **** Bailey from the big bank in the capital of seven waters, but was blackmailed and blackmailed by the black-bellied Xia Qi.

Thanks to Monkey D. Luffy's name and straw hat, and the name Shanks, Xia Qi was merciful.

In fact, Xia Qi also knew the content of the conversation between Rayleigh and Shanks, and learned the identity of Straw Hat Luffy.

What's more, Xia Qi is still an information dealer. She already knew most of the information about the Straw Hat Pirates, and now she just played tricks on these idiots.

Under Xia Qi's guidance, Straw Hat Luffy and his gang are going to the human auction house in the illegal area to find the Pluto Rayleigh who sold himself to make money.

Here, they met the dinosaur man Drake Chiqi again, Hawkins the divination man, and Bonnie the woman with a big stomach like a bottomless pit.

Straw Hat Luffy felt that he had found his kind, and finally found someone who could eat like him.

On the other hand, iss Bajin has completed the second conditional negotiation with people from the world government.

She doesn't want to participate in this top-level war with the Whitebeard Pirates at all, but she can promise that after this war, she can consider joining the Shichibukai.

At that time, I will also help the navy to kill the affiliated pirates under the Whitebeard Pirates.

The two parties reached a preliminary oral commitment on these conditions.


Dai Die led his men into the lawless area of ​​trees 1 to 29.

"Old Sha, wear your mask properly, don't shoot casually!"

Dai Die reminded Crocodile not to do anything wrong at this time.

However, even if this sand crocodile is exposed, at most it will only make the Navy Headquarters more afraid of Dai Die, and dare not do anything to the Big Daddy Pirates.

"I'm not a fool!"

Crocodile snorted softly and said that he can bear it now, and then he will be able to participate in the battle openly on the battlefield of Marlin Vandor, and he wants to kill Whitebeard Newgate himself.

"Then go to the slave auction and have a look. I heard that it is Doflamingo's territory."

Dai Die grinned, and went straight to the largest auction on No. 1 Tree Island to experience the darkness of the world.

That guy Doflamingo actually stayed alone at the Navy Headquarters to discuss other matters, and I heard that he was going to the Holy Land Marie Gioia.

This guy's courage is really crazy, and he is not worried that Wulaoxing will kill this abandoned son who dares to threaten the Tianlongren.

However, Doflamingo does have a lot of sources of goods now, which makes both the World Government and the Tianlong people want to cooperate with him.

Therefore, Wulaoxing and Tianlongren will not get rid of this valuable **** for the time being.

As for Hawkeye Mihawk, he drove a coffin boat and went somewhere.

"On this island, you may encounter Tianlong people who come down to play in Mary Joa at any time. You'd better be careful."

Crocodile smoked a cigar and said something expressionless.

To be honest, he doesn't really want to provoke such troubles as the nobles of the world, Tianlong people. Once he gets involved in any messy things, he will really be annoyed to death.

I don't know how Dai Die, who has a domineering look, will deal with these waste Tianlongren when they encounter them.

"Do you think I'm afraid of them? It's good that they don't provoke me. If they provoke me, I don't care about them pigs!"

Dai Die sneered and said, now that he is in the early stages of development, he will not be angry at all, even if he quits Qi Wuhai on the spot, it will not have too much impact on his plan.

In the worst case, he will directly attack and push forward the city.

"Hehe, I wish you were that stubborn."

Crocodile also showed a frivolous smile. If Dai Die dared to attack the Tianlong people, he would not mind teaching these lawless world nobles a lesson.

"Foxey, send them the arrest warrants for Rob Lucci and the others!"

Dai Die is holding a stack of new reward orders. Spandain and Spandam, the two wastes, have been working on it for so long, and finally succeeded in applying. They want to kill those captured cp9 with a stick, and designate them all as traitors. , Now even the arrest warrants have been released.

One of the interesting things is that only Kalifa's reward order is only live, and she can only be captured alive. It seems that her parents have contributed.

And the other cp9 members are all life or death.

"Yes, Captain!"

Fox immediately took these wanted notices, entered the castle prison of Memory Seahorse, and showed these wanted notices to Rob Lucci and the others,

As for whether to surrender or not, Dai Die doesn't care much about their fighting strength now, and he doesn't lack this little time.

It's a good thing that the surrender has joined, if they would rather die than submit, then Dai Die will kill them and make them the zombie material of Moonlight Moria.

Although Bingshan and Franky have not officially joined the Big Daddy Pirates, they are still honestly on board the Gurosiadi, following Rajette, and helping to upgrade the island ship.

On Dai Die's boat, only by playing his own role can Dai Die not be cleaned up.


Chapter 205 Supernova in the Restaurant

When Dai Die and his group entered the illegal area, in a famous restaurant opened by an underground dark emperor, several supernova pirates gathered again to eat here.

This powerful restaurant has become a place where they check in every day. They like this kind of restaurant where no one dares to make trouble, and they can spend ten days in peace.

They have been on this island for several days. After the pirate ship was coated, they should have left the Chambord Islands, dived into Murloc Island, and then entered the new world they dreamed of.

However, the Navy Headquarters announced the public execution of Fire Fist Ace and the upcoming battle with the Whitebeard Pirates. They didn't want to miss this top-level world war, and they stayed in the Chambord Islands to witness this battle.

And now the Whitebeard Pirates in the New World are extremely unstable like an angry old lion who lost his young son.

These supernovas don't want to enter the new world now and become the target of the Whitebeard Pirates.

What's more, when the Whitebeard Pirates battle with the Navy Headquarters and their combat power is greatly damaged, they may be able to take advantage of the old four emperors' territory when they enter the new world.

After the magician Hawkins had a full meal, he started his daily divination, while the monk Urki was still drinking heavily with his crew and eating meat happily, so there was no such thing as a monk.

On the other side, a pink-haired girl sat directly at the dining table, munching on all kinds of delicacies, even pulling a dish into her big mouth and swallowing it in one gulp.

The speed at which the food was served could not keep up with the speed at which she was eating food.

And the financial crew on her ship were already sweating coldly looking at their wallets. If this continued, their money would not be able to support the execution day, and they would be honorably bankrupt.

At that time, they are afraid that they will become the poorest supernova pirates, because they can't afford to eat because they have no money.

It seems that you have to rob other pirate groups to barely maintain your life.

The captain is a big eater, and the crew is a bit overwhelmed.


"Today's fortune is extremely fierce, with a 50% chance of death and a 100% chance of losing freedom!"

The magician Hawkins stared wide-eyed, looking at his divination results in disbelief.

Ma De, yesterday's divination was still auspicious, and everything will be safe.

Why did he become like this bird today?

"Captain, let's run away!"

The crew of the Hawkins Pirates, who are familiar with their own captain's ability, immediately wanted to slip away as soon as possible. Even though this is the property of the underground dark emperor, there is a certain degree of security, but they still don't have much sense of security.

Because the crew members who did not believe in Captain Hawkins' divination had already reported to the Western Paradise, the surviving crew members were all firm believers in Hawkins' divination.

"Why are you arguing, you old wretch, it's so annoying to be here every day.

If everything is destined, why come out to be a pirate, just stay in your kennel honestly! "

After swallowing a large plate of meat, Bonnie the girl with a big stomach yelled at the Hawkins pirates, obviously disgusted by these frightened pirates.

"Come on, draw a card and see your fortune."

The magician Hawkins didn't pay attention to Bonnie's insults. Instead, he walked up to her with a tarot card and asked her to choose one.

Bonnie looked at the old magic stick who had a bounty more than 100 million higher than her own, and saw the fearful eyes of her crew. She didn't want to start a war with Hawkins, so she impatiently pulled out a card and threw it back, and then continued to start. cooked rice.

Hawkins returned to his table with the cards in satisfaction, but he seemed to feel a chill just now, wondering if he felt wrong.

Is there anyone who can't protect this big stomach girl, Bonnie?

"Joelly Bonnie, today's fortune, 0% chance of death, 0% chance of losing freedom!"

Hawkins frowned and said, the luck of this woman with a big stomach seems to be surprisingly good. The pattern of the Tarot card is a noble princess, under the hands of a pair of huge guardians, she is safe from all dangers.

"Haha, I know that you are unreliable, an old magician, and my wife is a pirate, so there is no one hundred percent safe in the sea."

Bonnie, the girl with a big stomach, said disdainfully that she went to sea this time to prevent her father from continuing to make that **** mechanical modification. She didn't want to see a father who was completely unconscious.

If she finds the old guy Vegapunk, she will beat out the Xiangdu of this **** scientist.

How dare she slowly transform her father into a puppet who lost her feelings and memories!

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