“In the original work, the Alabastan incident also does not describe that the revolutionary army has a liaison office in Alabastan, it seems that the revolutionary army is in the New World, the first half of the Great Sea Road and the four seas, the supervision of the navy and the world government is too strict. The revolutionary army basically withdrew from these regional activities. ”

Suning didn’t know what to do for a while.

I couldn’t find a liaison office, and my mission was lost.

“By the way, Alabastan Bounty Hunters Division.”

Suning’s spirit flashed, and he remembered the Bounty Hunters Guild.

“Excuse me, where is the Alabastan Bounty Hunters Guild?”

Suning asked a passerby passing by.

“Alabastan? There is no bounty hunter guild in Alabastan, and only one bounty hunter guild in the capital of the Barbielloa kingdom in the entire island of Santin Island, where bounty hunters go to Barbilooa. ”

“Barbie Roya?” Suning wondered.

“Barbi Roa is on the left side of Alabastan and is our neighbor.”

“Oh, so it is.” Suning nodded.

Saintin Island is not only one country, Sindin Island is very large, and Alabastan is only one of the big countries in Sindin.

“Is Barbilooa a World Government ally?”

Suning continued to ask the passers-by, originally thinking that the passers-by would not know, where did he think, the passers-by were very clear.

“Barbi Loa was originally a world government alliance, and later withdrew from the world government, in the face of the world government and pirates, the Barbi Loa Kingdom did very well, Barbi Loa is one of the most powerful countries in Santin Island, Barbi Loa is the only power in Santin Island that is not a member of the world government.”

At the end, passers-by also said with a proud face: “We Alabastan will also be the same country as the Barbielloya Kingdom, and we can stand strong on our own without relying on the protection of the world government, as long as this group of rebel forces is all eliminated, Alabastan will become strong sooner or later.” ”

Suning was surprised, originally just a random passerby, but did not expect that a passerby’s national thought was so strong.

“Aren’t you angry about the fact that Alabastan doesn’t rain all year round in addition to the capital not falling all year round, and King Kobra uses dancing powder?”

Suning asked.

Passers-by looked at Suning with disdain.

“You, like other fools, actually believe in this kind of thing, dancing powder is forbidden to be made by the world government, because once used dancing powder, even if it can induce rain, but its harm is very obvious, once used dancing powder, its neighboring countries will be dry and do not rain all year round.”

“But King Bula was not such a stupid person before, leading Alabastan out of the world government and making us Alabastan strong, even if King Kobra is not a patriotic king, he will not be stupid enough to use dancing powder to destroy his identity.”

The passerby’s words Suning did not hear too clearly, because the words and meanings expressed were not very smooth.

However, Suning understood the general meaning, and the king of Alabastan Kobra would not be stupid enough to fall to such a point.

Otherwise, Kobra, who previously led Alabastan away from the world government, is fake.

In a word, passers-by thought there was something strange in this, and he chose to believe the current king of Alabastan, Kobra.

Suning looked at this passerby in a complicated way, and did not expect that the king who was condemned by the people in the original book would still have someone to intercede for him.

“You’re right.” Suning patted the passerby’s shoulder.

“Your king, King Kobra of Alabastan, is a wise monarch, and he turned out to be a king who was considerate of his people and loved by you.”

“It’s only since the rain powder incident came out that most people are disappointed with Kobra.”

“That’s right.” The passerby nodded, his expression excited, and he agreed with Suning’s words.

“Rest assured, the rebel army will be crushed, and Alabastan will be as strong as the Barbilooa country.”

Suning smiled at passers-by.

“That’s for sure, there are 600,000 garrisons in the capital, and although there are millions of rebels, they are all a bunch of rabble, and they are also a group of innocent people who have been lost by the mind of the leader of the rebel army.”

“When King Kobra leads the royal army to defeat the rebel army and win this battle, Alabastan will be fine, it doesn’t matter if there is no rain, we can go outside to buy fresh water, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.”

The passerby preached to Suning with a cheerful face.

The so-called people who have a common topic are Suning and passers-by at this time.

The whole Alabastan is a person who does not believe in King Kobra, and it is natural to be excited to meet a person who also believes that Kobra can lead Alabastan to strength.

Su quietly listened to the explanation of passers-by, never had water, and then how to become as strong as other countries, like the Barbilooa Kingdom, and how to make the country prosperous and the people strong.

Passers-by have his opinion.

“When Alabastan is restored, Alabastan without the rebel army needs you.”

Suning patted the passerby’s shoulder and said.

“You can lead Alabastan to a stronger path, pursue happiness and freedom for the people, do not fear anything, the world government, pirates, can be turned away.” Because Alabastan is strong enough, each of them must pay attention to Alabastan and fear Alabastan. ”

Suning said that when a country is so strong, it can indeed be the same as the world government, with a transcendent status, like a paradise.

Plus, one such country has such talent.

“Tell me, what’s your name? The future of Alabastan … Minister? ”

Suning stared at the clear eyes of the passers-by, in fact, there were still two words in his heart that he did not say, that is, the king.

The passerby looked extremely excited, but he did not expect that his opinion was appreciated and recognized by a stranger.

He was proud and excited, and when Suning asked for his name, he blurted out: “My name is Napoleon Bonaparte.” ”

Suning was stunned.

Napoleon Bonaparte?

Suning’s pupils contracted, a little unbelievable. _

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