Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Three: A powerful upgrade! 【For subscription】

Different from the noisy and bustling outside world, Lynn still maintains a rather quiet environment on Mermaid Island, so he is also meditating on his own cultivation.

But what he didn't know was that this year, the pirates who went out to sea, because of their admiration and yearning for him, set off a new peak again.

Just like when Roger said that.

Let countless enthusiastic adventurers rush to the sea.

Including some teenagers who have just learned how to fight and have a heart for adventure.

They are all yearning for that... the fifth emperor named Lynn, who reigns in the new world at sea, destroyed Malinfoddo with a knife in the war on the top.

Moreover, he smashed the advancing city by himself, making the Navy Headquarters helpless and a headache.

It seems impossible to surpass One Piece, because there will be no more achievements, only to go where he has been and become the new king who has conquered this sea.

But the legend beyond Lynn's milestone is extremely exciting.

After all, he is very young, there is still a long way to go to become a milestone, and even many years to create everything that belongs to him.

Therefore, countless people rushed to the sea, but their goals changed. It was not the treasure of One Piece, nor the name of One Piece, but their goal was Lynn.

Among them, many incredible newcomers are included.

For example, there is a guy named Trafalgaro who killed five hundred pirates, and in one encounter, and sent these... pirates to the naval stronghold, and also left their name and purpose. Very simple, make a request to make your bounty go up.

Then walk away.

The navy didn't know what happened to make this iron-faced boy with a dark circle under his eyes like he was wanted and offered a bounty, but they were very considerate to add a bounty of [*] million to him, and designated him as a dangerous rookie pirate.

In the same month of the same year, there was another guy in the South China Sea named Eustace Skid. The pirate group he led from the South China Sea committed a heinous crime, burning, killing and looting a small kingdom and removing his name from the map.

In the same way, it is also to increase his popularity and follow Lynn.

From his point of view, the same young man, Lynn is only less than eight years older than him, such an age difference can be regarded as being in the same era.

How can it be allowed to be surpassed by so much.

Therefore, he was also offered a reward of [*] million bery.

In addition to them, there are many famous people who have already emerged, and have been promoted by the most popular foundation's newspapers and magazines.

All of this broke out completely within a month or two.

In this regard, Lynn looked at the report from the foundation president Raul every day with a smile in his eyes.

After all, every newcomer that appears will provide some insignificant changes to the plot, but even so, these...changes can bring very high attribute bonuses.

"It seems that everything is thinking about a good development..."

After a while, Lynn opened the legendary equipment bag that was left before.

After a phantom light, a "musket" appeared in the picture

,Ancient muskets, stacked in four rounds, looks pretty good at first glance.

[The Legend of New Deng Ancient Musket Dragon Fire] [Background Story: The musket used by the great pirate Edward Titch, has been active after a hundred looting, and represents the status of the pirates] [Effect: Can be attached to armed color domineering bullets, The power is huge, and when the muzzle is aimed, it will cause the target to have a few seconds of fear and anxiety, thus losing its original strength.

】 Lynn scratched his head, this thing is a status symbol, but those few seconds of short-term fear are still very powerful, at least if you really want to kill people, these few seconds are enough.

The thing from Edward Titch, that is a great pirate who is really active in history, the legend has to be admired.

active for an era.

Besides, in the next few days, in addition to...waiting for the arrival of the other little devils, Lynn began to return to the previous life that pressed time to every second.

Practice swords.

In the flow of swords, there are more and more moves used by Xinting, which can be used and are not so physically consuming. In fact, they still need to be developed.

As a result, Lynn began an ascetic journey of proficiency in various moves.

As a result, every day on the entire Mermaid Island, thunder vibrates, swept through the sky, and inexplicable money vortexes and black holes in the deep-sea waters will suck the huge sea kings around.

Sometimes a few hundred meters of sea king tails are sucked into the black hole for no reason, and their bodies are cut by the cutting frenzied wind.

The sea kings widened their eyes, feeling as if they had been scraped.

After three days of penance.

Lynn's smash hit has been raised to 3.

In this way, the improvement of the panel on the bright side can only see the prompt of increasing power.

But Lynn himself knew very well that a move like Breaking the Air that could shatter an entire space, the higher the level, the less energy it would consume...

So he has to practice.

On top of the war, Lynn has a lot of flaws.

For example, the domineering attack of the tyrannical color at the beginning consumes at least [*]% of his stamina.

It would be unwise to fight Hawkeye in this state.

If Hawkeye didn't want to see him eventually grow up, and didn't like getting involved in the Navy, I'm afraid Lynn would have been killed.

In addition to breaking out of the sky, there is a more powerful sword that collapses the sky.

This move is a skill that can only be cast when Minghong Dao's killing intent has accumulated 100%, so it is not unlimited for Lynn.

"It still needs to be practiced, but now, maybe I can develop a combo."

Lynn touched his chin and looked at his growing attributes and skills, showing a thoughtful look.

[Ding! Blind student! You found Huadian! Strength +10, Agility +20, Stamina +5, Dao Strength +50, open the skill macro panel] Lynn was stunned for a moment, the skill macro should be a one-click sword move Well, in this case, you can try to connect your skills together, if the intermediate skills are connected well, maybe you can do it like a sea of ​​rage.

He checked the function of this move, not only can it be used by himself, but also can be formed into a rubbing.

"Yes, that's exactly what I need right now."

The sword move combo that has been embodied means that Lynn can pass on his skill macros to his disciples.

Strengthen power.

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Chapter [*]: Train Shiliu to doubt life 【Subscription】

"One sword flow, two sword flow, and three sword flow can all be transformed during the battle."

Lynn looked at the panel, then tentatively dragged his own moves into it.

This panel is very similar to the skill introduction panel in the game, but in fact, as long as Lynn drags the icon, he will automatically feel the whole series of actions from the use of the move, and he is very familiar with it.

One sword flow is transformed into two sword flow, you can use Iai to draw the sword, and you can attack again in the gap, then use the one sword flow blue bird as a long-range attack, and use the sword energy to temporarily block the enemy's actions.

Immediately followed by a knife flowing with the blue dragon, this knife is the one that the user wants to accompany the sword energy to stand out, and it is also a dashing skill.

After getting close to the enemy, use the drawing tool to pull out the second sword. At the same time, Iai's power can kill people in a short period of time. Even people with strong armament and domineering can block their bodies and make them grow. a brief "pause"

Followed by two slashing steel flashes, in the process of rushing, the steel cutting flashes will turn into a ring-shaped blade, which can knock the enemy into the air.

After successfully knocking it off, first use the two swords Liu Juhe Rasho to knock the target 2 degrees, and then use this to pull out... the third sword, and then use the three swords Liu Qinglong Yin to rush the enemy into the air, and use the climbing tower to knock down the floating.

The final "Breath of the Wind"


A series of sets of moves will almost make the target stay in the air for four or five seconds, and they have to face more than seven powerful moves.

In the end, Lynn completed his own set, and the name was called "Happy Wind Boy Big Sword"

The effects include knocking, cutting, group attack, single attack, floating attack, and the last gust of wind and breathlessness. There is also a status bonus, armor breaking +50%. After these statuses, it can be used within a few seconds Ignores enemy armor.

After completing the setting of the skill macro, it turned into a yellow icon directly on the system panel, just like practice makes perfect, this set of moves was completely recorded in my mind.

It's as if it's been used for years.

Lynn was amazed.

Before he knew it, he threw himself into this new panel and the connection with the effect of the set move, and went to Shiliu of the Rain to try the move. After all, he was also a swordsman, and Shiliu also often learned from Lin En.

But this time, when he first saw Lynn, Shiliu unconsciously bit the cigar in his mouth and almost didn't cry.

I'm coming again... Do you have military training for me?... The foundation of the foundation was actually just a painstaking method at the time. In fact, it was really because there was too much baggage on the pirate ship. Don't look at the size of the 51st Army There are plenty of storage areas in the cabin and deck.

But in fact, for Lynn, gold, silver, Berry, and all kinds of jade will sink the cabin, so Lynn chose to use it to help Raul, but he didn't expect this student to be so powerful.

It actually worked really well.

This means that in this world, many people seem to be lingering on and unable to grow, but in fact they are... just missing an opportunity.

As long as they can seize that opportunity, it means that with their own strength, they can achieve great success and operate better.

Under the governance of the Tianlong people, paying expensive gold in the sky will become a nightmare for many regions and kingdoms, and it will also make many regions that are not very wealthy even worse.

In Lynn's view, after the top war, he destroyed the prestige of the navy on the sea, and may be able to complete a rescue.

Moreover, after this story spread, the one who really got the chance was... the revolutionary army.

To put it mildly, it is the Justice League. …

By the afternoon.

Shiliu of the Rain was slashed with scars all over his body, and lay dying on the ground, looking at the sky, he couldn't help thinking of his hometown.

And hometown wine.

"Ah, I felt like I was going to die at that moment. I'm sorry for my mother. I haven't thought of her for a long time. It's really a distressing thing to be born as a human being."

"Then, Lynn-san."

Shiriu of the Rain had a faint smile.

"In the future, can you not come to me again for things like practicing recruiting?"

Most of the time, I've been in: heaven, sure enough, still down-to-earth feeling makes people feel cute bastard.

Shirou almost burst into tears.

Lynn scratched his head: "Well, I'm sorry, Shiliu, I have a good grasp of the strength, but this move is too smooth.

Next time I will calculate the strength carefully, let's continue tomorrow"

"Ah, I remembered that I still have a meeting with Anilu, so let's go first."

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