But I am afraid it has the strength of a billion pirates.

He's the scariest guy in the Seven Seas.

As we all know, among the Qiwuhai, there are three people who are considered to be the strongest in combat.

Hawkeye, Dover, Tyrant Bear.

Jinbei can only be ranked fourth.

Now, there are three of them from Shichibukai.

There is also a [-] million big pirate, my tavern is today... What a lucky day.

Please don't fight here!! "Hey, what about you, beautiful woman."


Rowling was startled and quickly pointed in a direction.

However, a figure that came later made Doflamingo froze.

From what he saw and heard, he could feel the horror of the guy behind him.

It seems that no matter how he moves, he has been locked by his breath.

"Ah, you're here too, that guy Lynn is in there."


A huge body stood at the door, just glanced at the people in the tavern, and immediately made them look terrified.

Garp! Lieutenant Admiral Garp, the hero of the navy, today's legend.

The man who chased after Roger the Pirate King! "Oh oh oh, Garp, you shouldn't come to this kind of place."

"I'm here to warn you not to make trouble in the Chambord Islands, bastards."

Garp walked into the tavern, and the guys around... The guys who looked sloppy dressed directly turned their faces away, for fear of looking at Garp.

Rowling didn't dare to say more, her voice trembled a few times, and her mind went blank.

But my heart was completely blown away.

My goodness, what is coming today.

Garp, the legendary sailor.

He actually came here, could it be because of that young man named Lynn, but he is only [-] million.

Although this number seems to have a great impact, for... Rowling, in the news from the New World, many people have a bounty of more than [-] million.

There are even billions of big pirates.

Those guys are really hard to catch.

Even if those people come, it won't cause such fluctuations

According to the tavern's understanding and Lynn's own words, he still has a period of time before he will be 20 years old, and his time to go to sea is free for one year and two or three months.

On the average person, I am afraid that even the 300 million reward order cannot be achieved, and they must be prepared to be arrested and sent to the big prison at any time.

But Lynn is already [-] million.

No wonder.

These people take him so seriously.

Will anyone else come? Rowling almost doubted her life.

At this time, in the dense jungle outside the door, a little girl hid secretly, stopped, and hid in the grass.

He was wearing a black suspender dress, his eyes were big, shining with wisdom, and he watched as Garp entered the tavern and hid by the grass.

Completely hides his figure.

"What did I see..."

The eyes of this little girl were constantly trembling, just a few minutes ago, she had entered many famous sea pirates, Qiwuhai, and the last... was actually Karp.

She escaped from the O'Hara incident, and the Navy, in order to cover up her hideous crimes, pinned her on the smashing of six warships and offered a reward of 7 million [-] Baileys.

This almost changed life, originally living a carefree life in O'Hara, learning all kinds of knowledge, researching historical documents, and becoming a scholar.

But after that incident, she had no home, and faced with endless pursuit, she could only run around and survive, she already had very sensitive nerves at a young age, and she had very rich experience in escaping at sea.

This time, she also heard the news from Lynn that she had a blueprint for Hades, and this ancient weapon, Hades, seemed to have appeared on a certain historical inscription.

She hadn't seen it, but she knew how to interpret it, or in other words, the only person in the world who could interpret the historical inscription was... Robin.

So he came to Lynn to see if this young man with great fame really had that kind of power.

Who knew that I encountered so many dangerous people.

"Lynn, what kind of person would be a good person?"


Inside the room, the sand crocodile frowned, and suddenly a large portion of the cigar was bitten off by himself.

He never dreamed that one day he would be in the same room with these... guys who were not to deal with in the first place.

There are too many people in this little dark room now.

"Hey, Karp, what are you doing here!"

"Obviously this is our pirate party."

The crocodile said bluntly.

Karp stared at Lynn, and in the end the corner of his mouth turned down, and he said very solemnly: "Long time no see, you bastard."

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Chapter [-]: Qiwuhai?I reject! 【For subscription】

"Is this how you greet each other?"

Lynn said with a wry smile.

When he left, the number 3 was given to him by Karp himself. At that time, it was absolutely impossible for him to think that he would meet in such a situation after more than a year.

Doflamingo didn't seem to like this crowded environment, so he squatted arrogantly on the table next door.

Although he also knew that it didn't seem to have any effect, none of the people present did not know how to use domineering.

But he was used to it, and Doflamingo liked the feeling of being in control.

"I'm here to ask you a question, if the Navy asks you to accept the title of Shichibukai, would you accept it?"

Garp said this sentence, his identity also represents the Warring States period, it can also represent the sky or the five old stars.

After all, Qiwuhai's solicitation must definitely be approved by those above.


Crocodile's eyes trembled for a moment, and then he laughed: "Goo ha ha ha!"

"I didn't expect it to end like this, so you're here to recruit!!"

"That trash Moria shouldn't have become Shichibukai!!"

Doflamingo also let out a smirk.

That would be interesting, but he was still very optimistic about this young man.

I plan to do business with him.

Hai Xia's face was very flat, and his two big teeth like sharp knives twitched slightly, and smiled kindly at Lin En.

"If you become Qiwuhai, we will be our own people. Let's protect the peace of the sea together."

Everyone looked at Lynn expectantly. This is the best solution, not only can the current situation in the Chambord Islands be resolved, but also, the strategy of the Warring States period does not seem to be affected.

Because even if Lynn decides to become Shichibukai, the navy can hide it for a while.

Moreover, the news released will still not be taken back.

"Oh... I finally understand what that old guy in the Warring States period was thinking."

Doflamingo said rudely.

As the young master of Deros Reza, I don't need anyone to be inferior to my son and vision.

He's fishing for pirates in the whole sea!! Those... the big pirates will definitely not come in person, maybe they will ask the people under their hands to contact Lynn, but this kind of contact is not a battle, some are wooing, some are To oppress, to recruit.

However, the new pirates from the four seas, or those from the four seas... the pirates who have not yet reached the great route, or the pirates in the first half of the great route, are all willing to come to this grand event.

Because Lynn has been in the Chambord Islands for too long, the news about Hades is constantly being released.

It has spread all over the sea, and more and more pirates are coming from all directions. They all want to get a share of the pie, and they all want to see if they can get this legendary ancient weapon.

When they were attracted by Lynn's glittering treasure, they would rush towards the Chambord Islands like hungry tigers, and this place could not hold so many pirates.

They have to go out to sea. Once they go out to sea, they will directly reach the underwater fish-man island through the coating, and then enter the new world.

This is the fastest way, but... Now the relationship between Fishman Island and the Terran is very rigid.

Just many years ago, after the Sun Pirates Tiger Brain Sanctuary, Marlene Joa, released all the slaves and freed those who were... enslaved by the Dragons, but he was killed not long afterward, followed by The Sun Pirates disbanded.

That is, after that, the princess of Fishman Island also had an accident.

From then on, the relationship between murlocs, mermen and humans began to deteriorate, and the so-called peaceful coexistence could not continue.

Just a year ago, Princess Otoji was shot and killed, so the relationship between Fishman Island and humans has completely deteriorated. Now entering Fishman Island will encounter many troubles.

There must be a war.

Not the army of the murloc kingdom, but the newcomer, the fish pirates, stationed there.

In other words, the war will spread to Fishman Island.

What a vicious move, worthy of the Warring States period.

Old fox.

Brother Doflaming wanted to understand the ins and outs, and he also began to have a plan in his heart. It seemed that this time to come here for the meeting was not a helpless trip without gain.

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