Immediately distressed.

Now, isn't it time to have another banquet?


After sailing at sea for seven days, Lynn didn't know the news that his name had spread all over the sea for the time being, but at this moment, they came to a strange sea.

The sky is full of dark clouds, as if endless.

The surrounding light was very dim, and the situation in the distance could hardly be seen. There was a thick fog in the air, as if a cloudy wind would strike from time to time.

In the distance, there are several ships without pirate flags, looming in the fog.

"This is the Devil's Triangle. Maybe there will be some big pirate."

Little Nami hung on Lynn's back very seriously, hugging his neck, and said solemnly.

There must be...

Lynn thought rather speechlessly.

According to the development of the original story, the current Moonlight Moria started to recruit troops in this area, or to strengthen the strength of his pirate group.

There is actually something about his fruit ability.

Although it is a little tasteless for its own personal strength.

It is neither physical technique nor elementalization, which has led to various confusions about Moria's strength. In short, it does not seem to be very strong.

It gives people the feeling that any physique master who can armed with color can beat him.

But his fruit ability can create a pirate army.

As long as he gets the corpses of the strong, he can build an army.

Still, Lynn didn't like Moriah.

Mainly because he is so ugly.

"Smog, Moria seems to be here."

Lynn said in a low voice.

"Oh, that Shichibukai?"

"What is Qiwuhai?"

Anilu, who flashed from the observation deck, asked a question.

His perception of this sea is still at the level of "Qinghai", he just thinks that this is an area that needs to be conquered.

"Ah, in order to check and balance the sea, some of the big pirates recruited each have good strength."

Smog explained a little, which made Anilu immediately interested: "Then go and fight with them!!"

As soon as the words fell, the ships in front suddenly seemed to have encountered something terrifying, and turned their bows crazily.

"Ah!! Help!!"

"There's a ghost!"

There were intermittent shouts, and a ship was silent in front of Lynn, and was attacked by black shadows.

As if a giant beast in the dark swallowed it.

"Oh~~~" Luffy sat on the bow, his eyes dignified and shocked.

"What a powerful ability."

At this time, in the chaos, one of the boats in front ran out, madly fled towards the direction where Lin En and others were, and came to the front in a short time.

"Let's go and have a look."

Lynn gave the order.

Chapter 5: [8/[*]] Devil's Triangle Sea Area! 【Seeking flowers, seeking evaluation】


The cargo ship leaned lightly beside the warship, and when the two ships were connected, the comparison showed the huge size of Lynn's G351.

Even more than three times the volume.

Lynn looked down at the people on the cargo ship. In order to reduce the weight, there were only a few boxes left on their ship.

"It's the Navy! Saved, we're saved!"

Someone on the boat shouted, raising their hands and shouting at the people on the warship.

With a bang, a ladder emerged from the side of the deck and extended to their ship. This scene made the people on the cargo ship a little scared.

They have also seen warships, all of which are standard ladder equipment. How can there be such a high-level thing, as if it appeared automatically.

"You are, you are..." A man in brown overalls and a beard stood on the deck of the g351 ship, looking around with a cautious look.

"Lord Commander of the Navy, we have encountered an attack, may I please let us follow you?"

"Okay." The corners of Lynn's mouth rose, revealing a slight smile.

Makes people feel warm.

"But we might have to look for the attacking ship, shall we?"

Lynn still smiled, but these people no longer felt his smile was warm.

Kind of scary! !

"Don't go! Don't go!!"

"Sir, we have a reason to go there, please, you are the navy, you can't ignore us!! Take us there!"

These guys frantically called for help, which made Anilu interested. He walked up to the height of the boat's bow, opened his arms, and several arm-thick thunderbolts circled back and forth in his hands.It turned into a thunderball and danced.

"Wow... this is, you are..."

"It's a natural devil fruit!!"

"Hey, it's a miracle!!! I'm a god!"

Ai Nilu's face suddenly played with Yan Yi.


The sailors laughed, and those on the cargo ship felt a little strange.

The sailors on this ship seem to be a little different from the others...

At this time, a piece of paper fell from the sky.

It slammed into the face of the cargo ship captain, and he took it down to take a look.

"The source of the devil, Lynn, has a bounty of 6 million, regardless of life or death."

"Lynn..." His body suddenly trembled.

What the fuck? !

This face, why is it so familiar, as if I had just seen it.


He raised his head mechanically, his head buzzing, just saw Lynn's face.

Isn't that...

"The devil, the source of the devil!! Ah!! You are a pirate!"

The captain shouted loudly and fell to the ground with a puff. With the wind, rain and thunder and lightning in this place, a feeling of fear spread like a tide in his heart.


"Let me go, let me go, I'm a good person, no, I'm a bad person, no, I'm not a pirate, not a navy!! I'm just an ordinary person!"

Lynn paused for the new kiosk in his hands.

He smiled and said, "Okay, okay, I don't mean anything else."

"But I'm curious, what's the cargo on your ship?"

His eyes suddenly sharpened.

Let the people on this cargo ship shudder at the same time.


The captain's body suddenly stiffened, and he hesitated for a long time and couldn't say anything.

Anilu flashed a flash of lightning and roared in front of the captain.

"Hey, you can't hide it from us."

On this ship, after months of training and the almost crazy and perverted electrocution torture of Anilu, most of the people have already touched the threshold of knowledge.

A small number of people have awakened to seeing and hearing, although the degree is not very high.

But can also feel it.

There is a problem with their goods.

All are alive.

"You are trafficking people?!"

"No! No, sir! No, sir..."

The captain was a fat guy, and he panicked immediately, his round eyes rolling wildly.

"we are--"

boom! !

A thunderbolt fell from the sky and exploded directly under his feet.

He fell to the ground in fright.

The crew and captains on these cargo ships are all ordinary people, and they don't seem to have much strength themselves. They may be OK against ordinary pirates, but they are powerless to fight back against Enilu.

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