Pirate God Skin

Pirate God-level Skin Chapter 225 Are you ready to bear the wrath of the empire!

"What do you want to contact the Marshal's office"

Lieutenant Colonel Chur was startled, and then he couldn't help but ecstatic.

If the Marshal of the Warring States Period knew that he was kidnapped, would you still be afraid that the Dark Lord would not be taken away?

Even if he is a small person who is irrelevant, the Marshal of the Warring States Period, for the sake of the navy's face, will never let him go.

Lieutenant Colonel Kuer immediately woke up again, and forcibly suppressed the uncontrollable joy on his face.


However, Grus, who had just woke up, had not fully understood the situation.

Grouse only saw the face of the Dark Lord as soon as he woke up, and he heard the Dark Lord's proposal again in a panic, and he confessed his true thoughts with joy.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Grus realized that he had made a mistake, and hurriedly covered his mouth in a panic.

This idiot

Lieutenant Colonel Kuer couldn't help cursing in his heart, he was really a pig teammate, and he was more than successful.Mo Yan chuckled, and said, "How could your careful thoughts be hidden from you. I think you can't wait for what you want to call the Warring States period. It's better to act quickly."

Lieutenant Colonel Kuer suddenly became alert when he heard the words, only feeling a little surprised.

Isn't he afraid of the Marshal of the Warring States period at all?

Mo Yan had already seen through the thoughts of Lieutenant Colonel Kurt, and said lightly, "I am the king of the Chinese empire. There is always the strongest empire behind him, so why not be afraid of the Warring States"


Lieutenant Colonel Kurt rolled his eyes and said, "But even if I call the Marshal of the Warring States Period, I can't guarantee my safety, right"

After calming down, Lieutenant Colonel Chur discovered another problem.

That is, even if the Warring States period really wants to send troops to solve the Dark Lord, it will take some time.

With this period of time, it is enough for the Dark Lord in front of him to kill hundreds of himself

So Lieutenant Colonel Kuer decided to negotiate with Mo Yan as he did to other pirates in his jurisdiction.

"Killing Curse"

As soon as Lieutenant Colonel Kuer thought of this, he felt a flash of green light around him, and a cold breath that made him chill from his bones passed by.


Gros's body slowly fell to the ground, limp like mud.

Seeing his pupils dilate, his face is like a white paper, and he died on the spot.

Looking at Grus's dilated pupils, the tremor on Lieutenant Colonel Kuer's body became more and more severe.

Without any opportunity for negotiation, it is simply moody. If you say kill, you kill.

"You don't have any bargaining qualifications." Mo Yan didn't want to talk nonsense with Lieutenant Colonel Kuer, "I don't know if you can protect your safety by calling the Warring States Period, but I know that if you don't call the Warring States Period, you will die immediately. "

Gross is the best example. A Lieutenant Commander, like a livestock sacrifice of chickens, ducks, fish, and sheep, was casually slaughtered by Mo Yan as a victim of killing chickens and monkeys.

"This man is definitely an out-and-out devil"

Lieutenant Colonel Kuer was trembling all over, and he didn't even dare to look at Mo Yan. He could only tremblingly walk to the desk and uncovered a telephone bug with the Navy logo.

"Puff Lulu Pululu"

I picked up the phone worm, and soon after dialing out, there was an operator talking. Lieutenant Colonel Kuer almost yelled out, "I am Kuer, the highest officer of the 11th branch of the East China Sea. I immediately connected to the Marshal’s office. There is an emergency. report"

"Oh, alright."

The operator was also frightened by Lieutenant Colonel Kuer’s tone, hesitated, and transferred Lieutenant Colonel Kuer to the Warring States office.

Although he was only a lieutenant colonel in the East China Sea, which has the lowest gold content, it is after all the highest rank in the navy below the general rank of the navy, so for the operator, Lieutenant Colonel Kurt is still very important.

Naturally, they are all already promoted to the school-level navy, and they are not low lieutenants in the school-level navy. It is not unusual to have the privilege of reporting to the marshal in emergency situations.

"Hey, who"

Not long after, a slightly excited voice of Warring States rang from the phone bug.

If it were not for Mo Yan's illusion, Mo Yan seemed to have heard a hint of joy from it, but the most was a high fighting spirit, and he didn't know who he was fighting against.

"Hello, Warring States." Mo Yan smiled. "You sound in a good mood. I think I gave you a gift through Dalmesia. You like it very much."

There was a sudden silence on the phone bug, and then the voice of the Warring States gnashing his teeth sounded again.

"You are the Dark Lord"

The gifts that Mo Yan said through Dalmesia, of course, refers to the use of the Imperius Curse to manipulate Dalmesia to attack the Warring States Period. For this reason, the Warring States not only was injured, but also had to imprison all related lieutenants. Observe for a long time.

It can be said that the most feared thing in the Warring States period is undoubtedly the unpredictable and weird ability of the Dark Lord.

"The answer is correct, but unfortunately no prize."

Mo Yan applauded the Warring States, and asked straightforwardly, "The half month agreed by the Dragon King Akunorokia with you has now completely passed. I wonder if your devil fruits are ready."

When Mo Yan first used Akunorokia's skin, he had a half-month appointment with the Warring States Period, and the Warring States Period was limited to fill up the remaining Devil Fruit within half a month.

After experiencing the extermination of the bi pirate group, the Qishui City, the total extermination order, and the journey to the East China Sea, the time has passed for several days longer than half a month.

If the Warring States is not ready to owe the devil fruit, it is too unreasonable.

"Devil Fruit"

The Warring States snorted, and sneered, "Don't be wishful thinking, our navy will not give evil fruits to evil forces."

Sure enough

Mo Yan knew it in his heart, and he had already guessed that this happened after learning the prediction.

But Mo Yan's face still quickly became cold.

"Is the navy ready to bear the anger from the empire?"

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