Chapter 1: Windmill Town, the horror properties of Shanks! (first update)

East Blue, Windmill Town.

It is spring, when everything is revived, a hundred flowers are in full bloom, and colorful flowers dot the island.

In a tavern, there were bursts of laughter.

“Wow, Shanks, is that true? A whale bigger than a small island?!!”

A little boy raised his head and widened his eyes. He looked at the red-haired young man with a straw hat leaning on the wine table, holding a large glass of wine in his right hand, and hurriedly asked.

The red-haired youth in the straw hat took a sip of the wine in his hand: “Hahaha, Luffy is real, it’s nothing bigger than a whale on an island, I tell you, there is also a walking in the sea, called “” “Super Elephant” that walks on land at sea.

The little boy was stunned. After a few seconds, his pupils dilated and he jumped up from the chair, extremely excited: “Super…Super Elephant!!!”

With a look of excitement on his face, stars twinkling in his eyes, he turned his head and looked aside: “Luo Chen heard, did you hear, the super elephant “walking on land on the sea”!!”

“I have decided that I will become a pirate like Shanks in the future, and I will use my fists that are faster than bullets when I venture freely on the sea.” Throw a few punches forward.

This cute appearance made the pirates in the tavern couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

“What are you laughing at, a fist as fast as a bullet!!” Little Luffy was a little exasperated: “What I said is true!!”

“Yes, yes, little Luffy is right, come on, come on, come and beat my back with your bullet-fast fist.”


There was another burst of laughter in the tavern.

On the side, Luo Chen looked at the many pirates in Red Hair Pirates with a smile on his face. Maybe they didn’t expect that the little boy who was fighting with them today would overturn the entire sea in the future.

It’s been almost five years since I came to this world.

Luo Chen sighed a little, he was not originally from this world, but because of an accident, he crossed into the world of pirates that he was very familiar with.

At 12 years old this year, he is now Garp’s ‘adopted grandson’, five-year-old older brother of Luffy.

His body was still his own, but for some unknown reason, his body turned into his seven-year-old body and fell into Windmill Town.

At that time, he was just met by Garp who was returning home, and he became Garp’s ‘adopted grandson’, Luffy’s brother.

Full name is MonkeyD. Luo Chen

It’s been five years now.

Like many traversers, he also has his own system.

A system called—[God Level Extraction].

The ability of this system is unusually pervert, the ability to extract the ability of things that have been touched.

Contact with the cheetah can extract the explosive power of the cheetah.

Get in touch with the gorilla and be able to extract the terrifying power of the gorilla.

【Host】: Luo Chen

[Extracted abilities]: Cheetah explosive power, bull stamina, orangutan strength, primary swordsmanship, entry-level shooting

[Standby ability]: crocodile scales, frog body surface mucous membranes, alcohol consumption…

[Ability being extracted]: A-level swordsmanship (20%), A-level Armament Haki (30%), A-level Observation Haki (30%), A-level shooting (40%)…

[Comprehensive strength]: Taicai, no rating will be given

The primary swordsmanship was previously extracted from a Marine behind Garp.

Looking at the ability that was being extracted at the back of his system, Luo Chen only felt a little liver pain. It has been more than a month. Only 20% of the A-level swordsmanship has been extracted, and only 30% of the other A-level abilities. What is there to extract? time.

The extraction speed is based on Luo Chen himself, who is equivalent to the hardware of a computer. The stronger he is, the stronger the hardware, and the stronger the extraction speed.

But his current strength is equivalent to a Marine veteran…

So the speed of extraction is simply turtle speed.

To extract the ability of the other party, you must ensure that the extracted object is within 2 meters of your own, otherwise the extraction will be interrupted.

So he’s a pain in the ass.

Of course, the objects he extracted were some of the team leaders of Red Hair Pirates, not the cadres of Red Hair Pirates.

The people in this tavern are the cadres of Red Hair Pirates and the team leaders under the cadres.

It’s not that Luo Chen doesn’t want to extract the ability of cadres, or directly extract the ability of Shanks.

The point is…it can’t be done.

【Target】: Shanks

[Ability]: SSS-level Swordsmanship (not extractable), SSS-level Conqueror’s Haki (non-extractable), SSS-level Armament Haki (non-extractable), SS-level Observation Haki (non-extractable)

[Comprehensive strength]: SSS level

This is what Shanks has, only one Observation Haki is SS, the rest are all SSS.

When Luo Chen first probed, his eyes glowed red when he saw this ability, but when he saw that there were words that couldn’t be extracted behind him, everyone was dumbfounded. This is even a 100% beauty with red fruit lying in front of you. Then you look down at yourself, impotence.

That just wanted to die.

In addition to Shanks, the cadres of Red Hair Pirates also have the ability of SS level or even above SSS level, and the worst ability is S level.

The upper limit of Luo Chen’s ability to extract ability is A-level.

The ability above A-level can only be stared blankly.

Moreover, he is now struggling to extract A-level abilities. It takes 5 months to extract A-level swordsmanship, and it also takes 3 months to extract the rest of the A-level abilities.

Even if he can extract the ability of S rank or higher now, it is estimated that the time it will take will make him despair.

Luo Chen looked at the Red Hair Pirates who were fighting all over the house with Luffy, a little kid. No one would have imagined that the Red Hair Pirates under the Four Emperors Shanks would be so approachable and have no air.

This month, Luo Chen and Luffy are already familiar with the thieves of Red Hair Pirates.

While fighting.

at this time……


The door of the tavern was violently pushed open, and a group of people walked in.

The laughter in the tavern suddenly stopped.

[The new book is released, the handsome guys who pass by, move your hands, cast flowers and comment votes, thank you! ]*

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