Lei Li also discovered Luo Chen at this time and smiled: “I didn’t expect that besides me, someone would also come to Sky Island.。”

“I’m a little surprised. One Piece’s vice-captain, Hades Rayleigh, I didn’t expect to see you here. Lei

Li raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling a little surprised that Luo Chen recognized him: “How do you know me?” ”

Only those at the top of the Navy and people of the same era as myself know that I。

“My grandfather is Kapp. “Luo Chen said, this can only be done by letting Garp take the blame.

Reilly nodded and showed his nostalgia: “That old man Garp also has his own grandson.。”

“But you, boy, have lived up to your grandfather’s reputation. ”

Reilly looked at Luo Chen. He taught Shanks all the swordsmanship. Naturally, he could feel the sharp sword intent on Luo Chen.

He looked at the historical text in front of him, with memories in his eyes: “This man, As I get older, I always like to reminisce about the past. ”

Twelve years ago, all the members of the Roger Pirates also visited Sky Island and discovered the land of gold.

They drank wantonly under the gold and cheered loudly in celebration.

Roger also wrote a sentence next to the historical text. Introduction.

This is the best memory in their lives, when they were teenagers wearing bright clothes and angry horses!

“Okay, I’m leaving. It’s been quite some time since I left the Chambord Islands. I went to Rogge Town to pay homage to him, and I came to Sky Island again. It’s time to go back, otherwise the navy will have to be worried again. ”

Reilly stood up, took a bottle of wine and left.。


After Lei Li left, Luo Chen came to the historical text. Next to the historical text, there were newly added words, which were the introduction written by Roger.

But I can’t understand it at all. The introduction is the same as the historical text.

It looks like a heavenly book.

Then, the two walked around the entire Golden Land for a while and then left.

He has not touched the gold in this land of gold. There is no need to destroy this kind of treasure left over from history.

Moreover, money is really not necessary for them.

If you really want gold…

Luo Chen’s eyes narrowed. He remembered that there was a moving country on the sea, where there was the most gold.。



In the next two days, Luo Chen and Ain strolled around Kongdao for a while and bought some special shells and specialties from Kongdao.

Afterwards, we came to Bika Palace and asked King Bika where Yunhe Konglu was.

In the latter’s hands, I got the pass for Yunhe Air Road.

The t

(Read more novels by visiting our website: Knights Novel) wo of them did not stay on the empty island for long, and drove directly to the Yunhe Konglu by boat.

They came to the end of the Baibai Sea. At the end of the Baibai Sea, there was a huge door. This was the gate of Yunhe Konglu.

Passed the traffic order.

The gate slowly opened and the ship entered the canal.

Luo Chen looked at it, and saw that the canal road was made entirely of cumulus clouds, something like a slide, winding downwards like a staircase.

Chi chi chi~!

Water jets.

Just like in a water park, the entire boat was instantly ejected by the water flow and entered the slide.

Then an extremely exciting feeling of weightlessness came.

The entire ship entered the canal and rushed down.

Nervous and extremely exciting。



Almost half an hour later.

They came to the end of the canal road. There was a gate here, which was the exit.


The whole ship went straight down.

A Ji Emperor Cloud arose at the bottom of the ship, and then held up the entire ship.

The entire ship descended slowly.

More than half a minute later…

Qinghai, a vast expanse of desert stretches here. This is Shengting Island. There is a country on the island called Alabasta.

At this time, Albana, the royal capital of the Kingdom of Alabasta.

There is a huge palace complex here, and this is the royal palace of Alabasta.

At this time…

behind the palace, a group of ministers and the king were sitting in the courtyard, discussing matters.。

“Kingdom…King, sky…Did a ship fall from the sky? “An official looked at the sky in disbelief.。

“How could there be a ship in the sky? Are you too tired? Another official said, and then he fantasized about the sky, his eyes widened, and his tongue was tied: “It’s true… there is… there is… a boat.” ”

All the officials looked at it, and they all looked like they were dazzled, rubbing their eyes desperately.

But yes, there is indeed a ship.

King Kobra was a little puzzled, and then he also looked, and then The pupils suddenly shrank to a point.

Their expressions were all the same, with a dull look on their faces. They looked at this scene stupidly, with their mouths open, which could easily fit an egg in. Whoosh~bang


Ships fell from the sky It fell down and hit the open space.

Suddenly there was a deafening sound, yellow sand was flying all over the sky, throwing up countless dust, and the ground was shaking.

The officials looked at the thick yellow sand and said: “It’s really… really The boat was smashed down. ”

at this time……

“Hello, where are you? ”

A voice came from the sky。


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