Evening comes.

In the backyard of Karp’s house, a bonfire was rising, with many ingredients placed around it.

Luo Chen and Garp were having a barbecue. The reason was that Garp didn’t like eating and liked meat.

Luffy is very similar to him in this aspect。

“Luo Chen boy, where did you learn the armed domineering spirit? “Garp asked.

Luo Chen buried his head in eating the meat. Not to mention, the meat Garp brought was really delicious. He didn’t even raise his head and said: “On that day, I watched you use it for a while, and then you got it. ? ”


You learned it after watching yourself use it? ? ?

You have nothing to do and play with the sword by yourself, and then your strength is comparable to that of a swordsman, and you have half a foot in the ranks of great swordsmen.

Now that I have seen myself using Armament Haki, I have learned it! ? ? ?

What a monster!

Garp looked at Luo Chen like he was looking at a monster。

“Hahaha, I lied to you. Luo Chen also felt that this was a bit too shocking. He tore off a mouthful of meat and said, “I had a sword fight with Shanks before, and then he gave me the training method of armed domineering, and I spent boring time on the warship.” , and learned. ”

Garp nodded. From Windmill Town to the Navy Headquarters, he had to deal with some things, so he walked for two months. Did he

learn Armament Haki in the world in two months and cultivate it to this level?

He How long did it take to learn Armament Haki?


It seemed to be about 3 months. It took Sengoku and Zefa two old Ozawa 4 months, and it took more than half a year to cultivate to Luo Chen’s current level. .

Even though Luo Chen said the time was 2 months, it was still shocking.

This talent is really too evil.

Tonight, Garp ate very happily, holding a big wine jar and drinking endlessly. .

Garp leaned on the stone drunkenly while holding the wine vat, sticking out his big tongue: “I, I’m very happy.。”

“I’m really afraid that when I retire, I get old, my combat effectiveness declines, and no one will come to protect you anymore.。”

“That bastard Dragon became the leader of the revolutionary army, and the world government wanted to cut him into pieces. Someone made a damn suggestion before and used Luffy as bait to lure Dragon out.。”

“I knocked on the door of that bastard and beat him half to death.。”

“But I can protect you for a while, but I can’t protect you for a lifetime. My body is getting worse day by day, and sooner or later I will be unable to shake my fists.。”

“That old boy from the Warring States period wears the same pants as me. He will definitely not listen to some bastard’s advice.。”

“But, he is also old. The future navy belongs to Akainu and the others. Akainu is more of a pirate than a pirate and can do whatever it takes. I’m afraid that in order to force Ryu, he will be unfavorable to Luffy.。”

“But…but…but now I, I am not worried anymore. As long as

(Read more novels by visiting our website: Knights Novel) you have the same strength as me in the future, or even surpass me, the navy will not dare to attack you. ”

Garp said a lot drunkenly, and then he fell asleep with bubbles coming out of his nose and saliva.

Listening to these words, Luo Chen fell silent.

Garp was old, and fame and wealth were all in the past for him. Yunyan.

The most important thing to him is his family.

In the face of the war…

the most painful thing in his heart is not Whitebeard or Luffy, it is him.

He wants to save Ace, but because of his identity, he can only turn a blind eye. Watching Ace being executed and then dying in front of him, the white-haired man sent the black-haired man away.

In the end, he couldn’t even collect the body.

When he saw Ace being penetrated by Akainu’s punch, he was furious Wanting to attack Akainu,

Sengoku suppressed his head on the ground and shouted: “Are you crazy? You are a navy! His

eyes were full of tears, and the veins on his forehead were exposed. He roared and said to Warring States: “Just like this, stop me like this, otherwise, I will kill Sakaski!” ”

Sengoku also knew that Garp had lost a grandson.

When Luffy went to the Xingtai to save Ace, Warring States turned into a giant Buddha and slapped Luffy.

This palm, he was free, Garp , we can’t lose another grandson.

Otherwise, how could Luffy, who didn’t even know the Haki of Arms and Haki and the Haki of Wisdom and Hearing at that time, be able to take his palm without any harm

from Ace being killed in front of him? At that moment…

he also regretted that he was a marine.

And it was not impossible to use Luffy to force Dragon out. With

Garp and Sengoku retired, and Akainu in power, this situation would really happen. It’s very likely to happen.

Isn’t the top war just to use Ace to force Whitebeard to come to the Navy’s home court to fight?

This is Akainu’s idea.

Akainu, for the twisted justice in his heart, can even kill civilians. The pirates were massacred together, and even their own colleagues could be ruthless.

Moreover, Monkey D. Dragon, the number one enemy of the World Government, was much more threatening than the Yonko Whitebeard!


“Don’t worry, I will grow to the point where no one dares to mess with me. ”

Luo Chen said silently to Garp who was sleeping soundly.

He was eating quietly on the side, and at the same time he was also exploring the navy around him.

He had previously extracted B-level armed color domineering, and his comprehensive strength has reached He has reached A/level.

Now his detection range has been extended to 20 meters.

Garp is surrounded by naval officers.

He happened to find a naval officer who meets the requirements.

After reaching A/level, he extracts the same A-level ability, only It takes 12 hours

to extract B-level abilities.

It depends on the ability. It

takes about 2 to 4 hours.

But this is when extracting alone.

This night, Luo Chen extracted B-level Haki.。


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